What do you think Sup Forums I dont eat corpse flesh and having it rotting im my gut no way man no way been there done...

What do you think Sup Forums I dont eat corpse flesh and having it rotting im my gut no way man no way been there done that and it smells so bad !!!

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Vegan Sup Forumsro checking in

You do you, more meat for me nom nom nom

Bacon is too good to stop eating it. I need bacon to survive. every night I open the fridge and I hear a little voice saying "baaaacon"

Vegetarian Sup Forumsgenerate checking in.
Not opposed to eating meat, just prefer it cruelty free. And my meat-less diet is pretty healthy anyways so I rarely feel the need for it.


If I shoot em in the face as they lick the barrel considered cruelty free?

basically you are a retard and animals are and will always be the most cucked creatures on this planet


I tried to stop eating meat. Never liked the taste. But I couldn't stop myself.

How does someone just stop eating meat?

You're not a Vegan. Vegans are from the Vega system. Like Centaurians are from Alpha Centauri.

>Look at me I'm VEGAN
>That plants are not living creatures
>That plants can't rot in a fridge or gut
>You're a fucking idiot.

We eat the once living to live.

>look like a garden
You store manure in there too?


No such thing as a vegan.

>How does someone just stop eating meat?
It's a moral choice. If an adult makes that decision they live with the consequences. The next step in their fallacy is to have children and force them to go vegan. The children will be malnourished for lack of protein, subnormal intelligence, and left out of the breeding pool because no one will choose to breed with them. It's a self correcting problem.

I like my leatherbound books. Vegans can't into literature.

I'll take both fridges. I like a balanced diet with plenty of meat and veg innit.

Keep eating vegetables, fruit, and grains.
Then after you are fattened up, drop your address on me.
You will make a fine meal.

So...a morgue for dead plants?

Plants are lifeforms too. Save the plants.

So you prefer rotting vegetation in your 'gut', good to know you sick shit.


I'm a vegetarian when I'm not eating meat.

Stop kidnapping tree babies so you can drink your "juice".

>I dont eat corpse flesh

As opposed to non-corpse flesh?

The plants are still alive not dead meat

And corporations tell you to eat flesh every day through the media !!!

yes, eat living plants instead of dead meat.
those poor plants...

I know I shouldn't eat meat. I know it's sad to kill the animals and they suffer. I know it fucks up the environment. But I do it anyway because I like it. Human beings are flawed species, barely intelligent enough to create a civilization and not intelligent enough to make the world a good place. It will be this way until a better species overtakes us.

I say this everytime but...

Veganism isn't bloodless like they would have you believe. Every acre of those vegan, organic, non gmo, ethical foods is planted with machines that tear up the soil and kill dozens of animals per acre.

If it's a grain crop or something like soy beans, then at harvest a combine rolls through and kills dozens more rabbits, ground squirrels, baby deer, moles, and mice.

If it's a pickable crop, then it's usually a team of illegals getting paid slave wages. It's the only way to keep costs down.

Veganism isn't moral. It's still built on animal blood and the exploitation of vulnerable humans.

yet we are the apex of our home world, skilled and intelligent enough to bend other living things to our will.

bro nothing in life brings me as much joy as smelling my hot, painful, massively potent gaseous emissions after eating way too much red meat at a weekend BBQ
god your life must be shit what the fuck do you do for fun?

There's always a first species that meets the minimum requirements to build technology in every world's evolutionary chain. We're so proud of ourselves but who are we comparing ourselves to, monkeys and dolphins? Yay humanity, look how smart we are, so much smarter. But, think how dumb we are. The universe can improve on this pattern.

I'm vegan because I care about the suffering of animals, creatures completely incapable of thought or reason whose entire existence is governed by a series of instinctual reactions and biological impulses. And the feeling good superiority it gives me gets me rock hard.


I'm not a vegan because I'm secure enough in who I am and my lifestyle choices that I don't feel the need to constantly remind others of my lifestyle choices nor do I feel the need to project my lifestyle choices onto others in an unsolicited manner.

And that's all it is really. You people just want a label for yourselves in order to feel like you're part of a group and as an excuse to constantly seek validation for your shitty insecure existence. You're no better than those religious fuckwads who feel the need to constantly remind others what religion they follow or those dipshits who plaster everything they own with their favorite sports team's logo.


Dolphins and chimps are smart compared to other animals, and have the IQ of a toddler compared to an adult human. We are quantifiably smarter.


Yay us, we're smarter than chimps, we rarely throw our poo! This doesn't make me feel particularly proud. I still can't remember where I put my car keys or how to do long division.

I only eat vegans since my new year's resolution to get back into cannibalism. They are light and flavorful and they make me gassy which still makes me laugh

that brings forth the question of how we define intelligence

The universe is a thing, a term describing the entirety of our physical reality. It has no consciousness and thus cannot '' do'' anything. We are here.

You strike me as a fart smeller
>Smart feller

To me it's less about intelligence and more about capacity to feel. I think many animals can feel love or sorrow on just as deep a level as we can. But they don't have the intellect for worry or regret or some other things. For sheer intelligence computers crush us, but they don't feel shit so it sort of doesn't count. But, it must be possible for a feeling creature to be as intelligent as computers are. I really believe these creatures exist somewhere in time and space, maybe a lot of them.

>I still can't remember where I put my car keys

- Buy picture hooks.
- Nail them into wall next to door.
- Hang keys on hooks.

>or how to do long division.

Who the fuck needs that? I had a calculator watch back in the 80's and now have a calculator app on my phone. Can't remember how to do a certain math something? Google.

Are you smarter than a dolphin?

If you are able to type words to answer this question the answer is yes.

That's how we fucking define intelligence you cunt.

I know but that's not really the point, I'm just saying, we could be a hell of a lot smarter than we are. We're not pressing against some theoretical upper limit of intelligence, not by a longshot.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think plant matter is doing in your stomach? Growing, flowering and being pollinated by bees? I mean, feel free to not eat meat. But your particular statement makes no logical sense.

Ever had a compost heap? They don't smell particularly pleasant either.

Regardless, you've done your part today and gone out of your way to remind people that vegans are a thing and that they are annoyingly vocal about it.

Computers can process mathematics and sort data faster. If you think that's the sum of intelligence, you're actually dumber than a fucking machine.

computers aren't "more" intelligent then us, they simple have greater access to our collective understanding and intelligence, they are only as smart as their creators and all those who came before and after them, don't think of a computer as an intelligent creation but an access point to the vast knowledge of humanity.

That's your fault asshole.

We went to the goddamn moon, we're the irrefutable top species on the planet. Everything else is somewhere between a slave, anpet, and a novelty.

We won. Stop being a faggot and enjoy winning. Your 100 great grandfather Zug didn't die in a mammoth hunt just so you could be a grass eating bitch.

if you love animals so much, why are you eating their food?

chances are that in 100 years the world, at least in the west, will be vegan, cause there arent really any valid arguments for eating meat unless youre living in a tribe in africa or something, but in the mean time ill keep eating meat.

Surly veg "rots" much faster

Life feeds on life, feeds on life, feeds on life. This is necessary.

but what is intelligence?
i think, therefore i am?

So none of the vegans have a refutation of this?

People really don't like being told they're not that smart, they REALLY don't. We lack objectivity about ourselves.

Cognitive ability.

I can solve calculus problems.

A dolphin gets caught accidentally in the tuna net.

I eat the dolphin.


good as answer as any i guess

So it's okay to kill someone if you can outsmart them and you want something they have? Hmm.

>>For sheer intelligence computers crush us

I do not think that word means what you think it means. Computers are not capable of anything more than what we are capable of programming them to do. And since we cannot program true intelligence, all a computer is is a fancy calculator.

Do you define the word "someone" as any creature? Because the definition is clearly a person, as in human.

Pasta is made from cow's blood? No, but your post is full of bull excrement.

i exist because i will myself to exist, you exist because i want you to exist, he is dead because i no longer wanted him to exist, those who will existence exist those who don't or can't die, welcome to our cruel reality

Untrue, computers learn. They're getting amazingly good at it, and better every day. Problem solving, memory, computation, planning, they will defeat us in all of them. They only thing they will never do is have inspiration, creative spark, desire, emotions. Not unless we figure out what the mechanism is that makes those happen. It's definitely not in circuits.


A cow eats 100 acres of grass. I kill and eat 1 cow. 1 animal dies.

A combine harvests one acre of soy for tofu. Dozens of animals are destroyed.

Who killed more animals?

It's like vegans have never actually been to a farm...

I'm not even vegan and that's some tortured logic right there. Next you'll be telling us about how we kill all those poor bugs that are trying to eat the tomatoes.

A cow is not my equal.

I owe the animals's that give me sustenance as painless a death as possible, and reverence for their sacrifice. But they are not my equal.

My thoughts are this not that anyone cares. There are no logical reasons to be vegan. Surly some life is better than no life or else when humans got sick or disabled they would be put down. If no one eats animal products then there is no need for animal. No one will pay to keep animal alive when it costs thousands, millions of animals killed in name of veganism. Hundreds of species go extinct. Without animal fertilizer crop yeald drops through the floor causing wide spread habitat destruction in name of veganism. It's not a good diet 7/10 vegans suffer at least one form of food deficiency or have to take supplements which have a very dubious long term heath effect at best. Veg is cheaper than meat. Do you look where it comes from? I live in UK i am a chef brexit is predicted to double the cost of home grown vegetables. One farmer quoted that of the 4000 people he has employed since starting his business growing tomato's that 2 where British and they lasted a combined 5 days. The veg industry is build on cheap often illegal working conditions exploiting the most vulnerable. Veg prices will soar farmers will be forced to use much more intensive environmentally damaging practices to produce food. Long term lead to the worst sea lake and river pollution we have seen since the 70's when the worst poisens and pesticides where banned.

Before you convince me that it's immoral to eat meat you're gonna have to convince me that morals exist.

I'm talking about all the rabbits and fawns and rodents that decide to live in a field of crops. They die at harvest.

Are they not also worth equal consideration?

I'm saying vegans don't get to claim a moral high ground when their mode of sustenance still kills animals, and exploits people.

hey don't, those who believe in them are simply afraid of a reality without them


I love killing things then eating their dyeing flesh, ever cut somethings throat and drank it's blood while it's still alive? it's amazing you should try it some time

>meat rots but not good ol veggies
>no surie, they're immortal
>never ever gone bad

Fair enough. As long as we keep breeding like rabbits more nature will be destroyed to keep up with us.


what percentage of livestock are 100% grassfed? is the only animal product you buy 100% grassfed beef? what about pigs, chickens, non grassfed cows, eggs, dairy, fish, etc. etc.
also you ignore context, killing a cow by your own hand vs animals being incidentally killed while you're harvesting crops on your own land are vastly different, in fact from a pov regarding property rights those animals could even be perceived as trespassing on your land.
if you're interested in a more detailed breakdown from someone who can explain it better than me, watch youtube.com/watch?v=hM4iPBNAfMw

It's called the food chain, bitch. Only animals low on the food chain eat leaves and shit, humans are at the top.

We need meat for it's nutrition and fat, without meat you're gonna become anemic and have other problems related to vitamin and mineral deficiencies unless you're taking some form of multivitamin. Nice one, vegans.

Yeah but, ice cream.

let me guess, a lot of those multivitamins come from dead animals to right?

after all , you're killing plant. vegetable are living creature you know .

anyways /b are full of troll and vegan (the one i know and i've meet not everyone) are generaly irrational as FUCK and it's very difficult to speak with them without one vegan become crazy and yell like a tard .

the real problem with veganism is they see everything with vegan eye , it's like everything who are not vegan are against them .

and yes i've take this bait

That's not true, you have to think that 95% of vegan people, have been eating and thinking like you.
I remember when I was making fun of vegans 4 years ago....

You people love animals, and I'm sure one day you will understand.


> be me
> read about veganism and so on
> find some interesting stuff
> mention it to friends and/or family
> but we're not going vegan user, you know that, right?!
It's like you can't talk about not eating meat, without everybody automatically assuming you want to force your lifestyle on them.
Do they also believe I want them to join Isis, when I talk about Islam?

Anyone who derives some sort of personal identity out of what they eat is an absolute goddamn idiot. I don't care if you are vegan, or vegetarian, or omnivorous. Just shut the fuck up.

Basing your diet on how your fridge looks is pretty shortsighted, don't you think?

It's because most of them love their puppies and kitties and they know that the animals they're eating are probably just as aware so they feel a little bit guilty about it. No one likes it when people say things that make them feel guilty. We all know it's kind of a little bit wrong and sad to keep those animals they way they do just to kill them and put them on a pizza. But god damn, pizza is good.

Fridge looks like a garden, while my freezer looks like a morgue.

No regrets.

Good job thought

>your land.
you mean the land you're "borrowing" from Gaia?
hope you and your innocence dies in the next disaster, bozo

Thanks for being reasonable, you're probably right.
It's just so weird to see people complain about vegans as intensely as vegans do complain about them.

veganism is self abuse