Drug thread

Drug thread

I got some green crack wax that im smoking by using vape juice drippers as a nectar collector

Any ideas as what to use after its burnt up?

Also what are you getting high on

rn, meth xanax and heroin. Ive heard you can just revape the ABV. This is what ive heard though, not a big weed guy

Anyone into RCs here?

Why not just smoke it on a bowl of weed?

ive done 4fa and 25i. You? 4fa was very underwhelming even at high dosages and 25i was very intense

oh and methylone

I got 1/2 lb of mushrooms from a friend the other day. He's selling ounces for cheap so I bought a bunch.

Took 1/8th and got high for about 4 hours. It was a really good time.

Is there anywhere to find out what the prices are in my town? I'd like to sell these ones that I have, but I haven't even seen shrooms here for over a decade

heavily depends on the market and competition. SoCal here and its widely understood to be $35/8th. That can vary pretty widely but seems to be the general consensus in majority

not as into cathinones or nbomes, but 4fa is great if you have good 4fa. it's a nice clear headed chill roll.

if you want something to blow you away go check out 6apb. by far the most intense drug experience i've ever had.

Where do you live? Not OP but I know shrooms vary in the state I'm in from anywhere from $5-8 a gram. But if they are super hard to get you can probably do like $10 a gram. Also, you can make some real cash if you turn those shrooms into chocolate shrooms.

Damn, $35 an 8th? Do shrooms go pretty quickly up there?

see the serotonergic agonism of 4fa is what drew me to it but i think my mdma past clouded my expectations. I also react very underwhelmingly to speed so that prob also interplays. id like to hear more about that 6apb experience if u dont mind

not really. Heroin/meth are just too heavy and habitualized for people to make steady profits off psychs, a la the dealers exist but it is sporadic, so my routes always been the darkweb

I'm in the interior of BC, Canada. There's surprisingly little availability here. I asked around to some hippy girls I know and they said $25-$30 for 1/8 is what they would pay. I paid $80/oz so I can make about $200 per oz sold.

I also heard of "microdosing" , any thoughts on that?

I've been out of the drug shit for about 10 years, I drink and only smoke pot if I am camping or something.

microdosing is an interesting yet still highly theoretical/experimental field of treatment. Never tried personally but i could imagine theres some value to it if we can deduce the proper methodology. its just very new. My dr. i see regularily works with Dr Drew and on a practicing patient they did a podcast on but with the subject of lsd.

i actually like 4-fa more than mdma if done properly, but it's the most fun when you combo things into it. my favorite part of the rc scene is the 'pick your own high' type quality it has; there are chemicals that specifically target different parts of your brain and you can mix and match them. comboing 4fa and moxy for ex is pretty convincingly close. not enough serotonergic action, drop in some 3-fea or 5-mapb, etc. i know the exact feel i'm going for so i can mix and match different chems and just adjust the ratios to get it closer and closer to what i want.

6apb, takes about 90 or so mins to hit, but once it does it hits you full on like a freight train; first time i did it it was so intense i was pretty much floored for the first 45min. it lasts 10 or so hours, has a really nice slight psychedelic vibe to it (if you've ever candyflipped, a bit like that), and when it ends it leaves you feeling super content with the trip; if you've ever tried just LSD by itself it's similar in how when it ends you're okay with it ending. has a really nice afterglow for the following few days, not as neurotoxic, very self-regulating, one of my altogether favorite things.


That makes sense. Something that potent would be totally worth trying it with.

The guy I got the mushrooms from has severe anxiety and he is freaked out of pharma, so he grows his own shrooms and is microdosing those.

I don't know if/how well it works, but he swears by it. I have no need to try, but the idea of it is incredibly interesting to me.

I tried microdosing and I hated that shit. It would make my stomach feel uneasy and I would feel lethargic. Also it felt like I drank a really strong cup of coffee. Wasn't a fun feeling. A perfect dose IMO is 1.7 grams. This seems to be the sweet spot for feeling fucking great and its right before you have any hallucinations. The trip is very very controllable.

>felt like I drank a really strong cup of coffee

That's my least favorite feeling ever.

I hate feeling like my bones are just gonna jump out of my body.

I took a whole 1/8th the other night and I had that initial anxious feeling for about an hour then I just peaked and was seeing some cool shit.

I put on some chill music and played with my old Legos for the rest of my trip. I built a fucking rocketship and some boots for my cat.

She hates the boots

blehhh a couple of those 25i trips were fucking horrible ego shattering soul decimating eternities. Ive kept my distance since but i appreciate your thorough and well-informed input. Designer drugs really do have that essence of "designing your own high" with the advent of gray market molecules strewn about

if you wanna go microdosing psilocybin then getting extracted concentrate from the darkweb is prob your best bet. different species from gold caps to cubensis to penis envy might skew your trials

oh i've never tried 25i the whole "you might die if you accidentally take too much" thing keeps me away.

glad to help though :)

btw, not all "designer drugs" are sketchy things. the scene gets a bad rap from cathinones, which are super cheap, super fiendish and sometimes dangerous and sold as "fake" versions of real drugs.

6-apb, 4-fa, 3-fea, etc are much more expensive/rarer than their "classic drug" counterparts, and the current batch of these going around are produced in a legitimate lab.

ha ha ha. That's dope bro. I think people micro dose cause they are afraid of whats in their head. Where as most people freak out and never explore those thoughts again I fucking plunge right into the darkest realms of my brain. That way you can deal with pent up emotions and move on with your life.

I'm also a psychonaut but with shrooms. I did 2 oz of dried golden teachers and I was in another realm as well. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't even see myself anymore but a fucking geometric world of different shades and tints of gold. I could also see "energy"... its green and teal. It almost looks like smoke and a spiderweb that slowly moves. And lastly I saw some fluorescent bugs coming out of the wall running up to the ceiling and disappearing.

I'm convinced aliens aren't necessarily in the sky on spaceships, but here on earth as micro organisms colonizing the world with our help (consumption). I also feel like we actually have more then 5 sense and we just need to learn how to tap into them in order to see whats really living right next to us.

Also about the concentrates, not the user your talking to, but would much rather get an oz or so of my own shrooms and make my own concentrate so you know exactly what you are getting.