So how do you frogs feel knowing your new president is a messed-up freak who married his own teacher who's decades...

So how do you frogs feel knowing your new president is a messed-up freak who married his own teacher who's decades older than him?

>married his own teacher who's decades older than him

>that thing

Sugar mommies for all Frenchmen

>he married his teacher
>he might be gay
That's why MLP lost. She couldn't explain what she stands for, only attacked him with this petty bullshit.

she never attacked him for being gay or a granny fucker

he's also homo

she would have lost nonetheless, but she would have reached 40%

Bet he watched some MILF porn which got him erect as fuck. Then he thinks to himself, maybe I should marry my teacher, then here we are. Where we don't even know if she'll live long enough to see the end of his term as president. Perhaps it's a good thing, she'll die knowing that her husband is still the president of france.


>«Je vois que vous essayez de faire l'élève avec le professeur. C'est pas vraiment mon truc! Et je vais vous dire, vous n'êtes pas particulièrement mon truc!»

>Where we don't even know if she'll live long enough to see the end of his term as president
She's 62, she can easily live another 20+ years.

I don't care

J'avais loupé ça. Plutôt drôle.

they started to fuck when he was 16, so 23 years ago

there was no internet back then

well, on VHS maybe...

Sur Sup Forums, certainement.

Lors d'un débat présidentiel quand tu veux présenter un programme de pouvoir à même de rassembler, au lieu d'un programme d'opposition de 1er tour, c'est une catastrophe.

Avant le débat elle était à 40%. Après le débat elle est tombée à 33% alors que l'abstention et le vote blanc n'ont jamais été aussi élevés.

Son agressivité et ses invectives lui ont coûté incroyablement cher.

he's a genius
obviously she was prime time stuff back in the day, but because she's old no one picked her. In near future we will have life extention technology so she'lll look young again and he can drill her for eternity

French women age like Slavic and Asian women: She was probably hot when he met her and then transformed into ET after menopause.

>she was prime time stuff back in the day
She was never prime stuff.
>he can drill her for eternity
Fate worse than death.

look at the daugher. she is butiful. that means she was aswell

She looks like Kevin Bacon, m8

If the guy can put the country back on track he could fuck with horses for all i care.

the age difference between the trump and macron couples are the same

I never defended Trump's trophy wife. Their kid is probably autistic because he was 60 when he conceived him.

Yeah bit it's much freakier to have a 62 year old wife when you're in your late 30s because normally men marry women the same age or younger.

Trump wasn't her teacher at school and didn't start fucking her when she was 15.

Young guy with old wife can't produce potatoes though since women lose their ability to make babies by middle age.