I need the worst jew joke that you can possibly think of

I need the worst jew joke that you can possibly think of.

how many jews can you fit in a taxi?

like five or six maybe

What's the difference between Pizza and jews?

Pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven

Two Jewish children are sitting on top of a roof near a chimney. A passer-by asks, ‘What are you doing there?’ ‘We are waiting for our parents.’

fuck man, everyone's heard that one.
two in the front, three in the back, and 23 in the ashtray.

what is the difference between boyscouts and jews?

boyscouts usually returns from the camp

in a similar vein:
what's the difference between Santa and a jew?
Santa goes down the chimney.

Not always

>What do you call a jew with no legs?

A problem half solved.

Israel ?

Why are Jewish men circumcised?
– Because Jewish women do not want to touch anything which has not got a 20% deduction.

They ARE the joke.

What was the hardest part of walking through Auschwitz? My dick

What's the difference between Pizza and jews?

the coocking time

A Jewish goes to his father and asks, "papa, may I have fifty dollars for this field trip the school's planning?" His father, stunned, replied, "thirty dollars? What on Earth do you need twenty dollars for?"

What do you get when you cross a Jew and a gypsy?

A chain of empty retail stores

What’s the best way to get a Jewish girls number?
Roll up her sleeve.

why do jews have such big noses?
because air is for free.

>A Jewish child comes home from school and says to his parents: "I was asked what ethnicity I was at school; and I said I was Russian!" His parents, disappointed in his lack of pride for his people, decide on a punishment for him to teach him a lesson. "If you're Russian," his father says, "then I guess you have no need for your soft chair, and will sit in the wooden one instead." At the dinner table his mother says, "I guess since you're Russian now, you'll not eat chicken soup, but cabbage soup instead." In the evening his father says, "Since you're Russian now, you have no need for a soft bed! Sleep in the corner of your room, on the floor, instead." The child sits down on the floor and mumbles to himself through clenched teeth: "I've only been Russian for 5 hours, and I already hate you fucking kikes so much!"
>A Jewish businessman is visiting Israel from the USSR with his young son. At the airport, the guards search his briefcase, pull out a solid gold statue of Lenin, and ask him what it is for. "Why, I'm bringing it with me to always remind myself of the great socialist nation from where I came from! I will keep on the nightstand in my hotel, and I will stare longingly at it each night." A few hours later, his flight arrives at Israel. At the airport there, the guards search his briefcase, pull out the same solid gold statue of Lenin, and ask him what it is for. "I'm bringing this horrid piece of metal to remind myself of the decrepit, barren communist hell from which I so happily left behind me! I'll keep on the nightstand in my hotel and curse it's very meaning each night until I fall asleep!" He leaves the hotel, and just outside his son asks him what the statue is for. "This, my son, is 500 grams of gold! Quite some space of my briefcase it took up, but it will all be worth it once I can find a dealer."



ahh a nice oldie