Wake up

>wake up
>the members of Godspeed You Black Emperor haven't all passed away
Every. Fucking. Day.

On balance though, you will in all likelihood outlive them if you don't kill yourself or something, so when you're 83 and the last one drops off you can die a happy man

Why are you wishing the death of them? You monster

Because they are worse than rape

"Emotional dishonesty"

Can we get a quick psychoanalysis on OP?

Is Efrim Menuck the Damien Chazelle of music?

>yfw OP will end himself way before the GYBE's first member death

The fact that so many books still name Godspeed You! Black Emperor as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" post-rock band ever only tells you how far post-rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Post-rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. Godspeed You! Black Emperor sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Post-rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Godspeed You! Black Emperor did anything worthy of being saved.

What can I even say about Godspeed You Black Emperor? Their music is obviously reverse engineered to tug at certain emotions. "Let's make a 14 minute song that will make you feel sad and then exultant".

Give me a fucking break. When Slint or prog rock bands before them composed long songs it was with songwriting and honesty behind them. There were slips and falls and imperfections, but that's what made them great.

Godspeed is focus group, carefully marketed meme material for people who need to be told how to think and feel. Each song practically screams a specific reaction, each one coincidentally beginning with "Dude this song is totally ____".

People who like this band have never heard a good song before. They only know what it's like to have their professors tell them what to think or have their Facebook feed shovel garbage into their head. They are herd animals, children, robots. Count me out. I prefer to have music that explores what someone is feeling without running it by a marketer to determine how profitable it will be first.

functionally retarded

he's wacky

>at post rock

he a goofy ass nigga

What a dishonest amount of bullshit

He doesn't like being deceived on an emotional level

This is the first time he was really moved by any kind of media and he feels violated.

>by GYBE
What does he not know when he's being lied to?

What can I even say about OP? Their post is obviously reverse engineered to tug at certain emotions. "Let's make a 1 second shitpost that will make you feel sad and then exultant".

Give me a fucking break. When anons or even tripfags before them composed long posts it was with knowledge and humour behind them. There were slips and falls and imperfections, but that's what made them great.

OP's posts are focus group, carefully marketed meme material for people who need to be told how to think and feel. Each post practically screams a specific reaction, each one coincidentally beginning with "____ this".

People who like this OP have never read a good post before. They only know what it's like to have their professors tell them what to think or have their Facebook feed shovel garbage into their head. They are herd animals, children, /r/obots. Count me out. I prefer to have posts that explore what someone is feeling without running it by a marketer to determine how memeable it will be first.

Ok i laughed

this is the most vapid and forced meme on Sup Forums.

What can I even say about this meme? It's obviously reverse engineered to tug at certain emotions. "Let's make a 4 paragraph meme that will make you feel sad and then exultant".

Give me a fucking break. When Sup Forumstards or Sup Forumsposters before them composed dank memes it was with irony and originality behind them. There were slips and falls and imperfections, but that's what made them great.

"Emotional dishonesty" is focus group, carefully marketed meme material for people who need to be told how to think and feel. Each version practically screams a specific reaction, each one coincidentally beginning with "What can I even say about ____?".

People who like this meme have never seen a good meme before. They only know what it's like to have their professors tell them what to think or have their Facebook feed shovel garbage into their head. They are herd animals, children, robots. Count me out. I prefer to have meme that explores what someone is ironically feeling without running it by a marketer to determine how viral it will be first.

You sound like a prick. Hows that for some emotional honesty?