The Year is 2001... Go

The Year is 2001... Go

5th grade is my year, I know it!

too soon


bush blows up twin towers

Those were some beautiful buildings. Fucking muslims have to destroy everything.

These are some awesome looking towers.
I hope a terrorist group doesn't hijack a plane and crash it into one of them...

I wish this fat chick would leave me alone during nap time. I'm trying to sleep man, kindergarten is fucking stressful.

It would be a total disaster right.. But thankfuly jet fuel wouldnt melt steel beams ^^

did you guys tape that XFL game last night?


Had to record it on my parent's wedding tape

Hey guys I'm on my way to work! I work on the 83rd floor.. ugh! Talk about elevator music.. can't wait until this evening so I can spend time with my loving wife and newborn son. It's great to be an American. I love our freedom and I am blessed to be living the American dream. Oh my! I must be on my way to work, I've wanted too much time talking!

I'm so glad Clinton's gone!
Now we can have some REAL peace and prosperity!

Well I have allways been suspicious about the Bush family.. Well..What worst could happen

Im probably inside my dad dick

Don't worry. He's a uniter, not a divider.
What's the worst that could happen?

I'm betting you mother fuckers forgot about Dre

Muslims are such good people. I certainly hope nothing bad happens to make us change our view on that this year!


You guys excited about Brittney Spears World Tour this fall?


The cool thing about flying when your a kid is going up to watch them fly the plane and get your little pilot wings

Michael Jackson is getting whiter

Such a beautiful september this year!

boy i sure do love my new speedy 56kbps dialup modem!

But I'm only 7, user have internet? at your home?

Looking forward to Ben folds new album to be released the 11th of September

Of course.
America Online is offering 100 free goes with your membership.

No matter what happens on that day Im gonna listen it all day long

Can you not

I'm not alive yet in 2001!

Hey HR here's my approved form for the day off on Tuesday

Well.. you probably have Windows XP too

are we all neglecting that Sup Forums didn't exist in 2001

cause i'm fine with that

Uah..Cool Sam what are you going to do on a tuesday :D

What? We're still stuck with Win98


Haven't you heard of the new installment? They say its 100 times faster than 98

You missed out, kid. Life was like one big Waterpark.

It's still like that. Except it's full of shit logs, band aids, and broken condoms.


Man just going to fly out of town with the whole family to boston. Got an early flight and saved a whole bunch. Nice

You are a lucky man Sam :) oh and btw weren't you Muslim? Here take this gift to your wife as a present from we Christian Americans as a token of how much we love and accept you around us here :) Have fun on your flight man

I use Kazaa on my DSL

Windows ME isn't that great.
If 98's updated you basically have it already.

Okay fellas I just got a disturbing e-mail from my german friends..Can anyone translate ?

thanks for the info pal!

Cool thanks brother. Are you still going to that breakfast presentation with finance and marketing teams at Windows on the World that day? Say hi to Joe for me


Uh yeah we are and actually..That'd be great if you'd be there too. He-heh well, maybe you flyby and say hi for yourself :D

The bush years were good years .

Hulkamania is running wild!

We had dsl back then you fucking children

Probably just forgot to hide one of the layers in Macromedia Fireworks. Nothing to worry about

I will see what I can sort out

Correction, not sure if we did yet

Birthplace of LOL.

heheh "Surprise me"..:D Like the way Tyler Durden says :D...well..I think I have to get going



GUYS IM FROM THE YEAR 2017 there isn’t much time, you need to stop the trannys from taking over the world, niggers stealing your women, white supremacists taking your money and Mexicans taking your jobs before it’s too late! Oh by the way, vote for trump. ;)

white supremacists aren't taking our money, the dems are.


South tower fell first because the impact was on a corner and a much faster impact blowing more of the fire protection off of the steel.

Trump? that rich guy? Vote for what?

Is this some kind of a joke?

It's been 16 years, what do you mean?

>my friend says vagina is another word for butt
>also i don't understand why women hide their boobies when the nipples look just like mine. What's the big secret?
>I wish I had friends again


What company to invest in to get rich? Right before 911


Prevent 9/11 so I can do it later.

And it only went downhill from there.

Face it folks, this entire millennia has sucked ass so far.

I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.

HOLY SHIT! I'm so happy Gore finally stopped with that bullshit recount! 'I only wanna recount the left leaning areas that I lost!' seriously, shut the fuck up!

I'm glad to know the Democrats would never run such a pathetic, selfish, piece of shit candidate like that again!

Why would Donald Trump want to run for president? Why would he take the pay cut?

An inconvenient truth

Did you hear this shit!?!
This album will forever be remembered!

>get to apartment
>close the door
>looks at the window
>strips down
>gets almost naked
>watches the first plane crash to the WTC
"Guess I'm free"
>removes hijab from head
>masturbates and moans in pleasure as the second plane crashes

I go to the towers days early to warn people.They are empty with the exception of construction looking people setting up barrels inside and i got arrested.anyways I just got out of prison this afternoon.

Did I time travel or are people here just idiots? The towers would've been hit 10 days ago, and you guys are acting like it hasn't happened yet. 9/21 in 2001 was still 9/21

God those towers are so fucking ugly.
A true abomination of architecture.

I wish someone would just blow them up.

"This is Heeaaad Radio!"

If I be goin' back in time and preventin' all these disasters, y'all niggas better start paying me more than ₪7.50 an hour. You know what? I'mma let this one slide. I'mma go find me some Ecto-Cooler instead. Damn, ain't found none yet! Oh well, guess I'll keep lookin...