Album ends with artist putting down guitar and walking out of the studio

>album ends with artist putting down guitar and walking out of the studio

Hate this shit, breaks the immersion. I cut dumb shit like this off the ends of tracks after the first time I listen to them

Is that how ITAOTS ends

name TWO (two) albums where that happens

New Boots, Old Dirt and Fallen

For Emma, Forever Ago (I think)

>the song title comes from the last line of the song lyrics

>album ends with feedback that resembles a flatline

I cum every time

>album ends with artist walking out and slamming the door

>the song title comes from the first line of the song lyrics

>album ends


>another album begins


no, he sets the guitar down instead of putting it down

>album starts with live recording where the artist invites people to come onstage and say something into the microphone for a couple of minutes but everyone's just really drunk and talk bollocks

> Album ends with an accidental bottle drop on bands last album at bands last show ever

>album ends with noisy feedback and smashing of instruments

name one (𒐫) album that does this

I've done this one.

>album ends with the singer delivering a borderline primal scream before it seems to cut out from nowhere

> album ends


>album ends with artist shitting his pants

>album ends with the soft grinding gears of the Panasonic RX-FT500

Uh. What's the fucking difference autismo?


>album doesn't end

>don't hate her when she gets up to leave


>album has a small conversation before the music starts
god I fucking love that shit

Wholesome and underrated

*gets up and leaves*

>album is a collection of recordings sold to the masses on vinyl, CD, and various other mediums
