How do I get my girlfriend to stop dressing like a slut in public?

How do I get my girlfriend to stop dressing like a slut in public?

murder her

This. Women are whores. It's just their nature.

move to england where, under sharia law, she'll be stoned to death unless she wears the chador.

laugh at her, tell her she looks a fool, get friends to join in.

When you're with her, walk around with your balls hanging out. She'll get the message.

Stop letting her outta the kitchen

Switch girlfriend

Break up with her then she won't be your girlfriend. The problem will be solved for you and she can find someone who will enjoy showing off the woman he gets to fuck,

Soak her brain in a tub of your own urine.

She won't do it after that, guaranteed.

That's what I would do.


More importantly, let's get that picture x-rayed!

Well, first we have to decide, if your gf REALLY dress like a slut...! Proof pics requested!

Get a girlfriend who isn't a slut

beat her the places you dont want her to expose

Tell her you don't like the way guys stare when she dresses with her asscheeks hanging out.

Or show her a creep thread to let her know guys are not only looking but taking pics.


Dear OP, your girlfriend is a slut. She will give it up to anyone who pays attention to her.
Time to get a new girlfriend

This. The only girls who dress like sluts are sluts.

>Gives her a complex
>Some random guy sees her and pays her a complement
>Fucks the guy
Great idea user.

Don't get a girlfriend.

>don't date a slut
no problems m8

Dont date gutter trash?

Unfunny enough, this is actually what my dad use to do to my mom. I never understood why he would hit her with weird objects in the most random places as a kid. I thought everything was like the movies. As I got older I realized he was hitting her with books to spread out the force and not leave handprint bruising. He wasnt slapping her on the back, he was punching her in the kidneys.

>Flaws in logic
>Full uniform vs nondescript clothing
>That would make all the neckbeards wearing cammie shorts mistaken for military personnel.


>implying prostitutes don't dress a certain way for easier identification

This birch was on serpentza's channel last month. Gross. And gross to you.

lol sluts dress as sluts, craving attention. Leave her and stop going after sluts for more than sex

Constantly grope the areas she is advertising in public. She wants attention, give it to her. She'll either like it or get tired of it and stop dressing like a slut. Win-win for you.

Then I'll help you!

he has a point

Dump her

Looks like OP has abandoned thread.

Get someone to rape her

You're the same shitposter every time aren't you?
With that same tired old pic

I wish my gf would dress more slutty...