Why is everyone so anti trolling Chris Chan these days?

Why is everyone so anti trolling Chris Chan these days?
What happened?

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He provides comfort in knowing that even the most depraved of neets on here has someone below them on the social ladder

>Chris Chan

is this trainwreck still alive?


the ride reached its end.

How much lower can it get?

We broke our toy :(

dunno maybe because most of us grew up into decent human beings

LOL yeah right

same thing that happens every time. we got bored. there'll be more lolcows.


Like Effinrawz.

He kinda got boring for awhile. Although it looks like he's starting a new sweetheart saga.

>decent human beings

Kiwifarms gazed into the autism and the autism gazed back into them. They're so obsessed with analyzing every minute detail of Chris' life now, that anyone disrupting that makes them REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

PC culture happened.

Let me explain:

Back in the old days when Sup Forums was good, there weren't a huge number of SJWs, or at least they didn't feel well-represented in society. Creatures like Chris Chan were a rare autistic anomaly and the ultimate fuel for the Sup Forumsenevolent trolling machine.

Then Tumblr happened. The popularisation of memes brought media attention to the internet and wherever the media goes, politically correct bullshit follows.

Soon, one outspoken faggot became ten outspoken faggots became 100 outspoken faggots became 1000 outspoken faggots and you know the rest. And once it became normal, Sup Forums got bored of Chris Chan and moved onto other targets.

So there it is folks. The normalisation of faggotry is what killed the Chris Chan rape train.

Chris is what happened to trolling Chris. He's an idiot and does dumb things, but eventually he learns from some of his mistake. He learned not to instantly trust random people on the internet. So now trolling him requires months or years of slowly building up to the troll, which means most people lose interest.

She's a beautiful woman now and we do not troll women here.

cause he got good at ignoring trolls
Even good intentioned people rarely get close to him.

It's no longer funny now it's just sad.

Not for much longer if the taint infection worsens

probably because its like beating a dead horse now

please stop reminding me of him

Whats the point anymore?


Look at all that cancer

>is this trainwreck still alive?

Dips actually made it onto the news...


As one commenter said, you can see how he's creeping on "boyfriend free" lesbians.

what makes you think its anti trolling? he was years ago. everyone just got bored of it and moved on like every other internet fad.

>everyone just got bored of it and moved on like every other internet fad.

There is still people following that freak around.

Yeah he is alive, and he has a gf now. No one has been able to crack into her database yet. But soon we will know just as much about her and document it all on the CWCipedia.

>has a gf now

What's his name?
