Well, holocaust deniers?

Well, holocaust deniers?

Other urls found in this thread:


Aren't all of the survivors dead now?

>it was barcodes
>no wait, it was 6 digit numbers
>never mind, it was barcodes and 8 digit numbers
>IBM was behind all of it, ignore the lack of any computational logs
>by the way, it was 6 digits

why would nazis tattoo numbers on people they would kill at the moment they get dropped off at camps?

thanks to this I'm now a #cruzmissile

Idk why do they tag cattle at slaughter houses?

That's a very racist question.

why *do* they

>We were forced to watch as Billy Goldfield from down the street had the number 6 million tattooed on his body 6 million times until he was more ink than boy

To track which cow the meat came from?

This is such a shit argument. My dad told me this crap the other day after he came back from a work trip to Israel, he saw some lady with the wrist tattoo.

Only easily affected emotional idiots fall for this. ANYONE can get one of these fucking tattoos. Just look up one so you know which camp you were supposedly at, then tell the artist you're doing it in rememberance of your heritage or whatever.

I fucking 100% guarantee that many, many people have these tattoos who have never been anywhere near a gas chamber or even a camp.

Oy vey, that is a bad question to ask. kind of like why would you cut peoples hair to prevent the spread of lice if they were destined to be gassed.

This is retarded. I don't think anybody denies that the jews were locked in camps. They deny that 6 million were killed.

Tagging takes 5 seconds, not comparable. Cows are also tagged when they are born.

Tracking which meat the came from

Knowing where the animal came from if it happens to escape

Typhus. Not a state-sponsored killing program. Justified exodus of peoples. Allied bombings of supply lines to concentration camps. CONCENTRATION camps.

There is no functional difference between stating that there were no camps at all and stating that 5, 999, 999 Jews were killed.

Either is a thought crime and amounts to the same thing.

Just refute rationalwiki.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial point by point or shut the fuck up

I like this

why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?


My sister, 19, has a tattoo of my dad's birthday. It looks exactly like those numbers. People are willing to get tats, OP.

Stopped reading there

I like how they had to draw the arm with the number with more than 6 digits on it :^)

I guess its time for me to abandon my antisemitic ways, thanks opie.

but 6 digits would only leave room for numbers 000,001 to 999,999. that's less than a million different unique IDs, but they said 6 million jews were gassed

Not an argument. The true red pill is realizing that the holocaust did happen and that's a good thing for white people.

They probably reused the numbers after gassing them, then killing them with the electric floor


Not all of them. Some were jerked off to death. Some were locked in cages with a bear and an eagle to eat them. Only a lucky few got to ride the holocoster.

Call me crazy but I do believe the holocaust happened, it's just been exaggerated over the years, but linking to rationalwiki is retarded. I can't stand the smugness of that site.

I'm guessing it's not counting lamp serial numbers.

Don't be ridiculous, it's only 2033

All tattoo shops were relocated to Dachsu during ww2 to protect them from bombing and nobody could get tattoos without being in a death camp.
This is a fact because l know it and l am well read up on the subject so l don't need sources for my claims.

The Numbers were only given to people going to auschwitz and one other camp I think. But since the first original number of the auschwitz death toll was 4 million......... so yeah

>one camp tracks their victims via 6 digit tattoo counted chronologically since arrival (i.e. prisoner 120123)
>other camp tracks their victims via 8 digit tattoo where first 2 numbers indicate barracks they're being kept at and other 6 indicate their number (i.e. prisoner from barracks 28 number 156122)

wow it's almost as if the Nazis dedicated time and resources to commit Holocaust against the Jewish people. oh wait, they did. you racist fuck

So, the argument here boils down to: "The holocaust totally happened! Look at all these jews the nazis didn't kill as proof!"

Underrated post

Why does no number exceed a million?

>all we care about is wiping das juden from the earth
>we hate them so much we're going to throw babies alive into the holocoaster and watch them be ejected into the ovens
>oh, and we also have an elaborate tracking and inventory system

hvorfor dine fjert krefter overstige en million

There is more evidence for the holocaust than the resurrection of Jesus.

Because the Government makes them retain detailed records of every cow and where the meat ends up so it can be tracked back in the case of a food poisoning. We can literally tell you which cows, at which ranches, and at what times a restaurant or grocer's burger supply came from. It's how they know what to recall if there is a suspected problem.

... so we tagged the Jews so we knew how to identify all the lampshades and soap? Very clever Germans... :^)

we aren't deniers OP we are revisionists
as the saying goes there are two sides to every story so the truth falls somewhere in between "muh 6 gorrillion" and "0 people died ww2 was a happy time"
with the pic you presented it is false information because all the tattooed jews from the holocuast never had digits exceeding 6 digits. If you know germans like I do then you know how obsessive compulsive they are about cataloging numbers then they would have cataloged and tattooed every jew
>not every camp tattooed its inmates
though that is true take a look at the most infamous case "Auschwitz" where jews were tattooed and supposedly gassed by the millions
this site claims that the tatooing was introduced at Auschwitz in 1941
and the originial claim was that there were 4 million jews at Auschwitz so why aren't there any pictures of tattoos with the more than 6 digits like 5.XXX.XXX?
>pic related it is the highest number i could find with a 5 minute google search

Yes you fuckwits they tracked them. The final solution was implemented late game, at first they were laborers so yes they tracked the laborers

Yeah but the story about Jews being evil is a lot more plausible than the one about Jews being innocent victims.

>Jews in concentration camps were tattooed, therefore six million jews were systematically killed in gas chambers

non se·qui·tur

I'd be curious to know how many of these tattoos use modern inks, and not something you'd find in 1940s Germany...

I'd wager a lot.

>Oi, I just had it traced over and re-done so I'd never forget the six gorrilion!

there were lots of prisoners, I don't think anybody can deny that
from there to "extermination camps"? lol


So you base things off how you feel about other races rather than any real evidense.

This is like a black person saying its more plausible white people stole all their shit and rewrote their history than that white people ever did anything on their own. Ignore any evidence and go with whatever makes you feel good.

#not all concentration camps

the usa had internment camps for japs and krauts in the usa. along with internment camps for german civilians in europe after the mind you, who died a lot of mistreatment, malnutrition, and typhus.

are you old enough to be here son

Holy fucking kek, underrated

any idiot can get a tattoo, thats not proof of a mass genocide.

Germans pride themselves with efficiency.....so why so many "survivers" ? could it be because death camps are a myth. They forgot to mention ALL the evidence that PROVED the jews claims were false. They had to remove freedom of speech to protect their lie. (YES PEOPLE YOU WILL BE JAILED IF YOU POINT OUT FACTS AND TRUTH) This in itself proves the lie, after all why does the "truth" need such draconian laws to protect it?



The guy on the left has an awfully big nose for a holocaust denier...

>rather than any real evidense

What do you know about the communist revolution attempt in Germany 1918?

>Trusting Jews

You dirty anti-semite!

I remember being told about the skin lampshades in school, but have come to find out that there's really no evidence such a thing ever occurred.

>not a #BasicKasich

well I noticed the kikes have not offered reasons for the draconian laws nor the evidence I have just posted so Here is more

>Complains that people use feelings and emotion to prove their point and not evidence
>While defending the Holocaust

This has to be a coax.

Funny enough so did we. It wasn't until a couple of years ago I found out both had been denied since the '80s and this is even by Holocaust scholars. In the video from the pic in this post the Holocaust expert himself, tries to bundle his way through it without saying the "survivor" in the audience, who said they seen them, is a liar. It's fucking hilarious.

Also checked.

The trial that the Germans faced was a farce.

No Court in the world should be able to ignore the evidence and facts in any case because it does not support their view.

A true court is meant to be impartial But I guess it is ok.....if the jews say so.

The court was provided evidence that proved the Germans did not do much wrong compared to the victors.

remember war does not determine who is right....just who is left