Evolution is true

Evolution is true.
meaning no Adam & Eve
meaning no fall
meaning no original sin
meaning no reason for jesus to have to die.

To the folks that claim Adam & Eve is a parable, the bible does not depict it as a parable, but rather it goes to great lengths to lay out the genealogy from Adam and Eve to Mary and Joseph. If Adam and Eve is a parable, then your jesus dying on the cross because of original sin is also part of that parable, surely you would not claim that event to be part of the parable, no?

You can all stop being crazy people now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>evolution automatically proves god doesnt exist

Chistianity is a load of shit, and practiced by very stupid people.

>believing in super jesus

Tell us something we don't know.

Yes, the entire plot of original sin falls apart.

Are you one of those people who think jesus is god?

They are all a load of shit. Meditation is the true escape from reality and allows for the ability to gain more intelligence. Don't need religion to learn that.

How i wanna hear this


Son of god, its faith something i know its hard to understand

You do realise that theyre were more people on earth than adam and eve right? Common misconception




There fuckin auto typing

Thats not what the bible claims, and its irreverent anyway. My guess is that you dont understand the bible, which is why you sound like a moron. You sound like the type that should try jesus.

I was born and raised Roman catholic. I went to sunday school, ate fish every friday, earned my Ad Altare Dei in scouting was a chaplain's aid in scouting, I study the bible and went through everything you needed to in the catholic church. I know more than you what it "means". I believe if you believe that is the truth, you are ignorant.

This is just bait.

>implying a theory is a hypothesis

If you want to know why some Christians cannot move to the "theistic evolution" or "intelligent design" idea and keep their faith in the truth of Genesis, I have some personal insight.

If the bible is not literally true. If God did not make the first two humans (one from dirt the other from the man's rib) then these two people did not literally exist. If they did not literally exist, there was not a time of no hardship, no cancer, no violence. There was no Eden, just a long series of painful evolutionary steps.

Adam and Eve cannot be symbolic, they lived in paradise until they defied the will of God. If this did not literally happen, there is no reason for the rest of the bible. No reason for Jesus to come and die for us. No reason for anything. Theistic Evolution and the reasons for the events of the bible are incompatible.

Science is a tool god used to create the universe. Adam and eve aren't the only humans god made. The bible mentions 1 other he made but there are much more(that he made through evolution). As for how long it took to make the earth, 1 day on the moon is equivalent to 1 month on earth. Time is relative, and it s impossible to refute any of my claims.

Cool you were a kiddy diddler no one cares about Catholics

>not understanding Adam/Eve were progenitors of humans in just one part of the world, part where oral traditions made it into the written record
This board is weak

This guy's gets it.. Once when you understand how interconnected everything truely is, that's when you find some enlightenmet.

Google nondualism

You are trying to make the bible fit the facts, when the bible clearly says otherwise. Adding more people to the mix is irrelevant to the plot of original sin.

google.com/amp/s/jamesbishopblog.com/2015/01/16/scripture-indicates-that-adam-and-ever-were-not-the-first-people/amp/ i mean that was just 2 minutes

>and it s impossible to refute any of my claims.
only because you believe in magic

I actually earned more medals than that in scouting as well.

Years of study my friend and I always questioned the church. I am not saying it didn't do good things for me I would be lying. Is god real? That is arguable to a point. Was jesus god? No, he was a human being who defecated just like everyone else.

I have read almost every mainstream religions holy books. Catholics are taught to study everything about faith and use it to created a stronger bond with god through those other religions. What is your shitty religion that you follow?

gravity is also "just" a theory
you should test it out and jump from out of a window

Evolution is a hoax... We did not evolve from mon...

You were there in the beginning to know this?

I get it, the bible is debunked and religious nuts try to move the goal post by twisting everything. Its sad really.

Baptist and i dont know what part of the world youre from but im friends with Catholics and its a strict you follow catholicism built foundation

Actually gravity is a law

Shut up Ken Ham.

Thank you Sup Forumsro.

Einstein debunks gravity in his theory. Please learn more about his life and his theories. He was an incredible person. (who was a jewish man who learned all the tenements of being jewish.


God fucking damnit

You do realize that most things in the bible can be explained by science right? Such as the plagues

Agreed Brother, but Ignorance is all that is left if you forsake the words of Allah and Mohammed his Prophet.

>Actually gravity is a law

brainlet detected
there are laws of gravity, that doesn't make gravity a law, there's no firm evidence on what exactly gravity is anyway

That leg is the exact shape of a pistol grip shotgun. We need to get someone on that.

You do realize that you are wrong, right?

You fucking atheists are worse than vegans. Find a more original way to rebel, junior.

Ill put my fedora away after im dead.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe using a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. So yea, it's a fucking law.

Scouting allows you to search for more and different ways to worship god. I can't explain it but you meet a lot of different religions. BTW your baptist church pretty much does the same thing as the catholic church except we have a uniformity to our beliefs and how we conduct our religious business. Go back to your black people church and don't learn shit about what is around you.

Fuck your shitty religion as well. Your book is just as bad as the others if not worst.

The sheep will never understand.

We need more bionics. AI is also a something I want to see advance more.

Yet gravity doesn't fit into the standard model

Evolution is a lie. There are similarities in between species, but there is no direct evidence that it is real since it wasnt observed and reported since the beginning of time. Charles Darwin was not some genius. He was wrong

If original sin is supposed to be the reason Jesus died then it was never a solid reasoning in the first place.

telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/7530678/Biblical-plagues-really-happened-say-scientists.html im not saying evolution doesnt exist im saying youre putting your faith in a fuck ton of coincidences i could be wrong thats why it's called faith but for most you find saying the bible is wrong i can pull one that has science back it

I cant hear you over the sound of the scientific consensus on the matter.

There is speculation that whales were once land based mammals that evolved into what they are today. Bone structure of whales show evidence of evolutionary traits such as hip bones and bones that are similar to the bone structure of most animals with land based appendages.

Dont do black people church theyre animals

>Not believing in magic
Fucking normie

Your face doesn't fit into the standard model.

It's more real than thinking that we descended from incestuous faggots made by a sky wizard.

What do you do for a living user? Do you do anything that has to deal with any aspect of science? Are you a cashier vest slave?

ohhhhh got em

Computer science major havent graduated college wet getting my bachelor's

Nice dubs and trips. You have to be a virgin for many years to become a wizard Sup Forumsro.

Oh oh oh its Maagic u know

>Not believing in a higher power

You're a major fucking retard. I swear all atheists are cringy neckbeards

oh snap, you debunked ops post.

What specific field are you looking to get into (work wise). Even with knowing all that you know, you still believe the nonsense? All the history of the science that went into building that technology?

A+ post here.

Honesty not sure yet ive got a buddy that does graphic design that needs help with a game. May help him just to have something in a portfolio. And yes i do

Ugh, graphic design... What a waste of money. Do something real. Be a fucking network technician or a fucking programmer.

No the buddy is graphic design, i havent truly decided. Was thinking either on of those options. Hes great a graphics but cant get the engine to run and wants me to try its just c++

Network engineers make good money bro. Learn how cable companies work. Decrypters, Head end operations and general purpose cable tech. I am a FTTH and HFC design engineer. I build large scale networks for businesses and residential areas.

I am also not saying to not believe in god. Don't believe all that evangelical crap though bro. Know what is around you and prosper with the truth of the world. Praying is a kind of meditation (though I do not believe it is as effective as the way monks do it in buddhism.) Body and mind Sup Forumsro. That is the true path to enlightenment.


Thanks bro be safe and prosper

The two biggest attacked chapters in the Bible are the book of Genesis and the book of revolation. Those talk of Satan and his devices and his destruction. The OP is listening to Satan, the Story of adam and eve was not a parable, Jesus Christ died for our sins ending the Old Testament and beginning the new covenant with God.

you need a man and a women to reproduce without that the human race wouldnt exist burn the fags before you burn the religion freaks

You will be the first to die in hell if you keep that up. Seriously. You wanna blaspheme God and worship the Devil go ahead. But know that you can always turn to God and ask for forgiveness. God is real and I have all the proof I'll ever need. He has saved my life multiple times. Even as i was dying he was there to stop it in its tracks. You may not believe in prayer, but believe me son its real.

You're mistaken. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. Plenty of highly educated and successful people are Christians, some even adhering to fundamentalist beliefs. The reason for this is bias, not lack of intelligence. Their beliefs are based on a colossal maze of philosophical arguments concocted to support conclusions that are not falsifiable. People hold views of reality that conform to their preferences until they can actually see something with their own two eyes that contradicts them. No amount of evidence is going to persuade someone to believe in evolution or God or the lack of God or anything that they don't want to believe in; they have to actually experience the truth of it directly. They have to see the principles be used to construct a machine that actually works.
