How do I fix this?

How do I fix this?

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lotion every day

What is that op?

his foot
at first glace I thought it was a dog's nose or dried up shit

An antibacterial soap such as neutragena used on the affected area every day and it will clear up.

One of these fuckers, then time and some decent lotion to heal it up to something comfortable to walk on

You actually need a dermatologist no jk.

urea cream, but only if there's no broken skin because that'll burn like a mother.

if there is, just go with lotion and petroleum jelly over it to seal. wear socks and slippers if you live on uncarpeted floors.

That is a drought. Send some donations

Yeah dude that's dead skin. Go see a dermatolgist

Not enough. Needs to be lotion in conjunction with foot grater

first, soak it in warm salt water. when it gets nice and soft, slice/cut it down. after that, use a pumice stone or similar every time you shower. keep using pumice stone until skin is desired smoothness.

Get two buckets, one for each foot
Fill buckets with lotion
Stand in buckets
Never leave

stop walking about barefoot, hobbit.

Soak it in water for an hour and a half and then peel it off, or Run Thru The Jungle

Go see a fucking podiatrist.

This is beyond a home diy fix. You need to get that looked at by a professional.

Jesus fuck dude

how is this a foot

don't use a knife to cut it down, use nail clippers or small scissors.

Spit in it.

Seriously, even if you have no insurance I can guarantee that the inability to do any kind of work where you need to stand up and walk for any reason will be far more expencive.

I walk around barefoot all the time and my feet don't look like that.



Try to turn it off and on or putting it in rice

Omg thats gang green. You need to cut that toe off before you lose your foot!!! No time to go see a doctor. Drink a pint and show us. I would suggest a hatchet. Get a cutting board and put the one toe on it and do it. Dont be a pussy or you will lose your foot

just cut off the foot. its dead now

Or better yet, go to your local army recruiter and tell them your interested in joining up and that you want to go to MEPS. People fake interest in the military all the time just to get a free medical exam.

Oh shit, never mind i just realized thats your heel. Its worse than i thought your gonna have to cut off the foot to save your leg

my god youre a faggot, thats his heel you imperceptive autistic idiot