I'm a clairvoyant AMA. I predict you're gonna call me a fake faggot...

I'm a clairvoyant AMA. I predict you're gonna call me a fake faggot. But you can check the archives for my other threads to see how many posters validated what I was saying. And if you ain't into this shit, that's fine. This isn't my job, just a weird little thing I can do that you can capitalize on since I'm bored.

What's my name?

do you predict my girl is gonna find out i'm cheating or nah

When will i die

Is my future in ethnobotany, or where will my life lead?

Can you tell me something simple. Like my age and my gender?

So I about to ask this girl out. Will she say yes or no?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

I don't fucking know. I get messages as symbols. But I am getting a symbol for a book. So maybe you're supposed to be studying for something.

Is there anything you can tell me of importance about myself or future occurrences? Good or bad

I literally don't see a girl in your life kek sorry. I do see that you need to be careful with your health, though. Something near the stomach and lungs. You eat shitty?

You dead Nigga

When will Trump go away?

Ik you’re probably messing with me but care to elaborate if you can

You're too young for me to see anything about that. When timelines fork out into various possibilities, it's called being on a spinning timeline. So unless upkee death is imminent, most of us present as spinning timelines. One thing, though, you're kind of a dick to your mom (possibly stepmom). I think you're fighting a losing battle. She doesn't have bad intentions for you. And there's a girl in your life you need to watch out for. She's trying to pull your strings and force your hand in something you don't entirely feel good about. Trust your gut.

super shitty, atleast i'll be dead before then thanks op

just generic ass answers....

How is my money stuff?

will the car I buy tomorrow be reliable

when am I going to die?

What do you see about me?

Tell me what you can see about my job

Anything I should keep a heads up to soon?

what will happen to me in the next month

Might as well. Do you see a threesome happening in my life soon? If so any hints on the third?

What is my purpose in life OP?

hello OP, you need any specific info for a reading?

Where do you see me in 5 years

OP doesn't have magical powers, see:


Answer this?

Will I ever be truly happy on the inside? :(

This is interesting. I was actually waiting for you to come in this thread. For some fucking reason, I had a very clear message for you that prompted me to make this. It's a long fucking reading so strap in:
At your core, you are quite human centred, sensitive, irrational and impulsive. You GET people even though you may think that you don't LIKE people. You pick up nuanced feelings like when someone is upset. And everyone is like "whys that person upset?" You'd be like "are you guys stupid? THIS is why they're upset". HOWEVER you really don't like the irrational impulsive part of yourself so you've superseded, suppressed, suppressed. You're actually quite out of touch with the human-centred side of you.

On the surface, you're collected, logical, and methodical. Spock like. I see science and microscopes and a that shit in your future. You think this is the trajectory you should follow. Well here's the problematic message that came through for you. You're on a spinning timeline which means you can go two ways and they BOTH have some downs (some ups as well).

If you follow the science route, you'll be really successful and make a good deal of money. However, you will hit your threshold of success quite quickly and be like "well where the hell else do I go from here?" You'll be quite dissatisfied and bored. You'll travel a lot, which will isolate you. You don't really care to keep in touch with people.

If you follow a more human centred career, you will be so emotionally fulfilled and have more people around your life. HOWEVER, you will not make as much money and there will be times that you won't be living so comfortably. That irrational, impulsive side of you will tell you to quit and go back to school and pursue the science side of things. BUT if you wait it out, you will achieve success in this realm. It just takes longer.

European or African?

Female energy, early 20s. But I do much better with questions.

What does Star Citizen show off at their con this year?

She's gonna consult with her best friend. Some dark haired chick who doesn't really like you much. I think she's gonna let you down gently, but that's fine. This girls a bit too uptight anyways.

Should I fap right now?

> I predict you're gonna call me a fake faggot
> No one does

You need to leave and the rest of us need to applaud ourselves

just give me anything interesting, i don't have any particular question.

Okay then. What do you see concerning children with me?

Damn you're young. First of all, stop thinking about self-harm and suicidal ideation. You need to look into medication. You have blips of anxiety that will hinder you a lot if you don't deal with it now. Someone on mom's side needs to be wary of ovarian cancer or cysts. An aunt, I think.

where and when will I meet the one for me

I hope everyone knows this is fake as fuck

Will I ever sort my shit out?

If I think of dick a lot when I look at oorn.... And it remains on my mind until I go for a few days without porn.... And even then I still thin about it sometimes....

Should I try it?

Will I try it?

I just got some phenibut. It's a neurotransmitter that makes you see past fear... I have general anxiety at times... Maybe this I'll help get past the fears, or maybe it will help get past the desires

What should i even be doing?

I don't know how to say this without sounding like a total lunatic, but you can ask other psychics and they'll say the same shit. Trump is on a different timeline than us. He's living a parallel timeline DURING our timeline. It's so fucked and I can't articulate it properly. But he wasn't supposed to win. That's when the rifts in the timelines happened. Therefore, we psychics can't predict much about him. And those who claim to are mistaken. I can tell you that he's like Teflon though. He can escape all allegations and negative press against him. BECAUSE HES LITERALLY IN AN ALTERNATE SPACE


I am on medication actually, but that’s exactly how I feel rn and have been considering checking myself back into a mental hospital

I am young lmao 16

My aunt has been in and out of ERs for a problem in her ovaries, they can’t figure it out yet

Thanks for telling me this, I’ve been really wanting to see a physic in my town but I can’t really afford it rn. Have a wonderful night !

Is there a committed, long lasting, healthy, fun, and sexual relationship in my near future. Even if you can't get something exact, tell me what you do see.

Not great for the next 3-5 years. Some decision fucked you up. You're a bit impulsive with purchases. Especially when it comes to technology. You don't NEED all that shit, my dude. But you will get better with management soon. A new job or new position at same job will help. I also see you resolving some issues with a sibling (I want to say brother) that will help you out financially.

Yeah, it's fine. Check under the passenger seat though. I feel like there's some paper the owner needs that she doesn't know she left there.

Say anything about mine future or me at all, whatever comes in to you. will i ever accomplish mine life project?

what should I do with what I learned earlier this week concerning a long term friend?

A bit chubby, insecure, but very sweet. Don't worry about your body so much. The girl that's meant to be in your life doesn't give a shit about that. I could tell you about your career (it's fine), but I knew you wanted to hear about love.

Hello. Im not sure what to ask op. I dont post but you seem to be getting some interesting responses. What should i do next. Which path in life?

My gut is telling me "respond aggressively" but idk

i don't have a particular question, just tell me whatever you can see.

You're getting a bit worn out and you feel like you aren't being recognized for all that you're doing. And you're kinda right. There's some dick that keeps trying to latch onto credit for your work. Stay there 2 years tops and get out of there. I say 2 years, because there's a bonus coming your way. But get the fuck out after that.

how soon is the next poster getting laid?

Weird man, you are pretty spot on with this. The two paths thing is funny, because I am a Gemini. My good friends have recently started making music again, and invited me to be a part of their current project. I also recently got accepted for an internship at an herbarium, with access to masters level lectures. I like to pretend i'd be ok being alone, but I feel like if it ever really happened i'd pull a Hunter S. Thompson, favorite gun and all.

What about me op anything?

I'm currently stuck in a job I don't enjoy. The hours are longer than I've ever worked before. The owner is a tyrannical overlord that all of my employees are afraid of. Everyone is concerned that my boss is running the business wrong, but are to afraid to approach and discuss with her. I'm stuck in the middle between my employees and the owner. The only reason I stay around is bevause I'm getting paid more than I ever have in my life and for the first time, I'm in a position to put a down payment on a house and I'm making enough money to make payments and live successfully, if you can call it that. Also, I hate the town I live in. Should I stick it out, or get out while I can and move to a city and climate where I'm happier?

Legit I just want to know whats coming for Star Citizen..........

Nothing really, but you should try to procrastinate less. It just makes you anxious and you're prone to minor panic attacks. Just build a habit of doing shit on time. I see you responding well to keeping lists to help you combat procrastination.

School imagery kept coming up for you. Are you worried about a subject or a job? Lots of books around you.

Do you see me finding girlfriend any time soon?

>Especially when it comes to technology.
I... don't think that's true.
> I also see you resolving some issues with a sibling (I want to say brother) that will help you out financially.

What is the name of the demon that's attached to me?

Is reality as we know it a working simulation based around my consciousness?

A birthday? Lol nothing too major. Ama trip. Seems like a weekend deal. You're thinking of making a big purchase. Looks like a tv or computer or something. I'll hold off and save more money to get exactly what you want.

i've asked twice and still not gotten anything, what gives?

OP pls

no, and I'm not even OP

Anything cool happening soon for me?

What's next or advice on my employment and living situations?

quiet you.

If you cant see anything concerning kids what can you see concerning love?


will I become an important hollywood director?

Okay so only respond if you’ve finished everyone else’s, since you’ve already told me about my aunt, but I’m like obsessed with this shit so I’m going to ask a few questions. No pressure to answer them, I’m just a lil excited rn.

1) will I be able to graduate on time?
2) do you see my passing anytime soon?
3) how is my current relationship going to be in a couple years (or will it even make it that long)
4) anything you can get from my grandma (Sarah)
5) do I lose any weight/get prettier

thanks again

Hi OP.
If you're still in the thread, please tell me something that I need to know.
Thank you 8^)

do me OP. what can you tell me?


When is the last time my mother-in-law thought about my cock?

You're spot on. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily chubby. I'm 6'2 and 175 pounds. I just have insecurity with my body because of a little tiny bit of fat on my abdomen. My girlfriend loves my body though. I'm magnetically drawn to her and she's extremely similar to me. I wanted to know about my future with her. Me and her both have dreams and intuitions that are borderline psychic, but defiantly nowhere near your level. I kinda wanted to hear about my career too since it ties into love. I'm trying to get into policing and was worried about if I would and how it would affect my family life. If there's anything else you can tell me, I would be very grateful to you. If not, then thank you for even taking the time to respond on the first place.

Not anytime soon, sorry man kek. Do me a favour and look into your ankle when it starts feeling swollen or achy. One of those things you need to catch sooner or later. They're gonna say it's fine, but advocate for yourself and get a second opinion. I know you don't have great coverage and it'll be costly, but in long run, it'll save you the price of a surgery.

I don't fucking know. Re: spinning time lines. You definitely need something where you're working with your hands and solving puzzles though. You're good at riddles and seeing problems in a new light.

Please answer this one, OP. I feel like I'm at a crossroads and if you see anything about my future direction, I'd like to know. Thanks.

Nothing big coming through. You dealing with some heartache? Like you're really missing someone and wondering if you should reach out to them? I see butterflies which to me shows nervousness.

What can you tell me about myself? Should I expect anything big to happen? Any advice for me? Any info is appreciated op

My logical side says that you, like me, can pick up nuanced feelings and merely played on the information on hand (uncertainty, and a possibility for an alternative future). I am an anti-theist, as is my best friend, however he recently did some witchcraft with a woman and claims to have experienced the desired change in his life. Is clairvoyance real, is magic?

People falling for this faggotry. Just generic broad answers that could apply to most people 20-40 on Sup Forums. you piece of shit cheap trick gypsy

Should I go back to college?

Close to where you are now. That's not a bad thing. You actually need some stability and consistency in your life. Goddamn, your symbols for your childhood show you had it tough. You'll be plodding along, saving slowly and will have moved to a place that is your own and you love.

Can you offer any insight on my career in the next 3 years? As well as my love life in the next year?

So OP what coming up in my life?

what race am i

? Haha

how do i get a girlfriend?

Why the fuck am I here?