How do you stop caring about other people?

How do you stop caring about other people?

when you have a pussy waiting ready for you every day like the one in pic

Get busy and preoccupied with something other than people

You just get over it. Everything's temporary.

that is an internet ass Sup Forums ass way to kill yourself. no thanks brother

Realize nobody else cares about you, so you need to care for yourself and only yourself. Yes, I am advocating becoming a sociopath. In this world you'll do much better if you only empathize yourself, as long as you recognize and adhere to moral standards.

Yeah but I'm programmed as a child to be beta because of my beta parents. I need some hypnosis or some shit.

recall the times they failed u

but people do care about me in a sense, im kinda famous or "well known" or a "figure/icon" in my area for being a fucking retarded weirdo dickweed. my reputation is tainted. what can i do to stop caring???

worry about yourself only.



Nothing wrong with being a beta, it just means you don't get first choice. Just stop caring. I haven't actively looked for a relationship in years, and I'm fine. I don't get sad for other people, so on average I'm happier. Just do what's right for you, fuck everyone else.

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture of life

to the point where people would try to "press" me in certain areas and its just non stop anxiety of conflict and being jumped

next time you feel intimidated by someone because they're being a dick or just outright obnoxious, talk back to them with meaning and passion. Next time someone tries to manipulate you by getting you to do something they want and not what you want no matter how small it is, just deny they exist and walk away. next time someone even thinks you're a piece of shit dont even give them the satisfaction of seeing you or communicating with you. These people need you more than you need them. They need someone to be beta to feel better, they need to bully in order to feel on top but the reality is they're just as scared, insecure and lonely as the rest of us. We just decided to get over it and move on.

I'm pretty sure that most people who know me by name don't like me either. There's not much you can do to stop caring other than just tell yourself not to care when something bad happens to someone else. Friend's mom dies? Tell him that sucks, and you're sorry to hear. Tell yourself that it doesn't directly affect you and you shouldn't pay much mind to it.

Thanks for the insight. I'm resentful to my parents for my programming. I don't know why I'm different (internally) but unlike them, I genuinely want to live life but just trying to shake this way of thinking when quick decision is needed I later fucking cringe at how I inherited their horrible habits.

>next time you feel intimidated by someone because they're being a dick or just outright obnoxious, talk back to them with meaning and passion
could you rephrase this or give an example

could you give an example of a real life situation that has happened? just curious



Not op but...
Talk back in a mature, rational matter but don't talk back just out of impulse and don't be insecure about taking back either.

That's what I got it out it.

Work in retail or food service


>got it out
Got out of it, rather


when you realize everything is pointless and we are just meaningless organisms


Instead of not caring, why not address the issue that you're a fucking weirdo? I mean if you ask people why they think that someone will be forward enough to give reasons.

she's freakin ADORABLE! Need to see more and more of her pussy!


yeah but thats really hard to internalize in your mind, especially in the heat of the moment. like honestly how do you experience the full emotion of that sentence? when i read about shit being meaningless and how we're all gonna die i literally feel nothing



what do u mean by address

By learning to care for yourself and not taking the easy way out, which is caring for others as you can't for yourself.



Easy, OP. Learn more about them.

By being beaten down so many times. Each time you get back up, you start to care less. Like a house wife who's husband beats her. You are the house wife, and society is the husband beating you. You can leave the marriage if you want, but that means becoming an hero. Otherwise you are in for a ride about 70 years long of being being narcissistic assholes.

i always viewed life like this, it sucks because you cant see the point in doing anything, theres no reason for people to spend all their lifes in misery working 9 to 5. you are born in this planet and you are forced to do things just because the rest of your species does it



thats exactly how i feel as well, but the fact that everything is "meaningless" doesnt enable me to do insane shit like it should. it just encourages passiveness you feel me, it doesnt trigger any drive in me to rob someone i know or something



>that means becoming an hero
You could always kill your husband

same here, I think it's because even if everything is meaningless, that doesn't mean your actions don't have consequences


How do you get drugs when you have destroyed every relationship you have and are friendless?

I just made a hit list and society is my number 1 target.

Get hurt

good guy.


Normally that's when they just show up. Walk down more alleyways, take the road less traveled for reasons.


you probably should move at this point.



Yeah you got it

what if i cant

I'm the same way but you have to realise the reason why they want you to be beta like them is if you don't then they'll be scared of you and of what you can accomplish in life when you just fuckin go for it.

then you're beat lol

That's not a sociopath you idiot.
