My little brother's room isn't that bad right?

My little brother's room isn't that bad right?

its just messy.

His bed.

Some more

That's normal if you're Indian

I should really show what his closet looks like

The amount of mess in his closet rises up to the level of his bed

Thats one hell of a messy room.

Next to dresser


Just left a water bottle on the floor? What a disaster

more of shit stained blanket

that's a towel

Same difference. He use to used it as a blanket for some reason. He doesn't anymore (I hope)

That's one thicc power brick

Whats his lvl of education?

100% degenerate with no future.

Just finished highschool

It's fucking filthy

the room it self is quite nice. clean that shit up.

childhood poverty is not funny

Reminds me of my time like 3-4 years ago.. only eating junk food, playing videos games. Then I started my job, met a hot chick, and cared more about myself.

>little brother

This is your shit and you know it.