Global warming

I have to take a senior seminar outside of my major to graduate, and the one i am taking is a geography class. I want to write my final paper disproving/casting doubt about global warming but I dont know dick about it, can anyone post some sources or statistics to help start me off?

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kek, why don't you write your paper about how the holocaust didn't happen?
or how the earth is actually flat?

If you wish to graduate this year, I urge you not to do that. Universities are a giant leftist shithole.

You think Sup Forums's favorite graphs and statistics who haven't been relevant in actual science since the late eighties would actually stand a chance in an academic setting?

People here are sitting in a bubble unchallenged, neither you or any one of the genius "sceptics" here does have enough basic grasp of the subject to defend their final paper on the subject.


if you're going to grad school don't risk ruining your GPA

unless you already got into the one you want then go nuts

>denying climate change isn't red pilled

I was told by one of the most intelligent people ive ever met that it man made climate change was all bullshit, he may be wrong but i doubt it.

"global warming" is a misnomer

climate change is the accurate term scientists use now

climate change is real, but the affects are so miniscule that it doesn't matter

whatever we (america) does about it, china/india/SE asia will continue to pollute at maximum capacity until the end of time, making it pointless to buy ingo Al Gore's green empire of jewishness

don't right a paper about global warming, because your teacher will call you a retard and give you an F, ESPECIALLY if you already don't fucking know anything and need Sup Forums's help to write your paper for you

>but I dont know dick about it
How can you have such a strong belief in global warming not being real while "not knowing dick about it"?

>can anyone post some sources or statistics to help start me off?
so you literally know nothing about the subject but you've already taken a stance?

Im in idgaf i got 100% on our first exam arguing about how terrible immigration is for American, this teacher is super liberal but he says as long as we back up what we have to say he will give us good grades and I love btfo'ing the other 8 ppl in class this summer

Believe whatever you want to believe, just don't expect that you'll be able to defend your paper with data and graphs from the eighties.

I know what ive learned from what is probably only semi accurate info in the climate change threads, but when i say i need to know dick about it, i mean lkke gain a strong understanding of it.

I figured there'd be one person on pol who got too redpilled for his own good and had a shit ton of scholarly sources saved to post.

Contrary to the massive propaganda bombardments, AGW is just a theory and can be argued against easily enough. The main fault is the ridiculous computer simulations of every carbon molecule on the planet and their effect on climate. On the face of it, it's asinine.

What is more interesting is why tax carbon in the first place? Element of life, control carbon, control life. Everyone wants to rule the world.

>Global Warming/Climate change
>Not real

Jesus fucking Christ, you guys are so fucking stupid. WE CAN LITERALLY SEE THE POLAR ICE CAPS MELTING AND THE EARTH GETTING WARMER.

>this teacher is super liberal but he says as long as we back up what we have to say he will give us good grades
He's a treasure.
So many people are so scared of opposing ideas they try to discourage them, he's encouraging research and rewarding it.

He might be liberal but this is what we need in universities.
I mean

could you make your paper about why some people don't believe in global warming

you could write it in a way that makes it seem like you believe in global warming while exposing university leftists to red pills and causing them to question their beliefs

>yes human activity contributes to climate change but the largest climate changes the world has ever seen happened millions of years before humans, therefore it doesn't really matter whether we contribute to it or not because it's going to fucking happen anyway.

There's your thesis.

Non sequiturs are not evidence. Nigger.

the recorded data ends around 2010-2012

the rest of it is extrapolated

wasn't that a period of peak solar activity

Cows > factories
Termites (bugs) > humans
Many third world country freezers (cfc) > factories
The earth leaks gas from the bottom of the ocean.
Human generated CO2 is the smallest of our problems.
Don´t do it because many of us are planning to get a lot of money thanks to it :(
I´ll give u another one:
China has toxic ammounts of CO2 but they keep putting more and more factories in their land, to be able to do it they pay a country (Perú or w/e) to plant trees in order to balance the damage they do the environment but chinese citizens and fauna eat more and more CO2.
There`s worse things out there like chemicals
used in agro/plastics, etc

Cool. Now all he has to do is prove that humans are causing it. Hard mode: don't use models that fail to predict temperatures next week to predict temperatures next decade.

>Studies show that globally, the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice.
>not reading what you're linking
>Sup Forums

Google James Delingpole

Being redpilled is being ignorant as fuck then. Just do it. Fail.You're full retard now

>don't know dick about it
Neither do any other global warming denialists. That's why they're global warming denialists.

Maybe you should do some research, and then do a paper on how climate change is real. Then, using your own experience, point out how other clueless idiots can be convinced that climate change is real.