I want to become a philosopher and a writer, but writing a book which I am currently doing will take years to do...

I want to become a philosopher and a writer, but writing a book which I am currently doing will take years to do. How do I spread my philosophies to the world? YouTube doesn't seem to be an option anymore since the censoring started. Any advice? Don't want to starve.

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>I want to become a philosopher and a writer
>Don't want to starve.

Choose one.

live in a barrel

ok your wish is granted you can now think and you can now write

You're not helping...

tell us some of your philosophies senpai

I am helping. You are sitting here expecting people to tell you how you can have your cake and eat it too.

Look at history, being a philosopher and a writer is the surest way that one can starve.

As far as your philosophical mind is concerned, the fact that you have no appreciation for my real-world point shows that you are a fucking mongoloid retard. Please, do not write. do not not philosophize. Do not spread your retardation to innocent people.

will try and keep it brief

The first mystery at hand is your own existence, what does it mean to be incarnated into a human body? What are you, the ego? We all define ourselves as our human body, yet even a momentary glance makes this statement absurd, what defines you must necessarily extend beyond your anatomical body. You look at rocks as dead things, yet that rock at the beach is just as much a part of you as your physical body is. After all, you need rocks, what would you stand on? If you define yourself as your body, then what happens when you for instance cut your hair? Your hair goes from being you until the second it leaves your scalp, then it is no longer you, yet when it was attached to you it was you. If you were to lose your arm in an accident, are you then not yourself anymore? You can live without so many parts of your body, yet you can not live without the air, or the ground you are standing on. So how are these any less you than your body? Yet you do not identify your being with these. For you to exist you require the sun and the earth, which in turn revolves around our milky way galaxy, when you step back and take this broader perspective, you see that your existence necessarily implies the whole rest of the cosmos. Do not think of yourself as some separate pawn in the game of life. You are the universe, your are the whole process.

When were you born? At conception? At birth? Or when you were just an evil gleam in your father's eye? Contemplate your age. What age are you really? You could not be here without the entire history of the universe behind you. You are a process of your age, you have the knowledge of those who came before you, the thoughts of those you call “others” are currently making up the matrix of your current thoughts. Now, in reading my thoughts you in a sense become me, through a simple system of black characters on a white background I am communicating something that before was only available inside my mind.

phft grow up you nut, this is generic 17 yo old shit

or your older and should just stay of the drugs


Most people think they have free will, yet You don’t know what your next thought will be, it will simply come to you. Your thoughts arise in your head without your conscious intention, here is an experiment for you, try to stop thinking for an hour, or a day. If you really did have free will and control over your own mind, this would not be a problem, but you will find this impossible for the simple reason that the control you feel you have is simply an illusion. It is an illusion that you are the conscious source of your actions, we appear to be living in a cause and effect universe, either our wills are determined by prior causes, an infinitely long chain of prior causes and we are not responsible for them or they are the product of “chance”, and we are not responsible for them.

did you eat anything today ?

I did..?

Unless you are conditioned nearly from birth to think on nothing but reflex. The human mind is a powerful and complex supercomputer capable of things that would make your fucking head spin, assuming that something it can do is impossible is a mistake.

Some days I don't though..

The whole concept of free will is absurd. Before making a "decision" to think a though, you would first have to make another decision to decide, and before that you would also have to make a decision to decide to decide etc etc.. An infinite regression would occur..

I think I understand you, and I do think what you're saying is sensible.

But the very nature of truth is that it isn't very complicated, but you might just have it.

That, sadly, does not make it desirable. It's very hard to make money off of your philosophical work, even if it is poignant.

Good luck boopy, I hope you make it.

dont ever expect anyone to read philosophy, you must take a definite subject or else its just vain showing off how clever you are. most in this world is already scientifically established, you dont have to try and connect everything and you dont have to chase the horizon all the time, be definite

Absurd does not mean impossible. We are designed and built in a world that exists within an infinity.

What you are experiencing is your own passage through the 4th dimension (time) as shown in relation to you by your brain.


I just feel like what we are missing most in this world is not resources, but the right perspective and I feel like I am one of the few people who has at least 1% of it figured out while most other people sleep walk through life. I feel like spreading both my "political" and contemplative philosophies is the most important thing I can do to change the world for the better.

Doing anything creative sure is a big risk...But I am like a cow that needs milking, if I don't get to express myself I will explode.

There are no square circles, you can feel free to do your own research on the subject. Look up the Libet experiment to begin with. It is not just absurd, it is impossible..

you need a hug

Let me tell you something. I have read through all of your "philosophies". You write like a semi retarded version of Khalil Gibran. You don't understand the first thing about philosophy. My philosophy graduate friends are lightyears beyond this garbage. They would laugh at you and rip this trite nonsense apart.

If you want to get into philosophy, read all of the philosophy you can, and realize that you are essentially saying nothing centralized and that the scattered themes that you think sound good have debated numerous times with no conclusion.

I have written for television shows before.
I know that I'm neither an amazing writer or philosopher for that matter, but I am clearly more successful in the humanities than you. Let me tell you, you will fail miserably if you attempt to proceed from where you are right now. Get educated. Get a degree in english or philosophy so you don't fucking embarrass yourself when actually intelligent and educated people come across your work.


I don't think truth is particularly complicated. I'd wager most of it you already have.

Whatever you decide and wind up doing, I'd like to say I support you. You seem splendid

Focus on philosophy that is inspired by our current reality and can be applied to it.

We cling on to past philosophy that while interesting and sometimes useful, it stops us creating our own. I studied philosophy and most of it was boring pseudo-intellectual mental masturbation that makes people think they are smart, but it never solves anything nor is very applicable to everyday life.

Wow I am stunned by your arguments.. Wish I could see them though, help I must be going blind.

Our world and all of our mathematics don't function properly based on infinity. Godel proved that

Thank you fam, I appreciate it :)

I think truth is very simple, but we are looking at it from a perspective molded by so many different things. To see the truth, one must first look through all the illusions, and those on the other hand are very complicated...

You're an idiot. It's obvious to anyone with an IQ in the double digits. Have I simplified my argument enough for you?

Infinity is a property of numbers. Numbers cannot work without the concept of infinity, nor without the concept of nothing (zero, which isn't a number).

The concept of infinity has always confused me greatly. If infinity exists that must mean that everything must happen, even things that are not logical.

A simple example would be an object that moves both up and down at the same time and both exists within a causal and time oriented universe, yet this is impossible as far as I know

Your mom should have given you more hugs, the world would have been better off that way..

How is this your philosophy?!

>you see that your existence necessarily implies the whole rest of the cosmos

This is the anthropic principle

Why math and the universe overlay so closely is one of the most interesting things I have ever contemplated. Look up fractals and fractal plants, this blew my mind like nothing I've ever seen myself. Was obsessed with fractals for months, also look up the fibonacci numbers and how they relate to the human body and other things in our universe. Really really really worth doing.

Infinity is a property of a higher dimension, I forget which one. If you understand that infinity is every possible occurrence in a given universe, and that it never ends until the universe itself ends, it's much less confusing.

The anthropic principle is just one stand point to take and you can't really argue against it because it is a negative statement, meaning it can't be falsifiable.

Solipsism is another one of these, but thinking in this way leads nowhere and is a good way to paint yourself into a corner.

I think there are basically two possible explanations for this.

1. God exists
2. This is just the way universe(s) work, so there is nothing special about it.

Higher dimensions are a purely abstract concept to me.

But that is not infinity, that is just really really big. But an infinity must mean that square circle exists, which seems impossible in any universe.

Dude, you're pissing me off because if you were educated, you'd realize that the answer to this question is unknown and that you're not even asking the right one, and you have the gall to consider yourself to be way above the common man.

Listen up. You can't extend the philosophical notion of infinity to the physical laws of the universe like you are doing. The last time these disciplines were considered one in the same was before Socrates' time. The mathematical notion of infinity exists because it has to within mathematics. It is unknown, completely, to what degree mathematics is self reflexive. It seems like a fairly good proxy for the Universe at times in that it seems to model it perfectly on occasion without us having yet observed the physical phenomena that it ends up modeling. So, the notion of the actual physical infinity of the universe isn't a question of philosophy and you can't even begin to wager one way or the other within the discipline. So no, we have no idea if everything can happen, even illogical things, or some trite bullshit. You don't understand how ignorant you are.

Diogenes was an absolute madman

Whatever dude. There is no infinity in our physical universe.

Saying that "it is just how it works" seems like a non answer to me. Don't think it proves the existence of "God" (Whatever that really means).

I believe in mathematical infinities, but since infinity in our material world seems to be a paradox I don't know how it is relevant?

Philosophy simple means the love of knowledge, saying something can never ever be known seems like a non answer.

The sensoring only applies to the monetization you can still post your vids that being said podcasts are the way to go

What I ment by that is that maybe the universe has to function that way on a very fundamental level and otherwise it wouldn't exist. Just like the fundamental forces in physics. It may seem strange to us that math and the universe overlay so closely, but maybe it just isn't strange at all. Is it strange that gravity is 30-40
tens of magnitude weaker than the other forces?

That's the interesting thing about infinity, it does technically have an end. But said end can only be reached once all possible possibilities are explored, but it new possibilities are continually popping up as a result of the previous possibilities.

Essentially, infinity is a perpetual possibility engine, which allows for a stable universe to exist within. It does not need any fuel other than the creative energies of any life that exists within said universe, and whatever it took to create it (which is only an issue if an infinity is actually capable of being created, or if they/it have merely existed forever).

Hm you make a fair point, but how long until they just start removing it completely? Guess I could always just jump to another ship. Already have a channel that is sponsored on YouTube but it covers completely different subject matters at the moment. Getting some reach is never a bad idea though.. Hm, maybe I was look at it in the wrong way.

I've honestly got no clue at all, but it is definitely a subject matter that requires more research on my part, I plead ignorance on this at the moment.

To me, infinity is something so abstract that I can not get a grasp on it.

What you're declaring in your post cannot be answered by philosophy. You're asking if physical phenomena can exist that breaks our concept of the laws of physics. We have no idea if some sort of "everything" infinite physics exists, and mathematics is relevant because it seems to, at times, model the Universe perfectly. I'm saying that your declaration that impossible physics has to exist "somewhere" out there because the vague concept of infinity exists, which you stated here: is bullshit.

>something can never ever be known seems like a non answer

Yea but the world doesn't constitute itself based on your ideas of philosophy. Unfortunately, I guess there are certain things that just can't be 'known'. For example questions like: Was there something 'before' the universe existed? Is there a god? What does this all mean ... etc

According to math you can not cross the street if you first went half the distance, and the keep going half the distance. Math =/= The universe.

I think it is possible to figure out if there is a God or not, and if there is a meaning to life..

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity certain 'meta-particles' that move faster than light are perfectly possible. But do they exist? No. Just because there are certain possibilities within the math, that doesn't mean they have anything to do with the real physical world.

>It is unknown, completely, to what degree mathematics is self reflexive. It seems like a fairly good proxy for the Universe at times in that it seems to model it perfectly on occasion without us having yet observed the physical phenomena that it ends up modeling.
>It is unknown, completely, to what degree mathematics is self reflexive.

If you say something like, "math has never served as a predictive model for any physical phenomena lol idiot", then head on over to Wikipedia for a little education.

Well, but unfortunately you are wrong. The answers to these questions do not exist within our universe. Think about it, it is impossible.
Of course this doesn't mean that people do not find a meaning of life or believe in a God. This things are personal concerns.

Thanks user found that interesting. I'm not a philosophers I just dabble in it. But I think his is half baked shit that any body could destroy with a rational view of the world. He is basically copying existentialism and repeating it problem a freshman at college.

It is the same with finding an answer to the question what was before the big bang. The question just doesn't make any sense. There is no 'before the big bang'. The big bang was the creation of time and space. It was the morning without yesterday. Any god that may have created the universe is unreachable for ourselfs and so is the meaning of life.

Experiments show that there is a gap of time between the instant your brain begin to activate neuronal webs leading to an act and the moment you decide - your consciousness - to make that act. Free will is an artifact making you able to live in this world. It's seems to be an emergent effect that permit you to interact and give sense to things.

Bruh if telepathy exists, then God might very well.

Look up Rupert Sheldrake's research on telepathy, and Consciousness and the Observer Effect | Dean Radin Ph.D | IONS

some theories don't make the big bang as the beginning of everything, you know..

It is up to you to prove it not him to prove it. (Common answer not my original thought)If I say there is a spoon orbiting saturn and you say not there isnt. I'm making the claim so burden of proof is on me. If he says there is not way to test it he can prove that because you can't prove it is not a non answer it the only answer because it is based in fact.

Isn't he making the statement that infinity exists in our physical universe? Then the burden of proof lies on the party making the positive statement..

Start by admitting private companies do not censor. They freely associate with clients, and have the right to terminate such associations.

Only 'red pill heroes' call it censorship when a capitalist company decides that there's more profit in not having some variety of asshole associated with them.

I know, but every single observation speaks for the theory of a big bang. The theory fits perfectly and certainly better than anything else we got, so why believe in weaker theories?

I agree, capitalism

Yeah, but what private companies are doing is making it look like they agree with modern liberal sentiment for PR purposes but then certainly practically allowing the more reactionary conservative side of things space, not actually kicking the "some variety of asshole" out. Because that is what is bad for business at the end of the day.

>non saavy mind drone sucked into divisive politics detected


No. He thought was what the post he replied to was saying.

'cause lot of theorists do, since actual models aren't able to explain everything ? No wimps at the time, string theory and else ? Dark matter, dark energy.... there will be implications for the big band idea if they make progress.... sorry for my english, it's quite complicated subjects, i can't really express correctly what I'm trying to say

Nah, not trying to 'suck you into divisive politics'. I just really hate an OP that relies on language which is either intentionally deceptive, or in which the OP's ignorance of a significant part of the premise fouls the entire thing.

And what YouTube mostly does? They let just about any legal thing go up, and leave most of it alone because it's ad traffic. They take down stuff that turns out to be morally offensive if not actually 'technically' illegal, like 'hitler was right' stays up, but 'Hitler was right and we should finish it right now!' comes down, because even if the poster's talking about stirring all of society via the election and legal system, it's still fucking dumb and inflammatory without any redeeming ideas.

YT isn't ever going to make 100% of the traffic to them happy, but if it's better than 90%, then YouTube's probably quite happy with that.

Bhagavat gita, user friend.
And you have only just begun to ask the questions. You are a long way from becoming a philosopher (no offence intended) for a philosopher must have more than just questions. If he does not have the answers, he must at least have a path/paths which on exploration have the ability to lead to answers.

>pic related

Fascism, in the traditional meaning, is the option you offer to set against capitalism, so no thanks. unfying the economic system and the political in that means a lot of absolute shit, so no thanks. As to the rest, I answered the post below yours first.

this is nothing new or original are just a book that read a few books trying thinking for youself first Mr "philosopher"

>people attaching a mystical tone to their contrived 'philosophies'

You truthfully don't understand the first thing about philosophy.

Capitalism does not exist today. We have corporatism, capitalism can never exists completely within a government run system.

omg you don't even know what the big bang is. Certainly not pic related. The theory of big bang doesn't say 'the universe sprang from nothing in a single instant for no reason'. It doesn't say anything about the creation of the universe or deeper reasons to it. It describes how the universe developed AFTER its creation. More precisely from 5.39 × 10^−44 seconds (planck-time) after its creation until today.

the best part of this thread is OP getting schooled in his own desired topic

Youtube isn't censoring, they're just demonetizing, you can still post and share your videos.

>wanting to become a philosopher and writer
>asks for advise on Sup Forums instead of /lit/ or /his/

You don't have to come up with new ideas to be a philosopher mate.. A philosopher builds on previous ideas and expresses it to the masses in a way that is understandable.

What you are asking me to do is basically impossible to do.

>I want to become a rapist and a killer, but finding a woman to rape which I am currently doing will take years to do because I am a kissless virgin. How do I spread my genes to the world?

>actual models aren't able to explain everything

Yea, but not a single alternative model explains everything. Of course, I know that big bang doesn't describe everything, but it certainly is the best model we currently have.

You're never going to get pure AnCap, nor should anyone with a reasoning mind want it. Ayn Rand was a fucking selfish cunt, not a genius. Ayn Rand vastly over-estimated her cult of personality and would've been eaten alive in the world she proposed. Pure AnCap leads, almost immediately, to other systems of society - usually warlords and monarchies.

something you have not done at all and its not impossible just something you you're self can not do.

They are censoring it though, removing subscriber annotations. Also removing certain videos and removing them from search.

>Centralized violence is bad
>So let us have centralized violence just in case

The existence of an all knowing God precludes any possibility of free will.
You are "free" to chose exactly as an all knowing God knows you will choose. To believe otherwise is to believe your God is not all knowing - blasphemy; you're claiming your God is ignorant.

So anyone who believes in both a God and free will either has never thought their religious beliefs through (a very likely scenario), or they're willfully being stupid because they can't accept the truth about their beliefs.

also big bang does make predictions, that are perfectly observable

When was the last time someone developed a new philosophical concept? Ancient Greece?

Also directly to slavery

If someone takes 100% of your income by the threat of force, then you are a slave.

99% then? Are you no longer a slave? What about 90%? 80%? Where do you draw your arbitrary line user?

Even they were debating the merits of already known concepts.
Nietzsche's "will to power" is about the only one in the last 2500 years.

There's no way around it. As capital aggregates, power aggregates. Remember, in AnCapLand, teh water and sunlight are commodotizable, and if they could figure out a way to buy the 'air breathing'rights from all humans for an up-front nad lease it back via permanent nasal mechanical irises, they would.

As Power aggregates to the few, they become leaders without actually 'doing' anything to achieve it, they simply have what others need and therefore get more of what they want, trading labor for necessities and so on.

In a democracy, there's at least a theoretical situation that all the people get some sort of voice in the policies of the people, and directions for how and in what situations that force (a better term than 'violence') is applied.

Actually haven't read enough Nietzche to say, but can you give me the basics? Nihilism is cancer to me, but I've heard quite a few people I respect talk about him, but there is only so much time in the day.

I thought I'd done a decent job of iplying that; I don't want to take so long composing a reply on here that the thread 404s, and this is Sup Forums, not a place for serious critiques of social policy. Can't hotlink citation, can't really get in too deep or shit eating spiderman shows up and threadblocks.

What do you exactly mean by 'concept'? One could mention Ludwig Wittgenstein. He delivered a new understanding of language.

Start with a philosophy on spreading philosophies. Proof your worth, crab!

I'm not saying the Big bang is a false or bad theory. Just, and in spite of large advances, we are largely ignorants of how the universe actually works.. gravitation, singularities, structure of space-time etc etc... Is the bigbang a beginning ? Just for ours models...