Which pill Sup Forums?

Which pill Sup Forums?

yellow nigga

blue sell unlimited yellow pills

Having to poop every 5 minutes is not that bad.

purple pls

Blue, bury my enemies in piss pills.

blue of course. help me stop worrying about my bloody piss.

your ass is gonna be raw

Get rich
fuck lots of young whores.
no more depression, anxiety and makes you comfortable around people and grils - without the poop.

Or purple
become scat porn star.

kek made me laugh because there is blood when i poo

I'm a trap so the green one ez.

Post pics

All of you fucking idiots saying you would sell and unlimited supply of yellow pills.... WHO THE FUCK WOULD PAY FOR PILLS THAT TURN YOUR PISS YELLOW!?

Blue pill. So i can OD on yellow pils and end my miserable life

well i already shit like every 5 minutes so no dowsides to purp

you should probably get that checked out. You might have prostate cancer.

People who've been lied to and told they're drugs.

People trying to hide the fact that they use drugs.

All I got, been posted before. I'm tall so green pill is o p t i m a l.

Well shit... I retract my previous post point. Except for that second bit, they test your piss for drug content, they don't just look at the colour and say "Legit clean".

That's true, but not every druggy knows that now do they?

its not a question of whether i have it or not.

Easy blue. Sell unlimited yellow pillls to pharmacy for stoners who detoxed and need their piss yellow to pass a urine test. Globally sell pills to Walmart and other shit tier stores. Profit

.... I like the way you think.