Prove that jazz musicians actually improvise on their albums

Couldn't do it, could you? This is the first step in admittimg jazz is shit. Congrats.

Other urls found in this thread:

>when you get butt devastated and make a new thread post-ironically
Golden sjhit.

>be me
>jazz musician
wew lad

prove that jazz musicians don't just improvise because they're too lazy to write music
couldn't do it, could you? this is the first step in admittimg jazz it shit. congrats.

You don't know what improvisation in music is.

>when you absolutely must avoid OPs point at any cost

Alternate takes are literally proof of this.

No its not. Its proof of two scripted pre written takes. Also its proof that its not ad hoc at all but carefully rehearsed.

Alternative takes
Session releases
Live performances

Lol yeah. They notated every note of these pieces and then carefully rehearsed them til they got it just right and then destroyed the notation and told everyone it's improvised.

Its called free jazz cuz no one wants it


i thought it was all computer generated

Not proof

Did you have proof or are we pretending your snark is an argument

prove that all classical compositions aren't improvised

You can't call proof not proof. Lazy ass bait.


Ain't you a stupid sad cracker?

>I am bad at improvising so everyone else is too
Why even make this thread

jazz musicians repeat their "improvisation" a lot more than they'd like to admit

>what is a motif

Do you know what proof is? Or are you confused about the term improv...

no I mean between different versions
the idea that everything in jazz has to be extemporaneous is pretty fucking stupid


>the idea that everything in jazz has to be extemporaneous is pretty fucking stupid
only people who know nothing about jazz have that idea though

Yeah, those all display forms of improv.

I really do think jazz has an unhealthy aversion to notation

Fuck you all for falling for such shitty b8.

It's literally impossible to prove that something is improvised. But you're an idiot if you don't realize that jazz solos are improvised.

Not on their albums. It also doesnt prove they didn't prewrite and rehearse the album cut... brainlet

That's what session releases are for!

Yeah and maybe those ARE improvised. Then again maybe not. Prove they didnt rehearse before the session releases, or that the players didnt meticulously plan out their solos

>jazz musicians don't really improvise
>jazz is bad because of improvisation

Jazz albums take a variety of session recordings and put the best recordings of a piece together.

>Prove they didnt rehearse before the session releases
>One can't practice their instrument if they are jazz improvisers

>or that the players didnt meticulously plan out their solos
Between sessions, whats on the album, and what can be heard live of the same track it's totally different.

Btw what's your proof that they don't improvise?

Fucking lol if this is serious.

I love mu

They could just write multiple versions of the same song for sessions. Or improv in the sessions and then play composed music during the album.

Not an argument. So does improv matter to jazz or not? If it is important, and most would say it is, then there should be evidence that it's not all smoke and mirrors designed to sell consumers half thought out / unfinished music.

yes there is definitely enough money in playing jazz for thousands of musicians to keep doing this

thanks OP for debunking jazz for good

maybe only the successful ones "cheat"

Jazz is the last refuge of the untalented. Jazz musicians enjoy themselves more than anyone listening to them does.

Hahaha, don't know if this is bait, but I'm pretty sure when it comes to studio, it's refined versions of the stuff they played in clubs an shit. With some improv thrown in for good measure.
You want Jazz, see that shit live first. That's their home.