I just took a shit with a lot of blood with a shit...

I just took a shit with a lot of blood with a shit. It was leaking for a while but I wiped just now and there's no blood. I am pale right now. Am I going to die b?

did it hurt at all?


cut back on the hot cheetos

Had this problem recently, probably a lower gi bleed get it checked out as soon as possible. Slight chance it could be colon cancer but I'm not a doctor so I couldn't tell you. With the amount of blood it's most likely not a hemorrhoid that ruptured. Has it been a problem regularly?

You may have bowel cancer or some shit. Get help, and I mean from a real doctor, not self certified Sup Forums medfags.

Nah. The red coloration suggests that the bleeding occurred near the end of your digestive tract. Might have even been an internal hemorrhoid that burst or something. If it was black, then it'd be a different story.

Not really

If it is a lower gi bleed it's nothing to be too too concerned about, just make sure you get it checked out if the problem persists over the next few days. But chances are you're perfectly fine Sup Forumsro

The brighter the color the father down it is. The darker the bood means it took longer to move through your system meaning it's probably more serious. Since it looks fresh it might be a rip in your anus somewhere.

No first time

this...but do this too

Colon cancer


Did you eat beets. It might have been beets. Do ya like beets?

Good chances it's just a ruptured hemorrhoid or a lower gi bleed. If it persists most likely lower gi if not most likely hemorrhoid. Perfectly natural, but persistent blood I highly recommend going to the doctor. Because there's still a chance it could be cancer. Minuscule, but there's still that chance.

If you were previously constipated and if you struggled to push the shit through, it's just a minor fissure. You have also mentioned that it stopped bleeding after you wiped, so don't worry, it will pass

Taste it if it tastes sweet you will be fine

Bright red blood like that is usually indicative of something less serious. If you shit black (dried blood) that should be more alarming. However, with the amount that you just shat out, i would go to the ER to make sure theres no immediate danger.

You weren't the guy cooking beets earlier, were you?

A fissure wouldn't come with that much blood


I've had that. It's usually an internal hemorrhoid you didn't even know about. Because it's bright red you're probably fine.

With me this went on for a couple months before it went away. And it happened once every few weeks.

It's beeeeets!