Is programming cool?

Is programming cool?

It was for a little while. Now SJWs are hell bent on creating a negative stereotype that will actually keep women and minorities out, which is lame.

Programming itself is a boring monkey-job. The interesting part is figuring out how do things efficiently and easily.

why not just use:

if(int % 2 == 0)

That's the joke, retard.

I've never programmed, but I am decent with computers, hardware/networking. Should I go for a career in that or is programming worth learning?

a sysadmin who knows python gets all the pussy. knowing at least the basics matters a lot.

I can answer for you, if you’re actually curious.

I’ve been a software engineer for a bit, it really isn’t a fun job by its own merit. It CAN be a fun job, but it depends on your team, and if you’re interested in the work. But one thing I always tell people who want to get into the field is that that stereotype of the lone programmer at the corner of the office working alone with the lights off, isn’t really true. At least it’s not true in any of the companies I’ve worked at.

Programming is collaborative work, so be prepared for that. Building systems quickly and efficiently is hard fucking work, and, at least for me, the actual coding is the fun part. The hard part is coordinating with your team, communicating well, and providing a place where people aren’t afraid to give their most crazy ideas. So, if you like logical puzzles and building things, awesome! You’re part way there! But there’s also the human side. I don’t know if schools really teach that part, I went to school for mathematics so I don’t have much insight into CS programs, but just be prepared for that, because a lot of fresh college grads really suck at that half.

Yea, programming is kinda fun.
Especially if you work with robots and shit.

Thanks for the reply. I think it would take me a long time to reach that level of comfortably to where a company/team could rely on me. I don't work in any I.T. field right now, but I've always been interested and took some courses in high school and some college (no degree.) Just trying to think of what my "real job" should be. But i want to enjoy it too.

Fair enough, seems reasonable.

No harm in trying it out. I taught myself because I thought it was more fun than what I was doing at the time. The other thing I should say is that if you don’t like it, don’t go rushing to make it your career.

Again, programming isn’t fun for fun’s sake. I’ve known other developers who hate programming, and are just there for the money, and they can be great developers, but they’re fucking miserable. Staring at problems for days on end fucking sucks already, I’m sure it would be a nightmare if you hated doing it.


To hear SJWs talk about it, every programming shop is full of drooling neckbeards who sit around making rape jokes all day.

I'm the "sysadmin gets the pussy" guy.

I have worked in IT in the past 4 years, with a finished high school, and a few years of uni, without degree. I started as a junior software tester, and gradually went higher. I was senior software tester, test automator, senior test automator, and now I'm a developer (finally with a 6-figure salary, if I convert it to USD).

I started similarly like you, although my uni years were IT related too. I just decided that I want to get into IT. I did not have any relevant job experience, so I aimed for the lowest position in the area, and got the mentioned jr sw tester job. And then with the job first I started playing with shell scripts, then with java, then with c and cpp, python, different programming and testing frameworks, whatever the job required. A few months ago I wrote my own linux kernel module in my job.

My experience with all the technologies, programming languages and other stuff makes me relatively desirable on the job market, I get invitations/offers every week or so.
So I would go for it if I were you, if you are really interested in this. Go through a few tutorials on the net, it won't be hard to figure out if you enjoy doing this stuff.

no it's not?

look up programming tutorials and get familar with the basics before signing up for any classes other wise your just going to get confused and waste your money.

I see. It does seem like a double edge sword, because it is a creative job so you can express yourself into the work, but you also have to manage working in a group and constructing final results as a group. I'm not sure if I would like that. But I don't even know if I would like programming, so I need to just practice on my own time first.

For sure, I'm not even enrolled anywhere, so I want to be 110% sure of what I am doing if I ever take another college course.

That's great experience to have, and good advice. It can't hurt to know, even if I don't go that route. I will try to practice something during my free time for now and see how I like it.

I started as an sys admin but noticed there were plenty of people doing the same thing so I decided to keep studying.

Im now in my last year of my computer science study and I love programming. Every programming language is different but has almost the same basics, so once you understand the basics of programming it is easier to pick up a new one.

I don't understand why they say SWJ scare away girls from programming because I see plenty of them, maybe it's just an amerika thing.

>Is programming cool?

So, so, so, so cool.

In the company I work for it's actually the programmers that are the SJWs (the open-source ones at least). The proprietary software developers seem to be more conservative in general.

The company has seemingly biased hiring practices towards women as well. Extra money is awarded if you refer one (and it's big difference).


Not sure what the guy ranting above is talking about. I live in the US, most meet ups I go to have maybe 30% women? And most companies I know of have women on their teams.

In 5 years I've worked with one woman programmer (it turned out they were transgender). I've worked with plenty of women business analysts and testers though. Although I work for a consultancy - maybe that's what makes the difference?

Ah, maybe. I’ve worked in one big company and the rest have been medium to small startups.

It would make the most sense. We spend Mon - Thurs in hotels and we have a lower representation of women across the board (even outside of programming roles). I think men tend to have more tolerance for poorer work/life balance

Whick tutorials are good? Esp for kids?

Yeah, another thing I thought about that I noticed was that most of the women programmers that come in usually fill up the junior roles because they typically have less experience. I would imagine it’s because more women are joining the field now than ever, since the stereotypes you described above. I would imagine consultancies would expect a certain expertise, but I personally haven’t worked with any consultants in my development career. When I was an actuary though, the consultants were fresh faced college kids, so I guess it could go either way.

Yeah, learn JavaScript it's the best. Once you learn ES6 you can code across tons of platforms from games, VR, native apps, desktop apps and websites.

I just graduated community college with an associates in CIS, and I want a programming job, how fucked am I?

If you can write fizzbuzz, you are not fucked at all. If you send 5 CVs, you will get 3 interview invitations, and most probably 1 offer.

Build shit to show off and you’ll be fine.

I'd caution that that, although online tutorials are great for learning the general pedantic stuff, alot of online resources are poor substitutes for knowledge such as appropriate industry practices.

As an example, I've interviewed plenty of generally competent individuals regarding a language itself. The largest weaknesses are cloistered around development processes. Testing is a big one. Most programmers using online code schools are generally poor at using testing frameworks, automatic build tools, and integrating build pipelines.

Ontop of a language learn an SVN (git, mercurial), testing frameworks, build tools (CMake, gulp, python wheels), Travis-CL, etc.

Also worth mentioning that it will depend on the projects you work on. It can get a bit tedious if you're working on the same software every day. And I suspect that in every programming job you will have to be regularly annoyed by sloppy and uninterested team members. It's a pain in the ass to have to be the responsible one when team members don't follow established patterns and write extremely redundant, convoluted code.

Also, register on LinkedIn. I know it's microsoft, and bad, and etc, but IT recruiters have swarmed the place in the past decade, and instead of having to send your CV, they will contact you.

this guy

I'm a mechanic with a high school degree. I'm a few weeks into learning to code with the Odin project, how fucked am I?

Programming professionally for 5 years now at a SV company. Programming is not cool, but it pays great. Girls like guys they think are smart or rich, and being programmer gives you that.

That said, I hate my life and drink heavily. I'd be a poor artist if I could do it again.

Then why not do digital art?

Oh, of course. What I meant by that was just to see if he likes coding at all (since he has 0 experience). I agree with you, have seen it many times too, that guy knows the basics of something, but can't connect two steps into a third one, because it wasn't in the pluralsight video...

Just don't put your phone number there. They will call you all the time to tell you about jobs you'd be perfect for, even though you're not qualified at all. You won't hear about the jobs again, but they will ask you to friend a shit ton of their colleagues, who will continue to send you mass emails for years.
Kind of agree. But if you have no direction in life, programming is a pretty good bet. It may suck, but it's a lot better than the other alternatives.

It's cool depending what is your project.

If you want to learn some you could begin by html & CSS ( is to make static web pages), and then some PHP and SQL ( interactive web pages).

And then if you like that, you could learn some java, python or whatever...

But start with html,CSS >> PHP,SQL.
If you not retarded, in 1 or 2 month you can use them nicely, and understand hat is programming.

For all the faggots who are saying that the programming is a bad job, you don't love coding and that's why you don't enjoy it. Also, that results in bad code and your value is low on the market so you're not happy because of that neither. You should just give up and learn construction work.

It's hard to find time. Working on code drains you mentally, so you don't feel like doing shit. Other people probably have the same problem when they get home from work.

I have a tablet that I periodically sketch on, but not often. One day I'll post on the drawthreads


It's not that simple. Your job may actually feel worse if you love coding. You spend a lot of time with the code, architectures that other people have made, and sometimes they're the result of a guy who just didn't want to spend two minutes thinking through what he's doing. Even if that stuff is a nightmare, management is most likely not going to approve of you spending more than 5 minutes trying to fix it, if you can't present a reasonable explanation of how it will lead to an immediate improvement that customers will appreciate.

>Working on code drains you mentally,
So true. A few hours a day works fine, but 7+ hours and your brain gets foggy. You lose willpower from having to make decisions all day.

Coding is an addiction writing code. Imagine if you forgot to masturbate one day. That's how it feels to not code.

It doesn't make you happier, but you still have to do it.

What if numbers above 100 are entered? Should have used:

if (userNumber.ToString().SubString(userNumber.ToString().Length - 1, 1) == "0" ||
userNumber.ToString().SubString(userNumber.ToString().Length - 1, 1) == "2" ||
userNumber.ToString().SubString(userNumber.ToString().Length - 1, 1) == "4" ||
userNumber.ToString().SubString(userNumber.ToString().Length - 1, 1) == "6" ||
userNumber.ToString().SubString(userNumber.ToString().Length - 1, 1) == "8")
Console.WriteLine("Your number is even!");
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Your number is odd!");

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

are you serious ?


if (userNumber % 2 == 0)

How about using the modulus operator?

Don't try and use your wizardry on me

Not sure if bait, but if bait, it is clever.
Otherwise, better go for gender studies.

There's an even simplier way

if (number == odd) Console.WriteLine("Number is odd") // number is odd
else if (number == even) Console.WriteLine("Number is even") // number is even

Wait, that's wrong, sorry.

if (number == odd) Console.WriteLine("Number is odd") // number is odd
else if (number == even) Console.WriteLine("Number is even") // number is even
else Console.WriteLine("Number is neither odd nor even") // neither odd nor even

>neither odd or even

Great bait

This thread is full of retarded code monkeys unable to write an efficient program

Anyone can tell why is C# important for a sysadmin? I'm in college and I wanna train myself on the matter.

C# is the current mainstream dotnet language. Generally it is not too important for sysadmins, but the dotnet library gives access to a great deal of the Windows API (maybe to the whole api?), that can be used to automatize a lot of things without third-party stuff.

So why would a sysadmin need access for the API? I don't understand the bigger picture and it's a shame they didn't really tell us at college, just "we learn C# because you'll need it".

noobfag here, which language would be the easiest to learn and get the basics down, and which is the most profitable(actually get me a decent paying job)

Let's say you are a sysadmin at a big corporation. New guy comes, and you have to create a mailbox for him, create an ActiveDirectory use, and give access to 15 systems based on his role, again in AD, and authorize him to access 6 shared folders.

Now, you can do all this manually clicking around for 20 minutes. And there are 100 new joiners. You will spend a week setting up the accounts.

Or you have an app that communicates with all the systems through the Windows API. You just enter a name and the position, and click "create account" - and the app will start communicating with the mailserver, and with the AD database setting up everything. And the whole stuff takes 10 minutes only.

Here the point of Windows api is that you can do things on two ways at least. Let's say you want to create an Excel worksheet with a letter "a" in cell A1.
You can open it manually, enter letter "a" and save it from the file menu.
Or you can call the Windows API, to create a new Excel sheet, set the correct value and save from a dotnet app using the office libraries.

With that said very few sysadmins know C# (the ones who do have jumped to the developer team). I would not say that it's necessary to know it - but being able to automatize your work can be beneficial. Faster execution, less mistakes.