Weed has helped me so much how as it helped you Sup Forums ?

Weed has helped me so much how as it helped you Sup Forums ?

made me realize life is pointless and not to get worked up over anything

I'd say it has hindered me more than helped.

It didn't.I'm addicted and can't let it go

same here

This. Also it makes me a more mellow, and calm person, and I don't just mean when I'm high.

I tried quitting for years. Eventually I succeeded but I had to cut off all my pothead friends and family.

Along with shrooms, is teaching me to breathe again. I have scoliosis from traumatic injury, shrooms showed me how to get out of the traumatic state of mind/body, weed relaxes me enough in daily life to relax those traumatized muscles and breathe and move properly again, instead of part of my body remaining stuck. But surely I'm addicted in the sense that I need it every day, or the back and leg pain comes back. Unless I take shrooms, then it stays away for months, and I barely even want to smoke.

We would have to know how much it has helped you for that.

I am currently recovering from surgery. The pain meds make me vomit. Doctor said low key pot will help curve the nausea. I've been anti-pot my whole life, but the nausea is so bad I decided to actually try it. Holy shit, it actually works. And I don't even need to take as much pain meds because of it. Why isn't this legeal???


How has it helped you OP?


By doing everything any pharmaceutical has ever done for me without the negative side effects or the down point of funding the wrong people, instead of putting more money in some rich fuckers pocket I'm helping mr weed man pay rent and feed the fam


>"Weed has helped me"
>"Made me realize life is pointless"
>Does drugs and loses all ambition in life

I suffering from mental, emotional and physical pain Anxiety and depression the more weed I have the better i feel in my head.


True that

this shit is so retarded, no its illegal due to racism and research on it in the US is difficult because its illegal on the federal level. If they could research it and isolated the active compound and sell it they would. Because money

I think it's a little too extreme (weed does not cure cancer) with a sprinkle of conspiracy retardness, but it's true there's interest to block research tho, but i would attribute it more to a moral stand.

Weed has absolutely helped me too.

It has helped uncover depression and identify sources of pain in my life. I will say weed also made me think very strongly about suicide but it was important that i felt that pain because i needed to be aware of the extent that losing my father and my job was hurting me.

It has made me enjoy artwork and sports events in original and different ways.

It has made me create sensual bonds with people and altered sex in a positive way.

Im a 36 year old man who has smoked since I was 16. Weed and the hallucinogens (LSD and Shrooms) have been tremendously beneficial to my life and have enriched my life in many ways.

yup and people want it for recreation and somehow believe if it becomes medicine first then they can abuse the medicine and eventually get it for recreational use. We (the USA) should just stop being stupid, legalize it on a federal level, so pot heads can smoke, government will get tax money from it and then scientists can properly research it


smoking a bowl every couple of days to relax

anybody who smokes every day deserves to be lazy and a failure

Fuck the government grow your own or buy it of someone who does fuck the government



yea well I want to be able to get some weed from a store with options like in a legal state, so fuck me man, ill pay taxes on it if that means i can walk down the street and buy what ever type i want and know its quality and know its the correct weight


anybody who takes opioids for simple headaches or xanax to fall asleep is more fucked than i ever will

>anybody who smokes every day deserves to be lazy and a failure
I smoke every day and have multiple degrees in chemistry and work a chemistry research full position. Some people can handle their weed, others cant

I've had stomach problems since I was like 10. And I use it to help my stomach and appetite, so I smoke before school so I'm not so high strung, I used to leave at lunch to smoke but my new school is tight on the closed campus rule, and I smoke right after school, then before I eat, and before I shower/sleep/homework

Smoke weed every day you prick

When I was younger I was a really introverted person, had almost no friends (even got tested that I may be autistic) and the teachers said that I will most likely fail at school.
Well it didn't bother that much, because I just simply didn't have the urge to fight all those accusations so I basically just fed it all inside, so I developed a few complexes and always wanted to be that "cool kid" (it always failed), so I smoked weed the first time when I was 13 in order to be cool.
After that I started doing weed more regulary, did other drugs too (I pretty much tried every drugcategory: Opiates, Benzos, Psychedlics ect.).
So over the course of time, beeing completly shit-faced every day I started to give damn about people, I just didnt care anymore what people thought of me, actually, I disliked them for causing me to be this way.
I'm now capable of presnting my opinions, I now have great friends, that I found over doing drugs and that helped me through hard times.
In school I'm dubbed the "smart kid" in class, even though I know I'm a complete idiot I'm just capable of letting people think I'm smart.
Weed and other drugs, especially shrooms, helped me to be the person I am, without having the urge to hide it in public.
It may have brought me quite a few problems, but life is better now than it was earlier.

totally agree but i don't see the point in smoking everyday. i like getting stoned with low amounts of weed. same goes for simple drugs like coffee
doubt the multiple degrees though

Yeah, im the 36 year old above and i agree with the chemist.

I dont smoke weed every day now but ive certainly gone through periods where i did.

The chemist is right there are people that can handle their weed in the right way and people who can't.

Also what is your criteria for success and for failure. Because im not entirely sure that being a productive member of society in terms of how much value you can add in a job or to a corporation is a correct definition of success.

I know many people who are valuable employees but who lack moral and ethical qualities to the point that i would absolutely not consider them success stories.

'Corporate productivity' = 'Success' is a false equivalency that is damaging many lives, particularly young men's.

Never tried weed in my life

it was a good entry to hard drugs, only problem is weed bores me now

It helps me relax and stop over thinking. Research can be stressful, people annoy me, and stupid people annoy me even more. It just helps take the edge off but I can still function pretty normally, unlike other legal drugs like alcohol.

This. I like smoking it but i abuse it and pretty much fucked up my life more than before i started. Cant hold a job or get a proper education on paper and it also got me hanging out with criminal scum. Which also made me paranoid that they will come to get me a some point.

Used to help me. Now I'm stuck in a cycle of not enjoying anything unless I'm stoned. Hardly sleeping/eating when I don't have it etc.

More of a crutch than a recreational thing now

it induces psychosis in me

not helpful!

>It helps me relax and stop over thinking. Research can be stressful
i agree on that one too but i can't imagine doing reasearch while being stoned. my research is made up of reading a lot of e-mails and accounting processes while listing and categorizing them. that's why i only enjoy it when work is done. don't know what i would do if i happen to be a chemist

Both make you a retarded brainless faggot, especially cannabis fucking hippie.

try kratom then

Oh yeah and I forgot. I've got my drug consume completly under control now. I'm not a daily stoner anymore and I now only use it for recreational puposes (earlier I could'nt sleep without it).
And I did'nt develope a addiction any kind, wich is quite lucky actually

Weed helps with my anxiety, helps me sleep, those are two big things and the main reasons why i like it.

Id rather use weed than take pharmaceuticals or a bunch of pills or something.

I dont really get hungover on weed either.

its a balance and wont pretend i never fucked up because of being high but its what ever. Im a chemist but I do biochemistry. Basically i do some genetic engineering and test how those changes affect my protein of interest. To purify and characterize each variant is doing the same exact experiment but with a different sample. Its not that hard to do while baked.

taken so many god damn things, literally over 100 if you count the "meme" things, surprised i never tried kratom

so basically you mix stuff with stuff and watch what happens while writing it down?

kratom is really nice for people who don't like cannabis. it's chillaxes without making you super lazy or "fucked"

i forgot to add in, alot of what we do as biochemists is what we call, "hurry up and wait"

You have to do a few step quickly because temp and handling of samples can destroy them but then you run a reaction or experiment for a while and you just have to sit there and wait while it runs. So there a lot of down time in between moments of chaos

Yes!!! If corporations ruled the world it would be all rainbows and unicorns and people holding hands singing fucking kumbaya!!!

No, its all planned out and not random. I do genetic engineering, so we pick an amino acid we think could be important (maybe is conserved between species or has a particular chemistry) change to something that is considered non-functional and then test to see if our hypothesis is correct

ah, so you predict beforehand what should happen. quite cool actually

did ever happen something completely unexpected?

yes, all the time. Either our prediction was flat out wrong and didnt work or some other amino acid that you thought wouldnt be important ends up being the star of the show, lol. Research is alot of heart break most of what you doesnt work or isnt really publishable. When it does work, you do it a few more times to make sure its real, then publish and move on and never touch it again.

thanks for the insight of a genetic engineer, user

no problem, genetic engineering is only half of what i do tho. You are done being a "genetic engineer" when you are done doing the mutagenesis, and sequencing (confirming the genetic changes you made). Then you do microbiology, at least I do, we express our protein in E.Coli and then you become a biochemist when you start to purify the proteins you are interested in. Really now a days most sciences are multidisciplinary. Thats why I always tell people during interviews Im a chemist by training that does biochemistry

Not at all. Weed has ruined my life and made me hit rock bottom time and time again by being absolutely absent in my life, except for me of course, always hearing about how great it is and how I should try it. Sometimes I get over it for a while, but it still might very well bite me in the ass later on when it becomes a problem again. I indirectly often cause harm in legal and subtle ways to people who HAVE gained access to weed, because I myself never have. I have tried, and I have failed, many times over the years, and during these years the rage has been built up towards people who have succeeded in getting their hands on cannabis. It's already gotten to the point, a long time ago in-fact, where I feel hatred towards people who use cannabis, in such a volume that I can no longer as much as imagine a physical, or mental torment for them that would satisfy me. Wishing death upon pot smokers doesn't do it anymore. And before any of you ask, no, I'm not unattractive, I'm not socially awkward, I'm not a virgin, and I do not live in a country where weed is a rare sight.

stop smoking your problems away, it wont work in the long run. Oh wow, i dont care about any of it wooow. Just confront your problems man, work on them, twist and turn them and make your demons your bitch. Stop pretending your high helps you in the long run. I made the same mistake back then, now i see i was young and stupid..

then try to quit. Oh whats that, you dont wanna? Well, guess youre addicted then.