Help me find my will to live Sup Forumsoys

Help me find my will to live Sup Forumsoys

Where did you see it last?

Get an addiction.


It can be found within a family unit. Meet a woman, have children, be a real man with purpose. If not, help protect others. Join the army and fight with your brothers.

All other routes lead to depression / or other self worth issues.. Family is our destiny.

Maybe it actually never existed

Life is pointless. You live, and you die. You move from "being" to "nothing". Whatever you do, whatever you have, whatever you love, you die. There is no heaven, no hell, no justice and no purpose to anything.

Well, have a good day.

>have children
>being this cucked

This is just a social construction to make us forget that we all die alone in the end. We are alone and we will be alone forever. A family is just an illusion to have a better material life.

I agree with all of this, that's why I try to have a good time while I'm here.

If you are a legit materialist, then kudos. Even Dawkins is agnostic. You almost never see people who think they are only sacks of meat and bone and absolutely nothing else these days with the simulation theory and all the spiritual systems around.

You are going to die.
It will be sooner than you think.
For some time before you die, you will also be too sick to travel and do the things you've always wanted to do.
If you don't start saving up money and doing those things NOW, you will never do them.
Your life will be cold, gray and alone with no spark of excitement to light it.
Putting it off will only mean that it will NEVER get done.
So do it now. Really work at finding a good job, get serious about finding the right girl, always fuck without condoms, have kids, take trips, and make it a priority to be active.
Because you don't have the time you think you will.

>simulation theory
Explain this shit.

Coffee fairy here.
I just don't believe in anything. I've lost the one I loved the most in this entire world. I want to believe she's in even but for what I know as a fact she's just gone, dead. That means she's not a functionnal biological entity anymore. There's no heaven , no god and she's now part of some tree or whatever happened to grow there. Because that's what can be biologically proven. Everything else is bullshit and trust me I would like to think otherwise.

Dubs. He says the truth.

Will to live ?
What's that pokemon ?

>and trust me I would like to think otherwise
Have you ever practiced the LBRP, Middle Pillar, New Energy Ways, New Avatar Power, and other stuff you see /x/ talk about? These kinds of practices are like acid x 1000 in that they open your mind to the greater reality. Couple that with a high IQ and you (might) begin to pick up on the philosophical currents. Soon enough you would have some sort of understanding of the universe. But the hermetic rabbit hole doesn't provide real answers, only magickal ones, and you would thus have to really push through the added layer of delusion in order to understand how we can still live in a simulation and be creative, albeit perhaps artificial, "souls". This "soul"/mind/I, your individual point of view, would no doubt continue in the next universe up. Just think about it. If it didn't, why the hell are you aware right now? Wouldn't that be pretty damn unlikely...?

>Eternity of no existence --> this short af existence --> another eternity of no existence

Just doesn't add up. You will continue, otherwise you wouldn't be aware right now. It's simple math. Besides, if you want to, you can pretty much experience "God", that is perhaps an AI, by starting practicing the LBRP and other "spiritual systems" that I mentioned.

Nothing has been prove to exist forever, how can you claim we will?

>There are x simulations, the chance that we are living in the base reality is 1/(x+1).
Basically simulation theory means that this has to be a simulation because it has to be.

Another user here, that sounds kind of circular.

Not as of yet, but after you die you will either go to eternal oblivion or continue. Then you will see (or not).

You will find your will to live in the fact that you exist and nothing you can do at this moment will have profound effect on the universe. Everything you do ultimately has no consequences and in that, lies your freedom and your will to live.

What if x = 0?
This theory is bullshit.

That I can accept, when I die I'll find out what that is. What I don't get is how you can claim all of those other things you did. You basically saying you believe we will go on forever because you have arbitrarily decided that being aware implies some sort of eternal state.

I can't explain the simulation theory as it pertains to mortal life better than this text of mine (image related).

It's actually channeled information, but don't let its channeled nature discourage you even if you don't believe that channeling is possible. It's a long story to go into but I think that the word channeling is the best word to describe how I ended up thinking along such lines.

You're basically*

Why do you think that the theory is bullshit?

>Sup Forumsoys

Just asking this because I find materialists and skeptics an interesting breed.

I read my way about halfway through that user.
One contention on my part, it's all based on one assumption, that we live in a simulation.
Unless you can prove that, the rest won't follow.

I posted some of my thoughts here . But I know I should explain myself better. Naturally it's difficult to wrap one's mind around the concept of eternity. After all we have been aware for such a short while that on the surface a non-eternity seems like a logical conclusion. But what if there is after all more to life than meets the eye?

What happened before the big bang? Is there something outside of our known universe? Are all those dreams, visions, OBEs, and NDEs that seem intelligent actually sent by someone who is self-aware...because to many of us, like late Pam Reynolds, they sure can be mind blowing experiences - and without drugs.

Simulation theory's answer is of course yes, the agency behind the simulation has to be self-aware. You can't make something without being self-aware. So if man and woman and this world are made, like said in the Bible, then the maker has to be self-aware. Which would mean that consciousness has to exist outside our known universe. Will our minds too exist outside this mortal life's confinements? In time we will of course learn the truth, so most of us won't need to think about metaphysics until death.

tl;dr tbh

But do you have anything to support this with, other than a theory that uses circular logic?
It basically comes down to "I have a large dick, because I have to have a large dick".

>But do you have anything to support this with
I used to be into magick a lot. I started with chaos magick when I was very young and then proceeded to work through Modern Magick and Initiation Into Hermetics and always practiced, practiced, practiced, because everything else in life was gay as fuck. But one autumn, when I was in my circle and had recited the call to evoke the archangel Michael, a peculiar chain of events started. It's up to you to believe me. But personally I know that I'm not bullshitting. So my proof is internal. Anyway, what happened was a possession that lasted for a week during which I almost didn't eat or sleep. It was a real physical week that lasted for seven days and I didn't eat at all - except for a bowl of porridge IIRC - and didn't sleep/nap. Also, my beard didn't grow at all during that one week although that one might be maybe explained away with not eating so body had to save its energy. During that week I traveled through the Tibetan Bardo in my visions, even though I had never read about Tibetan Bardo believe me or not. I saw and experienced amazing things too weird to go into. And I also saw this one thing: an origami lotus (which I made during the week) jumped on its own from a table onto the floor. That was enough for me for personal proof. That there has to be something more to this. I didn't know about simulation back then, but after the week "the universe" started to slowly feed this stuff into my mind, until I had come to the paradigm as explained in the image (the same one someone called tl;dr which it is, sorry).

Convert people into being fags then lambaste them for having weak impulse control. That is how to beta dom.

Tell them they are suppose to act like fags in order to mature as adults and they must make top placement in a fagging contest and the first one to place gets to choose who wears a drag item of their selection. Rinse Repeat until one of them full out gays on another person. Then derisvely call them sexually inferior degenerates.

This works and always looks very degrading to the affected party as a whole and is redeemable with societal implications.

Also you haven't explained yourself yet, you've asked a few good questions like what happened before the big banned if there is something outside of the known universe. OBEs and NDEs can be explained with the natural DMT that gets released in the brain during trauma.
You say simulation theory explain these, but what you don't explain is how simulation theory could actually be true. What supports it that can be proven?
So in order prove simulation theory to yourself, you use other things you can't prove works?
Also fasting and not sleeping has been known to put people in a hallucinatory state.
I'm sorry user, this might have convinced you, but anyone who wants me to believe something without giving me solid proof for it are highly suspect to me.

the big bang*

>fasting and not sleeping has been known to put people in a hallucinatory state.
No you got me wrong: I didn't fast/sleep deprive myself at all before the visions started. I was well fed & slept & in the middle of an evocation when the even started. Then I immediately started to see visions. You wouldn't believe those visions anyway and they are super difficult to describe. Suffice it to say is that the first thing I did was walk straight out of the circle and into the bathroom where my pupils changed size in the mirror, o O o O o O o O, like that, and face waved as if its skin was an ocean's surface. And then I started communicating with what I thought was Michael i.e. a spirit. But "he" started surprisingly talking about Buddhist concepts to me and made me sit before a Buddha statue I happened to have in my apartment. Only to weeks/months later tell me that Buddhism is just yet another belief system and not actually valid in any shape or form. Life can be funny like that.

I'm not trying to make anyone believe in the simulation hypothesis, btw. I'm on the fence myself. What if simulation is just yet another paradigm that represents an even more vaguer concept that we can't simply grasp. Or, which is more likely, it's actually true and after death we will learn its ins and outs.

when the event started*

That kind of sounds like a psychotic break to me user.
If it was beneficial for you and you feel happier now, cool, but it doesn't sound convincing to me at all.
Not that I expect you to try to convince me since you say that isn't your intention.


Well, for a psychosis it ended rather abruptly. The episode lasted for seven days only. After that I was back to normal more or less, with some things that remain off, like, I have this pendulum siddhi which makes the pendulum swing perfectly for me. I don't think that I can use it to divine anything because that would be proof and the universe said that this stuff can't be proven because of laws in place. But my mom asked me a dumb question as a test and the pendulum got it right. So who knows, maybe it can divine things when it's not with outsiders. To me the pendulum served the purpose of verifying whether individual points of my (to-be-formed) paradigm were correct or incorrect.

Do you hold this pendulum in your hand?

I have it here, why? I can't prove magick if that's what you mean. It's impossible. Also, I can't win the lottery. I've tried and it doesn't work like that.

if it is a handheld pendulum, please do me a favor and do a little experiment.
Just let it hang from your hand and think circle, then think back and forth and then side to side.
Then report back the results to me.


Oh and give each time you focus on one of the states a while to show effects.

Done. It swung like this:

>back and forth
Back and forth.
>side to side
Side to side.

Like I said, it works perfectly. But since no man alive will ever prove magick until/if ever someone does I can't prove anything with it. I'm sorry that this world is so nazi about the supernatural. It's just the state of things. After all that would prevent thinking skeptics to remain skeptical which is their current destined path.

I just gave you proof that you are the one moving the pendulum, in spite of not actively trying to make it move.
If you are holding a pendulum and asking a question, your mind will gravitate towards what you consider the right answer and give you that result.
At best it's a way to figure out what your subconscious thinks about things.

I see.

Now you could still consider yourself a sort of conduit to what the universe is trying to say, but the only thing you and I will be able to prove when we consider the pendulum is that you are moving it.


>Now you could still consider yourself a sort of conduit to what the universe is trying to say
Yeah. You could say I've been a conduit to what it's been trying to say to *me*. But the universe would definitely explain this stuff differently to others. I mean not everyone thinks about the supernatural. And to me it explained life from the point of view of a magick practitioner. Magick is supernatural and we who believe in it are still a bit rare, so whatever I have said isn't very universal and is of no use to 99.9% I think. Considering all that, all of this is sort of pointless. But life is meaningless like that.

I'm not moving the pendulum, it's more like mind power that's doing it. It never swung for me before that week.

You are though, please go look up the scientific explanation of handheld pendulums, they've done studies where they hooked people up to electrodes and had them use a pendulum.
Basically your muscles tense and relax in a way that you are not aware of in order to get the result you are focusing on.

Like I said the pendulum didn't swing before it all of a sudden started to. I know that I'm not a jedi or anything. But what you are talking about is just the physical side of things. Then there is the mind. Ever "played invisible accordion" to generate and feel chi between your hands? Where does that energy come from? You probably have a materialistic explanation for it, but I don't need to rub my hands together or even keep my palms near each other to feel and circulate chi. It's more complicated than that. There is a whole another layer of human experience that can be unlocked with the power of mind.

Don't get me wrong man, I have a spiritual side as well, I've done healing massages and junk like that.
I just refrain from telling myself that I somehow have knowledge that won't in some way be explained by conventional science at some point.
Personally I have seen and done things that are considered paranormal, but I won't claim to have these things explain the universe for me, only observation and reproducible evidence gathering can do that.

I hear you, Satan.

It seems that we have lead two separate lives and have thus had different experiences.

Find a goal and worm towards it. Mine is to polish off the rest of my student loans, car loan, and credit card loans and then buy a house.

>One contention on my part, it's all based on one assumption, that we live in a simulation.
Unless you can prove that, the rest won't follow.

This can't be proved ofc. But philosophically we can still say that we are most likely in one.

What philosophical tools would you use to say this?

See Which means that since sooner or later we too will be able to simulate a reality, it is more than likely that matrixes have already popped up countless of times, and this universe isn't therefore the base reality. And if that wasn't convincing enough, we can take a closer look at the nature of physics, code of life, &c.

Clean your room

Huh okay, still not convinced an inch, but I will look it up on my own time.

Glad to hear you're interested about your "situation." After all, not that many people (who are more basal than you) are keen to learn where they exactly are rn. Imagine what the world would be like if more people started to ask questions. Surely our politicians wouldn't like that, but fuck them because science will enlighten us all one day.

You might want to work a bit on how you communicate. Your atta boy is probably well intentioned, but the way you wrote it seems condescending and did take a bit of my zest for new ideas from me.

Never been a good communicator. I guess it's because I'm frustrated with the majority and let that attitude of mine seep through my writing.

Sorry that I sidetracked your thread with the simulation discussion, OP.