
Time to prove you're not a newfag.

Other urls found in this thread:




Get out peasants!

឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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I'd shit on her feet.

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you too fucking faggot

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឴ ឴឴ ឴▲឴ ឴឴ ឴ ▲
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I think I'm too much of an oldfag to do it now, it used to be simple to get the top one aligned using alt code 255, fucking hiroshima

឴ ▲
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One more try

>឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴឴ ឴ ▲
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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
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>goes to archive
>ctrl+f triforce

឴ ឴឴ ឴ ▲
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឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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឴ ▲
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I think my triforce broke

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Any newfag can triforce... Few newfags remember her

឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲
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឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
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everyone knows who boxxy is


"Hi my name is boxxy"

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Bad user

Try harder OP.

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am i doing it

>឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲
>឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲
>឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲
>឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
>឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
>▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

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I have never once attempted to or bothered to look up how to "triforce"

឴ ឴ ឴▲ ▲
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឴឴ ឴ ឴▲
឴ ឴ ឴▲ ▲
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឴឴ ឴ ឴▲
឴ ឴ ឴▲ ▲
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឴឴ ឴ ឴▲
឴ ឴ ឴▲ ▲
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It works :D

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What if you're on your phone? I like to walk around when I'm on Sup Forums or I loose my will to live.

Someone better acknowledge this I didn't climb on my bathroom counter and shove a permanent marker up my ass to just be left hanging.

>▲ ▲ ..
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lol... newfags

and the ugly people losers has to rely on hurting me ugly way since cant hurt ugly popular people the normal way its pretty pathatic but its still painful on my side since the ugly people losers that is short and ugly can hurt me ugly way too like my short ugly loser father but at least i can tell the ugly people losers are pathatic and outnumber everybody and is so gross but still try to hurt people with sex the ugly way cause the ugly people losers cant look pathatic cause outnumber everybody and lie to people the ugly way and but the ugly people losers dont like these secrets iam telling but the ugly people losers are going to lie to you the ugly way saying its not true well they do outnumber everybody and is highly competitive which is ugly but they will be the people you meet when you try to get your resources which is kind of creepy and able to hurt people ugly way so i wouldnt even talk to them even if iam talking to them while iam working well have fun seeing them at school tomorrow and the ugly people losers smell worse then dog shit and will bother you ugly way cause try to be better then you ugly way so you will be miserble



឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲
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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
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ุ ▲
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▲ lol

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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲
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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
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Jew nose


Heil Hitler

777 cekem



faggot shit

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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲
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឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
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What the fuck did you just post you little bitch? I’ll have you know I have been browsing Sup Forums since 2001, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids such as DDOS on Harry Reid and more, I have over 300 tetrabytes of memes. I am trained in internet warfare and I’m the top troll on the entire Sup Forums website. You are nothing to me but just another newfag. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision baiting the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with posting that shit on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your C: drive. You’re fucking done, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack you in just over seven minutes, and that’s just with microsoft paint. Not only am I extensively trained in C++ and scripting, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Anonymous Organization and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” triforce was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit hot chocolate all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


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Apparently this is now a triforce thread

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yes what?

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Pool's closed.

That's alright, I know a place we can watch soft core porn. But make sure you keep Cartoon Network on the "back button" in case my mom wakes up



lol im a newgag

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Nigger what about this little gem



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I'm a newfag, how do I do that shit?

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Look at me guys, I-I'm totally not a newfag, honest...


I really hope all of you are watching this...