Making asado rn, AMA

Making asado rn, AMA

Donde vivis?

Buenos aires, zona sur

Donde esta Maria?

What is asado?



Its like BBQ


You expose meat to the heat of fire to cook it slowly

Eso es kaka, ni lleva sason

Medio pobre tu asado papu jajaja

Do you need some logs for that fire?

Aguante zona norte vieja!

how is it different from bbq?

se le pone sal gruesa encima y despues lo podemos acompaƱar de chimichurri, pero para que sason si la carne ya tiene todo el sabor? este no sabe ni papas

Somos pocos
De donde salen tantos argentos?

mostly because we use more cuts of meats that you dont use in bbq, and mostly, we use low fire to make the meat taste better

yo estoy aca desde el 2009, pero solo me conecto los findes, la vida de laburante me mata la vida online

Yeah and it takes much more time, the slower you cook it the better

looks good man hope you enjoy it. did you build or buy the oven?

Not op, its not an oven, a grill!

Fuck gotta go, sorry ill make a thread later

Ese chimichurri loq