

Who gives a fuck? They're both gonna die young. And looking at both pics, that can only be a good thing.

>place both of them in the same room
>watch screeching african children tear fatty apart and devour him on the spot like a bunch of hungry vultures
Why are niggers so violent?


Why the fuck are you using a HYPOTHETICAL as evidence, user. I mean, yeah, niggers are violent, but you're the way you present us with that message is just trash.

Because why not?

Some people are so retarded they can't farm cows, wheat, or filter water, those are my thoughts :)

Real edgy.

Well that's not going to work outside of this thread, or in this thread, user. You just fucking wait and see...

Honestly not my problem and nothing I can do about it.
So what if I go to chipotle and spend nearly $13 for some good food and much more than I actually need on a plate?

Does this mean I need to live a shit life and not enjoy myself because others have the misfortune not to do the same?
Nah man.
Life is one, enjoy it, cause its the only time you have to.

Is this your first time on Sup Forums? Cause you smell like summer

i dont give a singular fuck. some one else's fuck up not mine.

The people with the access to the resources and infrastructure to get all of that excess food to starving people won't do it, because they're greedy, selfish pigs. Trump for instance.

Have any of you ever thought what you would feel in this position? To begin with,
, wow, all of you are all so edgy, privileged westerns who haven't have a lick of a clue of suffering in the real world.
Get a grip before you end up on the streets crying for change, hopefully it happens to you because people like you deserve nothing but absolute suffering.

Why they having kids if they can't feed them?
White's been using condoms since 1800
Catch up africa.

Don't assume. You have no idea who I am, where i come from or what I've experienced.

Says someone with the luxury of time to come signalling virtue about this shit on Sup Forums

You're even worse than the edgy teenagers, you should die because the courage of your convictions amount to no more than being a faggot here.

1 in 5 children in Africa should never have been born. Why can't niggers cross their legs once in a while?

Enlighten me please.
Unlike all of you 'heroes of Sup Forums', I am critical of what is happening in the world and I acknowledge it.
Smipletons like you joke and meme about real world issues and never fully comprehend the subject.

Or barack Obama or george soros or your self or literally anyone living in the west

fuck niggers!

Barack Obama isn't that rich, and neither are most Westerners. George Soros sure.

Meanwhile cats in the 1st world eat better than most of these children