Post your EDC and judge each other

Post your EDC and judge each other.

oh, another 'I live with my parents but I think having a lot of "tactical" stuff in my pockets makes me a real man, so I show them around to forget about how pathetic I am' thread

those sunglasses scream "I'm a fucking tool"

Projection much?



>leaving home with only 9 toy cars
fucking casual

Do you have a backpack to carry all that shit?

No cellphone? Color me impressed.

Fuck your sunglasses

>air pods

Lost it thanks man


What do you think he took the fucking picture with you retard?

Perfect reaction loled hard

what kind of 3rd world shithole do you guys live in, so you have to carry weapons everyday around ?

I'm lucky I manage to leave the house with my keys.

Also, EDC is for faggots.


I struggle to believe the incredibly talented, passionate, and Destiny-playing folks at Bungie's helm are truly this utilitarian in their design philosophy. It seems short-sighted, and I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I get the idea that this is a business, a growth enterprise, and that it must generate return on investment--but the logic of making the more casual 80% of the community happy at the expense of the more hard-core 20% seems flawed.

That 80% doesn't create the tsunami of social buzz around this game... we do.

That 80% isn't scouring Reddit and generating millions of views in web analytics for Kotaku articles (or other publishers, often with banner advertisements on the right rail)... we do.

That 80% isn't tuning into Twitch to watch world's first raids, trials carries, and saturating all corners of the internetz with fixed attention.

That 80% isn't Googling Nightfall strategies, exotic weapon quest cheeses, and otherwise generating all manner of Search Engine Optimization clout... we do.

That 80% didn't zealously pre-order the super-duper collector's edition version of this game, and in fact probably wondered whether to buy it at all. We did.

That 80% isn't gobbling up tee-shirts and sound tracks on to savor every ounce of the Destiny experience... we do.

We may be a mere 20%, but without this community of grind-loving, loot-chasing, min-max-ing, RPG-playing, DLC-downloading, multi-year retained customer, deeply invested (dare I say addicted) guardians... what flavor audience is left for Bungie to satisfy? Folks who just wanna chill and load up Destiny for an hour every couple weeks? For all its beauty, for all its scale, for that 10-minute long list of credits post-campaign... is that really all this going to amount to? A simple first-person shooter with guns that sound cool? Why bother having a group . Say it ain't so.



>shit tier bait pasta

wew alright john wayne, aren't you late to head em off at the pass?

Check out this fucking badass

dang, too bad these losers don't live in a CIVILIZED COUNTRY. Everybody knows crime never happens in civilized countries, duh.

His burner?

At work so can't take a photo.
Every day I carry
1. Orbit key key chain, with my deceased sister's tamagotchi attached
2. Rfid blocking velcro wallet
3. My limited edition Gucci Ferrari frame eye glasses
4.a small octopus multi tool
5. A MLP fidget spinner
6. A Rio stick mp3 player
7. Bose ear buds
8. A TUL ink gel pen
9. A small leather pocket notebook

ha ha thank u



Airpods and an apple watch.... You utter fucking tool.