Any aspergers or autistic people here? do you think we can ever have normal lives? will we always be alone?

any aspergers or autistic people here? do you think we can ever have normal lives? will we always be alone?

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I guess that answers my question

What's wrong with being alone? I've been isolated for most of the last 20 years or so, and I've learned to enjoy my own company. I long ago gave up trying to fit into the sad, stupid, odd-fellow society of the neurotypicals. I live as I please, now, and don't worry about anything but fulfilling my own desires.

I don't even understand how people find out they have aspergers

to each their own, I would rather have someone view me as valuable in their life

No one has Asperger's any more. They eliminated the designation for the DSM-V. Everyone is just on the autistic spectrum now, with Asperger's redesignated as high-functioning autism.

Normal lives? Nah. But who the fuck needs that, you seen normies these days?

there are a lot of telltale signs. the one that tipped me off was not being able to read mannerisms, ie if someone is bored or uncomfortable with what youre talking about and you don't realize it

I refuse to accept the title of autistic, ive seen autistic and that aint me. the whole medical community can eat my aspie cock

Lots of people view me as valuable. They also view me as crazy, cranky, and unpleasant. It's quite possible to be successful and valued, and to also fly your freak flag high and proud. They don't have to like you to respect you.

I'm good at what I do, so while people don't want to be my friend, they will endure my presence to get what they need from me. That's enough for me.

>regular doctor check-up
>asks if you're happy
>maybe try therapy, here have this business card of a therapist
>talk about shit
>therapist says you show signs of being on the spectrum
>research it
>notice the similarities in your life
i'm at this stage right now, i'm only assuming the rest it
>tell therapist you think they're right
>get tested
>results come back positive

>any aspergers or autistic people here?
Yes, most Sup Forums users seem like they'd be on the spectrum. I'm a sperg myself tbh.
do you think we can ever have normal lives?
Yes, it would also help if you described what you think a normal life is.
will we always be alone?
Yes/No. Does it really matter?

>they will endure my presence to get what they need from me.

youre really bumming me out man.

American eh. That's pretty fucked up that they put it all under one umbrella.

Most people on this site fall on the spectrum whether they know it or not. First rule is, comparison will kill you; don't try to live a life like "normal" people, just live a life you can get through day by day

Well that's shitty. So how do you even know you're making them uncomfortable if you can't tell?

pretty much. I didn't know until earlier this year and I just turned 30. my childhood quirks started to make a lot more sense when I looked at all the symptoms


I seriously doubt that.

Why? Do you really WANT to be part of their loud, shallow, hypocritical culture of small-talk and ignorance? Loneliness isn't a death sentence. I'm 48 years old, and I sometimes go so long without talking that I forget how; I'll try to say "thank you" to a cashier and nothing will come out but a weird croaking noise. I've turned inward and spent my time in contemplation of my own mind, my identity, and my experience of the world. I've read what I estimate to be in excess of 12,000 books. I have a deep level of understanding in a wide range of subjects. And when I feel the need for human contact, I come on the Internet where I can get my fix and then make everyone go away with the click of an [x].

everything social I had to learn from books and video tutorials. I really enjoy people but I can never be in the moment with them. socializing is like a chess game for me. and after every interaction I look back and evaluate everything to make sure I didn't overlook something I said that could've been misinterpreted. that happens all the time, I either misinterpret what is being said or demonstrated or I say or do something that is misinterpreted. sometimes socializing overwhelms me so much I just stay at home, which friends also misinterpret

it's plausible.

I guess it's different if you just hate people

I was diagnosed when i was 4, i actually used to have a fairly normal social life until a few years ago. I get bored of people quickly and i already dislike most people. Thir motivations seem so pointless and vapid, why the fuck do people obsess over stupid pointless bullshit?

You know normal people also thing about past interactions and how they performed as well. That's not really autistic.

Narcissists call us Aspies when we don't give them the attention they want. That's not our fault.

diagnosed a little over a year ago now

yes we can live normal lives, just don't tell people youre a sperg, they'll look at you worse than if they just thought you were weird or insensitive

Also for any autismos looking to enlist, do NOT ever mention anything about being neuro-atypical. They'll disqualify you on the spot.

yeah but I look back to make sure I didn't ruin a relationship, people can offend people from time to time, I say shit that could potentially isolate me

or could make you president.

trump is a narcissistic psychopath not an autist

Aspie wife and daughter. Though my wife was pretty "normalized" by the time I met her it's still obvious at times to me.

They both function fine and normal for the most part though my daughter was extremely difficult until she was about 12.
What I hate is that for some reason a large portion of the population thinks being autistic is a cool quirk. It's really not, it's a real thing that leads to major distress and helplessness for both the person and whoever cares for them. But yeah, you can live a normal life. The fact that you're here posting this with a pepe picture means you probably aren't that severe given your self awareness, if you're being honest.

It's not in itself autistic but autism can definitely make it "worse".

I noticed asspies are highly self centered and reveal their egos to the top for everyone to see and be part of, might not make sense but basically most of you are annoying and obnoxious, and the self interest nature of the human being becomes very clear from the start when talking to asspies

Nice no one likes you because of how you behave around others, life must be fun

fuck off im autistic not retarded

Aspie in the Army. Yeah, you just gotta find your crowd. And pray to God. I know I'd be fucked without him aha I can't remember a lot of little shit.

we are renowned for being abrasive

Why do I care what you or anyone else thinks of me? The only person I'm concerned with pleasing it me. Why the fuck should I care what your opinion of me is?

"Solitude is a virtue for us, since it is a sublime inclination and impulse to cleanliness which shows that contact between people, 'society', inevitably makes things unclean. Somewhere, sometime, every community makes people -- 'base.'" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

I was in the army. it was fucking awfule

y'all shoulda joined the Coast Guard. Life is good

you should probably be in the woods

It's more of a lack being able to process empathetic feelings and saying things that normies would consider blunt or rude, along with physical and emotional issues.

A lot of them are intelligent and when people constantly dismiss them based on behaviors they learn to kind of tune them out and live in their own head. Yes they think highly of their own thoughts but that's because it feels like the rest of the world "can't" understand them. Not in a goth way, but in a literal way.

A lot of them actually look up to people who are into things they are interested in. But when you are constantly socially rejected for being weird, loud, angry, creepy and so on most people aren't going to attempt to be friends over a shared interest. When a severe aspie is bragging it's usually just a misfired attempt to share an interesting thought or moment on their end.

Do not get me wrong, there are some downright unbearable narcissistic aspies out there, but don't assume they are just because they say something rude or boastful.

Yep. People are fucking awful. I got two more years and I'll be out so I'm happy. Army dudes are some seriously dumb dudes. Granted, my lack of common sense doesn't help much, but I feel I compensate with being a diligent and hard worker. Regardless, yes, the Army still sucks and almost everyone is a selfish asshole.

This. I will say some retarded shit sometimes and piss someone off and it will confuse the ever living fuck out of me until I either talk to them about it or someone clues me in

it was too much like high school for me. if you aren't popular you get the shit end of the stick

Do you get paid the same as the main branches?

I was. About 30 years ago, I spent an entire year on a spirit walk, living in a tent and just drifting. I realized eventually that while in the past it was the wilds where a person went to test her or his limits against the world, today the true wilderness is among other people. I challenge myself and push my limits by forcing myself to live amongst others.

I have a huge, shaggy beard down to my chest, I smoke a stinky pipe, my hygiene is indifferent, and I have a... unique sense of fashion. My feeling is, if people don't like it, they can stand upwind or fuck right off -- their choice.

Yeah, you gotta kiss a lot of ass (especially to the officers or if you're a POG like me, all the main dudes who run the TOC) and it's just not my thing to do

I'm still not sure if my ex was a sperg or just a cunt or maybe a bit of both.

Pretty sure we all got the same pay grades

Also CG is nice because we're the only ones considered law enforcement. I get to arrest wetbacks

I have Aspergers. People like us are definitely weird, but we can become major alphas through training. If you have Aspergers, you absolutely must study everything in life to help yourself understand what to do, and how to act.