Hey Sup Forums this guy just married his step-sister. Their parents got married 10 years ago...

Hey Sup Forums this guy just married his step-sister. Their parents got married 10 years ago. Does this count as Wincest? Also, general Wincest thread.

she's gorgeous
id marry her too

But it would basically be your sister. And gross. She's trash

Step not half, it's a bit odd but it's not like they'll make retarded incest spawn.

Too poor to rent a fucking gazebo

Op is a jealous fag cause he cant fuck his mom!

This weeding is weak as fuck....id rather die

Now his child has his aunt as a step mother

Their kids will likely be retarded anyway. They are both products of incest. This is in Louisiana.

>not possible
They're not related.

Trailer park ceremony

I have more pictures but it won't let me post them



Ur either jealous or this is bait....pic or gtfo



That girl in the back is on her way to go vomit

I now pronounce you "Brother and Sister"

That weeding is trash id never disrespect a woman like that


>I now pronounce you "Brother and Sister"

They are trash, completely

When the meth is wearing off

What a ghastly hat.



>leather choker
>top hat
>whatever the fuck that is on his chin
>slumping posture
>trailer as back drop
It's not incest if it's step. But they are definitely inbred.

Oh yeah, they are 20 and 21

Her trying to be sexy....

Good luck cletus on passing the blood test.



My ex wife is marrying her step brother.. She was adopted at 10 by her aunt. And her aunts husbands son was 22 when adopted. So I count it as incest. Seeing as they're legally siblings.


I will Photoshop this endlessly

Her daughter went from calling him uncle to calling him daddy

Her biological mother on the left and her stepmom slash now mother-in-law on the right


I'm My youngest actually did that.. I went ballistic.

Are you sure? It looks like an elf queen and 2 orc extras on the set of a hobbit movie having some fun.

My thoughts exactly.



And it has begun.

Chet u make this? Or rando user?

My name a Jeff


No, sorry user. I'm Dave

What if they're parents are also brother and sister, and they're step brother and sister cousins. Double wincest?

No thats called being muslim

>getting married in your trailer's backyard
>wearing a costume store tophat
>and your dads 'best' suit
>'guests' show up in whatever they were wearing when they came down from their meth trip
>bride is already 2 months pregnant
>and wearing a collar

Nah, if they were Muslims, the dad would have married the mom AND the daughter, and then would just msnsge the hotel and gas station for them.

If you're just joining us


I don't want to hate on them but no it's not wincest or even incest

girl's got snaggleteeth though and the double-wide back there along with the untermensch she's marrying is taking this all deep into cliche territory

That chick on the left is fuckable, just sayin

Sums it up

I'd slap dem tiddies around

Large, pendulous, free-hangers. Gimme gimme

As long as their children are now calling their aunts and uncles daddy and whatever it is disgusting their off spring will be sister or brother/cousins family is family blood or not

She would probably give u free heroin for you to fuck her.

>be me 24 yo
>real tired from a long day of college
>go to my appt to find my sister cleaning
>thanks i appreciate it sis
>no problem you just owe me one!
>go take a shower to clean up
>go in my room to take a nap and rest up
>wake up to find my sister sleeping naked next to me
>without even thinking i cuddle her like shes my gf
>she slightly wakes up and gives me a smile before falling back asleep
>my mind starts wondering..
>i start fantasizing...
>i start to get a hard on
>she feels it on her bare ass
>she grabs my throbbing cock
>with it in her hand she says really user really
>awkwardley tell her i was having a dream it wasnt her
>she giggles and kisses my lips so softly..
Nothing happened after that....but i wish we could have fucked...the way she grabed my cock was like no other....anyone got any tips on how to fuck there sister??

Jealous user

Well if you're anything like them just lived under the same roof with your parents who is now not only there step parents but their in-laws and mooch off of them for the rest of your life while you are married to each other and do absolutely nothing with your life but being white trash and doing s*** tons of drugs

One time I saw my cousins boob

That seems like a bit of a misstep but if they're happy then good for them. Why does anyone care so much? Is this site a fucking knitting circle now? Or is this jealousy cause everyone cranks it to their moms?

Combination of the two for me

once I masturbated outside the window looking at my cousins bobs.

"no no woman, no woman no child"

dik check 567

so glose

It's because I'm disgusted that my child stepmom is his aunt and his step sister is his fucking cousin and any biological children from his father will also now be his cousin

awesome 678


>>fucking 678 nigger


890 fagget?

0 quads motherfuckers


checked one's.
I take the quads

u dubbed.
I'm quads



dis 100

This counts as a very major win, but theyre not blood-related.

blood in blood out
also 315

also 343?



Those fucking teeth






Ahhh nothing like a trailer park wedding



I know the dude.