Got my hands on some LAMALINE

Got my hands on some LAMALINE

>Paracetamol: 300 mg
>Opium prepared (containing 10% m/m of anhydrous morphine base): 25 mg
>The opium prepared contains 10% of morphine, which corresponds to 2.5 mg of morphine per hard capsule.

How strong is it for a painkiller?
I'm supposed to take 1 pill, is it safe to take 2 pills?

I was prescribed Tramadol before but it didn't really help with the pain, more headaches etc.. ( 70mg Tramadol )

Haunted fengraf


Take all of them, you will feel amazing

pharma fag here

Its a level 2 pain killer, equivalent to codeine and Tramadol in strength

Too much paracetamol.

stfu was trying to talk op into suicide

>implying some morphine can kill you

In fact no, its 4g max of paracetamol per day (like he can take 13 of them and be fine, will be like 3.9g)

... but the opium will kill him

don't do it op

Cold water extraction, easier on your kidneys and liver.

morphine and codeine are strong bronchoconstriting molecules so yes it can kill you prettry damn quick

I took one but other than feeling tired it didn't really get rid of the pain, should i take one more?
The DR told me if this doesn't help we can try Codeine or pure moprhine because my leg is pretty fucked up and it hruts like a bitch so there's that.
However i don't want to get addicted to something stronger and i just hope this will do the trick, 2 pills should be safe, right>?

if you have no opate tolerance you'd want around 20mg of morphine, so 8 pills

but that's 240mg of caffeine, and 2.4 grams of paracetamol

the caffeine will ruin it

and 10% of 10mg is 1mg

If that's the case i should ask my Doc for pure Morphine then, this doesn't seen to do the trick.

pharma fag still here

You have to take 3 to 5 pills per day (absolute maximum 10 pills), and max 1-2 per take

So you can take another pill

And yes its addictive so don't take that shit like candy but for a short period of time its not a problem

I feel extremely tired after 1 pill, i think 2 and i'll fall asleep in class, i'm limping as it is and with 2 pills of this i'll be bumping into shit etc..

Do you suggest asking the Doctor for something stonger right away or wait and see how this pill works for a couple of days?

I prefer something to help me during the nights, i wake up at least 5 times from the pain which sucks.

ask the doc then, but keep in mind that pure morphine will fuck you up badly its a drug

How about Codeine then? Is it safer? less addictive?
Got any suggestions for me?
post operation btw if you've read my other replies, thanks!

Split into equal doses you spud, not in one go

Codeine just metabolizes into morphine through demethylation, the only reason it's given is due to it's lower susceptibility to first pass metabolism.

Here's from my experience. If you fuck with opiates you can get opioid psychosis and have to visit in-patient psychiatric. So just don't do it man.

codeine + paracetamol pills are nice for post op but I will be as strong as what you are already on

I'm not deliberately trying to get high, i'm actually trying to numb the pain, Tramadol didn't help me and this is what i got, also care to elaborate on that phycosis? i'm legit terrified of psychiatric stuff.

I was reading up on drug induced psychosis. You hallucinate and have delusions. So if that starts happening get help. I remember I heard a voice telling me to kill everyone when I had it. Scary fucking shit.

post op i got Tramadol but i didn't take it, so i just suffered during 6 weeks, now that i'm doing some physiotheraphy and trying to walk it hurts more then ever, you suggest staying with what i got now or switching to Codeine?

so is Codeine the better choice if i'm extremely paranoid of getting opioid psychosis?
I always assumed it was on high doses.

What was kind of funny was right before it I was listening to Skinny Puppy. Just imagine Skinny Puppy + psychosis.

idk man, never done it.

You should try heroin for pain, it works for me.

It takes care of everything, really! I don't have to bathe, eat, go to work or do anything! All I gotta do is take my heroin and everything goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO HEROIN.

Wow boy golly, that sure is a swell idea! What the fuck is wrong with you?!

which album?

reddit fag detected

My cousin nearly died from Heroin. I firmly believe I was right to respond with such sarcasm.

So many people die from heroin. It should be more widely used!!!!!!

Natural selection tool

If you want to increase your codeine intake from OTC drugs within "safe" limits take two tablets of co-codamol 8/500 and three tablets of nurofen plus 200/12.8 four times a day.
