Okay /b my girl said she is pregnant because she's had early symptoms but she's on her period so it could be that and...

Okay /b my girl said she is pregnant because she's had early symptoms but she's on her period so it could be that and also I didn't cum inside her she was on the pill and she took a test today (4 days after we fucked) and it came back negative.

What are the chances that's she's pregnant


P.S. Immediately dump her.

So there's 0% that she's pregnant? I've been shitting bricks since she mentioned it

Yeah that's what I'm planning

How old are you two?

I'm 22 and she's 21

Ok, first of all, she can't be pregnant AND on her period at the same time. both of you should know that.
second, if you didnt cum inside her there could theoretically be a chance, if you leaked precum in that could make one pregnant by small chance, but, considering she's on her period. no, no way. impossible

Google is your friend. Learn about the menstrual cycle and ovulation kiddo.
This. If she's telling you the truth about being on her period.

And if she is lying about being on her period, I'd recommend you to immediately remove that pustule from the ass that is your life.

Don't listen to the others saying you can't be pregnant and on your period. That's possible.

If you DIDNT cum inside her and she's on the pill as well, there's pretty much 0% chance of pregnancy... I'm not a doctor by any means but I'm pretty confident in this. My girlfriends on the pill and I've cum in her, no pregnancies have come of it.

Additionally a negative test is a pretty good indication. There's no harm in taking one or two more tests either just to be sure.

I don't think you have any need to worry personally.

No I fucked her when she was on her period I never said she was pregnant she's the one saying she's pregnant cause she's been having "early symptoms" but I'm just thinking it could be her on her period that's making her feel them things

Yeah I didn't cum in her but she said pre cum could have done it

I never claimed that you said she was on her period, my question was if she's on her period right now.
You're a fucking moron. You know what a period is, right?
A period is the uterus basically shedding and removing it's inner lining, or, in caveman words: ''It's shitting out it's old uterusness''.
She cannot be pregnant during this, it's physically impossible unless she's suffering an ovarial pregnancy in which case she needs medical attention right away.

I agree, some period symptoms can be very similar to early pregnancy symptoms so don't be fooled by that.

Although there is a chance of Precum causing pregnancy it is pretty damn low. As I said previously, if you're seriously worried don't hesitate to take another test or two :)

She just started her period when we fucked and still is at the moment

I am seriously worried cause I know I mnot ready for a responsibility like a child, she's planning to take another 2 tests in 3 days so then that will be exactly a week since we had sex it was her first time as well so she could be paranoid

Then you needn't worry. She's not pregnant and is just being a hypochondriac due to paranoia and stomach aches.

I've had family members go through several months of pregnancy and not even know it due to not having any blatantly obvious symptoms and still having a period. I'm not a fucking moron, everyone is different.

Really?! Such a relief i was wondering what made her so certain cause I didn't cum inside her so it could only be precum and that's supposed to be very rare and also she was on the pill and period when we did it so there wouldn't be a massive chance

So does that mean there is a chance ?

That's what inbreeding does, user.

Calm down and learn to ignore the trolls, newfriend.
No, she is not pregnant. Even IF that guy was speaking the truth, at least you can't get pregnant DURING a period.
Either way, if he's speaking the truth, I'm pretty sure those ''periods'' were not periods at all, rather, just light hemmorhages in the birth canal from some cause or another.

at 4days the test means nothing. even the early tests say on the box they're not really accurate. its possible she may still get her period, all girls are different. if you're concerned about it you need to start planning now for an abortion but it's too early to know with any certainty.

>he's on her period
Are you sure it isn't spotting?

I wasn't trying to scare monger or anything of that nature.

I'm more trying to say that you should always prepare for the worst. Even if the probability of that happening is virtually 0%. It doesn't hurt to be over cautious..

Long story short, I highly doubt that pre cum has caused pregnancy over the pill and a period. Saying that, pay attention to what I first said and bare in mind that it doesn't hurt to be over cautious. A couple more tests will put your mind at rest.

I'm sure after we did It there was blood

She won't get one cause she doesn't believe it's right that's why I'm shitting myself

If you can't figure this shit out you probably shouldn't be fuckin in the first place.