Genius show for those with superior intellect

>Genius show for those with superior intellect
>References Reddit and not Sup Forums
>mfw Reddit is obviously way better than Sup Forums

How does it feel, tough guys?

Go take a picture of your faces and post them here, because this is also a cuck thread.

Other urls found in this thread:




Loog Mordy I durned myself indo a biggle. :DDD Big biggle :DDDDDD I'm biggle RIIIIG

Yawn. Shit show.

Nice doubles, my fellow redditer XDD

El oh el
>I hatez et coz I dindu understand da jokez vurry gud.

Kill yourself you dumb faggot

You jus angry because you stupid n believ in jesus christ hr prevents your from understanding this subtle nihilistic irony picklrick beatch

i love spurdo

Sweet tattoo XDD I'm gonna get the same one, except instead of morty put Beth's face to illustrate my support of females.


Idk. I like the show. I mean yeah sometimes they tend to over rely on nihilistic humor and do essentially go over the same basic plot (morty is naive and has hope for the better and either rick or some random thing shows him otherwise) but it make decent references and jokes at times. If you really want a good show watch bobs burgers.

>tfw R@M = jokes on par with enlightenment

>good show
>Bob's burger

Reddit is a circlejerk. Popular opinions get upvoted and unpopular ones get downvoted. Something 51% of the population agrees with takes 90/ of the attention of a board. Also popular threads take slow to die, and stay on top forever. Sup Forums promotes highly discussed and controversial topics not popular ideas. Also threads quickly get their share of attention and die.

Found the redditfag

Well one this thread is bait, and two of course it is shit. Not only do they have up/down voting, but also separate boards so you never have to hear an outside opinion.


is good show because only dumb christians hate feminism because there no god. they don even get the szechuan references or howto wubbalubbadubdub

Top tier athletes in that video.


God is innately sexist and R and M is progressive because they have female writers. Everyone who hates pickle Rick is fake gay and sexist just like all the Christians. Nothing personnel





i love this show XD

Shwifty my negro XDD




Can't unsee that video

She is hot tho

that is nothing compared to this evil:


Holy shit if he says summer one more time

Referencing Sup Forums is pointless.

>Don't reference Sup Forums, reference other shit

>Reference Sup Forums


>implying the writers understand the implications of calling out Sup Forums

Kek, still a pretty bad excuse

I'm better than cause reasons.

Fuck off unoriginal poster.

>Anger is Bift

What did he mean by that?

It says "rift", because anger creates rifts between people.



The worst thing about the show is the autistic reddit fanbase

Lel eksdee muh dikk in ma aswhole plz
>no. Just please kill yourself
BUT IM PIICKLEE RIIIIIIIII- no shut the fuck up, just kill yourself.


Pick one faggot

>eksdee muh dikk in muh as whole plz
>calls others autistic

Being this retarded

shit show, this site has been filled with you underage retards for years

>says the mlp fag


It's because Reddit is more pg


"Head shaped like an avocado"

This should happen to all racist sexist pigs


That mention of Reddit was derisive of mindless online popularity.
Rick is obviously aware of rules 1 & 2.

as a person that has never watched this I'll tell you something that I think you should know

it looks like shit

There hasn't been a single good show since gravity falls ended. Rick and Morty is just more interesting than it's competition.

Muh intellect

>there hasn't been a good show since my favorite Disney classic ended

Fuck off underage b&

Give me a good show that still airs. You can't. Because everything is either shit or turned into shit.

If you have a high IQ, you should check out Rick and morty

Yea, it's like the most popular animated series currently, and one of the top shows on TV period. That many people do not have a superior intellect. It's the same people who watch Big Bang and want to feel all smart because of it.

On the other hand, it's an awesome show to watch while tripping balls on mescaline. It seriously freaked my friend and his wife out though. Not nearly as good as being outside in nature for the trip either.

So you can't name anything other than rick and morty. Thanks for proving me right and admitting rick and morty is the only good western show at the moment.

>Ash vs Evil Dead
>American Gods

>references reddit
citation required
also Sup Forums and reddit are used by the same people for the most part

Please tell more about the mescaline experience. I have a dose that I extracted from San Pedro waiting for me. Going to imbibe next weekend.

>not cartoons

>give me a good show that still airs

The thread is obviously about cartoons.

>Rick and morty is genius
>References Reddit
>Reddit better than Sup Forums
>post your face is cuck thread

Yeah this is definitely a cartoon thread

I can see normies going OOMMMFG this show is sooooo weird and sooooo rad man, omfg so edgy and crazy, lol oldol ol, the only thing about reddit is dev communities where people complain about bugs everything else is cancerous normie shit

>the cool part of Reddit is where people complain about bugs
>everything else which is not complaining is cancer

Coming from the edgelord himself

Pickle Rick is overrated.

Tiny rick is better.

>I have a dose that I extracted

Oh man, you should have made tea. It's got other alkaloids besides mescaline that contribute to the trip. You don't get the full experience with extraction.

It's fucking amazing though. Especially if you can do it outdoors. I like to just lay in my backyard, in the pitch dark all night, and enjoy it. It's the most peaceful experience ever.

Just don't be retarded like my friend and his wife. They decided to smoke meth before and during a trip and...that shit is nightmare fuel right there. We marathoned Rick and Morty that night, and it seriously freaked them the fuck out.

the criterion was merely for shows still airing. anyway Ash vs Evil Dead is basically a live-action cartoon.

I did a crude extraction, so it's more of a refined goop. Hopefully I maintained some of the alkaloids in there. Learned my lesson after doing pharmahuasca before instead of aya.

>smoked meth
Omfg that sounds horrible. Isn't mescaline a phenylthylamine (sp?) = inherently speedy already? Couple that with meth...and you're going to have a bad time.

Outside is always the way to go


Ahaha, that is literally me every time I yell at my grandma for posting about Jesus on Facebook! WABALABA!


Redditrick and Lsd Rick.

superior intellect

season 3 ep 9: The ABC's of Beth

It's amazing how many old and intelligent people believe in a flying spaghetti monster

I want XDD

And people like Isaac Newton, Richard Feynman, and Albert Einstein. What morons! It's almost like there's an implication that there is more to it than what can be foolishly summarized by lazy idiots...

Not the other user, but wtf are you talking about?


You watch your mouth, kid. I've won many internet battles. Don't be my next victim

Tall Morty is best morty

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Rick and Morty is a high quality show that is quite honestly sooooo underrated that it triggers me
>:- (

>uncle Rick I have gangrene on my dick, is there any sciencey thing you can do to heal it?

Sup Forums has gone to shit. Kill yourself.


You sperg lords take this show too seriously. Also, when you start spouting what you believe to be objective truth, realize that this is your ego talking, a part of us designed to keep us safe from what we fear. That said, have you ever considered that it is you who are ignorant? Or that everyone, including yourself, is ignorant?

You don't know if there are infinite realities. Nobody here does. Got that? All you gotta do, is shut your ego up, and simply BE.
We let ignorant people (yes, people like Hawking, or Degrasse Tyson) tell us what's out there and what isn't... but all of what they talk or talked about isn't the truth. We're all wrong.

There's a sort of Nihilism in spirituality too -- that what it is that you believe in, makes life in the physical world insignificant to the magnitude of what's beyond it; the physical realm is NOT the sum of its' parts, and it's only minute. That's the twist.

One thing we CAN prove, and we'll conclude, is that there are realms beyond the physical realm.

Let the end of this episode, if anything, provoke you to think about and question your own death. Anything beyond that, you're being a fuckin' sperg lord; this is a cartoon!

top kek

>References Reddit and not Sup Forums

we all know 4chun is a shithole and deserves nothing. your argument is invalid



Isaac Newton was an Arian Christian

he didn't believe in the divinity of Christ