I accumulated the substrate needed

I accumulated the substrate needed,
i hope i don't ruin it.

not in an enclosed container? this is 100% already contaminated

the picture is just an exemple i found just so people get the idea,
also on that picture that log look healthy but i would bet they only remover the enclosure to take a good picture.
generaly its don't get contamined that fast,
after all once the mycelium got a grip its hard to contaminate it.

this is literally no drug gayer than shrooms

-makes you think you're spiritual
-makes you puke and shit for 6 hours

depressant, not to much and generaly its only like one day after the trip,
much like a hangover.

T. Some faggot who can't handle his shit

Kek, so true,

some eyecandy.

>heh, he's not cool enough

psychedelics are a retarded meme, that's why acid's gone, learys dead, all the while coke and h never faltered

fuck man, mass mushrooming is fkn triggering some disturbance in me

stay safe bro

Its ur last chance at that stage to Cover in vermiculite dust and powdered rice and seal with watertite cooler with plenty water mist
Later when u dry them use delayed
Styrofoam coated in Epsom salt u will have very big gushy trip with strong locations echoes just stay in closed area I prefer cubensis tho do not take more than 9 at once

how many should i eat for my first time

about a gram you dont want to go of the abyss on your first step

Soo is this like a giant PF tek cake ? Its been a loooooooong time, I have a spore print tucked away somehwere

3 to 4 whole or split. caps do more faster. Then top off with one or two more after 10 to 15 minutes and stay off heavy machinery or binge on still frame or pin ups unless u have a sit in with u

This guy has no fucking clue, idiot. The only time you need to have perfect sterility is during inoculation and colonization. Once the myco has colonized the substrate it will fruit, and keep fruiting.

Shitty bait. Nothing is outcompeting mycelium that confluent.

>puke and shit for 6 hours
>acid's gone


>coke and h never faltered
Its called addiction you daft negro.

Start with 1/2 eighth the work you way up. An 1/8oz to 1/4oz is about right, but that depends on how far out you wanna get. Also shrooms are kinda one shot, take a dose wait at least a day before you take more.


listen to this guy, half 8th is good starting dose

don't redose, tolerance builds in like an hour and lasts like a week

Both of these are me , the majority of people her have no clue. ill be here for like 5 more min, any questions?

yes exactly

This. Overdosing on shrooms will have you acting more foolish than bozo the clown and Ozzy Ozzborne.

Literal scientific cure for depression
No nausea whatsoever when ingested properly
Spiritual is subjective

Not the other user, but I do see it a lot less than I used to. It's still around though.

> ^

If it's your first time ever taking psychedelics , you need to have a really good friend to babysit you.

Most of these stupid niggers are making shrooms sound like heroine laced spice.....

A half eighth - and eigth will in 90% of people feel like being really stoned with a great body high , and generally no visuals unless you close your eyes .


Spiritual BodyCannabis, being the mildest of psychedelics, induces this state in moderate doses. A mild high is produced, whereby enhanced mood and sensuality is experienced. The communication between left and right side of the brain undergoes subtle changes, possibly inducing mild synaesthesia, which is a intermingling of sensory perception. Music is perceived more vividly, starting to mix with imagery and direct emotional perception.


This level is reached with high doses of cannabis or low doses of psilocybin. The user will experience mild visual effects and behind closed eyelids patterns start to emerge. Normal thought-filters of the brain are bypassed, leading to an increase in unrestrained, abstract and creative thought patterns. Unconscious emotions and thoughts bubble to the surface. Light doses of Peyote and medium doses of MDMA also induce this state.


This level is achieved with regular doses of psilocybin or LSD. Fractals are taking over the visual field, warping patterns and kaleidoscopic imagery are perceived on surfaces or with closed eyes. Sensitivity for subtle body energies increases, profound insights into life might be perceived, or ecstatic trance can occur. Intermingling of senses can be even more pronounced, causing all kinds of dissociative experiences.


Strong doses of LSD, psilocybin, Peyote, and other entheogens induce level four experiences. Strong visual patterns, intense visions, direct experience astral spheres, and dissolution of time. With opened eye, physical objects can be exposed as manifested, condensed energy forms. Out of body experiences, strong spiritual visions, and direct perceptions of wisdom are commonly associated with this level.


This is the epicenter of the psychedelic state and is usually obtained with DMT or considerably high doses of psilocybin. While this level is marked by a complete and absolute immersion in visions, this state is distinctly different in quality and what is experienced - it can be called an enlightenment, or union with the great life force. This is in the eye of the storm, nirvana, or complete transcendence. Other-dimensional beings might be encountered, or the pure, the unmanifest energy beyond the illusory circus of life can be felt. The most common experiences are as follow:

1. Being thrust into an expansive void or alternate dimension filled with beings and intricate, detailed worlds of bizarre and unseen quality.

2. Being propelled into outer space at extreme speed. Cosmic experiences, such as finding yourself witnessing the creation of a new star system, have also been reported.

3. Traveling at great speed whilst experiencing changing patterns, which often morph and open to into more complicated patterns within.

4. Encountering intelligent entities whilst experiencing any of points 1, 2 or 3. From machine elves to space cowboys, intelligent entities have ranged from things out of fantasy novels, such as humanoids, to giant insects, visually indecipherable entities and floating balls of light.

Terence McKenna

5. Intelligent entities attempt to communicate with the user through visual patterns, prompts and cues. Sometimes entities take the user to specific places to try and get across a message, such as encouragements to learn postures, or they teach songs that manifest objects or condense energy.

These extreme states are sometimes accompanied by sounds, ranging from deep rumbling to high pitched crumbling. Although completely immersed in the experience, most DMT users remain sentient throughout the experience, being able to think clearly, reason logically and maintain a self awareness.

Mkayy ?,

Now you can finally grow all the dicks you've ever wanted

i never threw up on shrooms, it always gave me gas and i would have to go shit at one point.
higher doses i wouldn't shit.

i'm really lucid when i take shrooms. i can have normal conversations and play video games and shit while having a full blown trip.

This is a board where you read things, do it or gtfo you stupid useless nigger.

I knew it they would sell easily to woman.

I tried growing shrooms one time and it was very disappointing.

I made a total of 6 cakes and after the months of colonization and fruiting I only got a small handful of shrooms. Also when I dried them that shrunk incredibly small.

Any ideas on how I might have fucked up? There were no contamination, the cakes were fully colonized as far as I could tell, and I made sure to keep them in 95-100% humidity with the proper light cycle.

Mabey too much light ? You only need a tiny amount 15w max, and i never used cycles 24/7 light.

pf tek is pretty much just for a personnal consuption. on a halfpint cake you get only like 8 to 11 gram.
the reason you din't get much of it might be about the humidity and ventilation that was lacking.