These german girls dating arabs make me sick there are so many teens doing it now everywhere I look outside

These german girls dating arabs make me sick there are so many teens doing it now everywhere I look outside.

I am greek

Honestly you deserve it for using commas as decimal points. What the fuck Hans

Wow stop it there you fucker this is how you should write numbers
100 000,000 1

Just enjoy the Arabic slime dripping from your future wife.

Everyone does it like that except for the Anglos tho

That's retarded. Commas are for demarcating cohorts of three digits so you can convert long numbers to scientific notation quickly. Decimal points are for decimals. It's only logical. For example:

6,000,000,000,000.0 = 6.0 x 10^12

bullshit. anglos are weird , they use commas instead of dots. Fucking weirdos

I will never have a gf so I stopped caring

Get a check qt as me. As if you want a german gf, or do you? They are ugly anyway.

what the fuck

>Wen deutsche Männer am liebsten heiraten

why don't German guys just get a Turkish gf, they're better looking than German women on average desu

They do according to the chart
Red bars are German males, blue one are the females. Both genders seem to marry Turks most frequently if it's an international marriage

With such high Turkish numbers, I wonder how much of this is Germans and how many is "Germans."


>german girls

>be a shut-in German male who doesn't have any children

>country's birthrate slides off the rails so hard that a demographic crisis will eventually destroy your welfare state

>whine that Mutti is fixing your problem for you

yes but look at the raw numbers, German women are marrying foreigners far more frequently than German men

In one generation I'll have to visit Austria if I want an authentic German vacation.

wtf i love burgers now

Prosperity Gospel/Protestant Work Ethic fantasy thinking. We have one of the most rigid intergenerational class systems in the world. I think we're only behind SAf and Britain.

>why yes i am against racemixing

I'm not against race mixing; I'm mixed race myself! (half slav and half anglo)

>imperial units
>calling a milliard a billion

Türkinnen sind SÜß! SÜß!

slav and anglo are the same race, just different ethnicity.

define: race

hard mode, define it scientifically

ultra hard mode, define it so that it is an umbrella over ethnicity