Redoing this thread, changing it to dubs instead of quads

Redoing this thread, changing it to dubs instead of quads

I am a heroin addict. three months clean. I wanna relapse, but I will leave it to kek.

dubs decide if I relapse or not
If i get dubs on this roll, I relapse


if i get dubs it doesn't count



I did heroin for ten years. Got clean for 2 years and relapsed. I've now been clean since mid-July. You're better than this, user. I know how you feel, I consider relapse all the time, but I need to believe you're better than this. If not for you, for my own selfish reason. Seriously, life gets better.


ya i get it user. my mentality is fucked

Constantly bumping your own thread until you get dubs is not leaving it to kek...


like I said If I get dubs it doesn't count

Have you tried kratom? That shit was a life-saver for me, and I did my best to limit even that... Shit man, call a family member, a friend (not an acquaintance), a significant other, fuck - a help line, anything man. I know you can do at least another day.

Letting a bunch of randoms decide your fate, gj.

In that case, check 'em, and don't relapse. Thanks.

This was my post, i say dont do it


kk not relapsing

so my fate is decided

well then im going to bed


I feel like if I don't get dubs and discourage you, that I'm somehow suffering a relapse myself. So yeah, don't relapse. I know this sounds weak, but try different teas and botanicals for natural muscle relaxers and sleep aids. It really does help alleviate shit. It's not heroin, but its a little bit of landing gear.

Fuck dubs, just get clean. You'll thank yourself in a few months. Count the minutes, the hours, etc if you have to, and congratulate yourself for each interval as if its a new milestone, because it is, and you deserve better for yourself.

roll for kek

kek's final say here then goodnight OP

Do this instead

Rolling for not

Be strong dude. I'm recently reconnecting with a cousin in rehab and just starting to open up about what she used. what would be some good stuff to talk about?

I really want to ask her what it was like, but don't want to trigger a relapse by talking about drugs with her.