Im buying an ounce of weed for 150$ and an ounce usually goes for around 300 here

Im buying an ounce of weed for 150$ and an ounce usually goes for around 300 here .

What way could I get scammed in ?

If you've been paying $300 for zips then you were already getting scammed. I haven't seen zips that price since about 2007

no this is my first time buying an ounce

Someone can jugg you and take your money and keep the weed in person. Or you can take the weed and keep your money. Jugg mane

im literally bringing a taser with me incase that happens

wow, 10 years is a long time to go without seeing good weed

where tf do you live lol i buy them for $70

I payed $300 a zip once and it was the greatest weed I've ever had. Usually get 'em between 200-250

>the poolice is selling you the dope
>bad quality
>you might get mugged
>might be less than an ounce(i.e. airy weed)

On the other hand you might be lucky.

Lol at thinking you can't get top shelf for those prices. The Colorado spill over dropped prices long ago.

is lacing weed with other drugs to make it seem more potent an actual thing?

or is it just myth left over from the war on drugs

1.the guy already sold me in the past just in grams
2. ....
3. I got a taser so i atleast got some protection
4. I got my own weighing scale

the deal is fail proof , right ?

Sure bud

weed XDD


He might take you weighing it as an insult so watch yourself.

This is how anons wake up in a parking lot, confused, missing 150$ and a kidney.

I think some degenerates spray it with fly spray but even then i've never seen it or heard of someone actually doing it.

Probably your classic myth

This is what will happen:
He takes you somewhere public to meet his friend who has it. He has you give him the money to go get it. You sit there looking like a niggers child.

Daily smoker here, used to medicine grade. 100% true. Especially in UK. I've had a ton of experiences in London where they try and scam you into thinking its good weed, but its just laced to shit. You can even taste the chemicals.

>he has you give him

Its 200 to 240 around here. 75 for 1/4. I get a donation of 150 from family & friends.

You could be getting garbage or a bag full of seeds