Drugs thread? Drugs thread

Drugs thread? Drugs thread.
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All drugs welcome from weed to heroin to mdma, come in and discuss.
Myself im tripping on 200mics

Just weed since it isnt the weekend

Tapentadol slow release 200mg for today, and only about 60mg codeine but i'm about to make another little mix.

Chronic back pain so i'm not really doing it for recreational use considering i'm on this shit every day.

Why are you tripping at the monent?

Took 1g of cubensis yesterday evening. Walked to the bar

Just felt like it you know.
School hasnt started yet so i might aswell.
Anyone got experience with liquid LSD? All ive done is tabs

Played a little pool, got a cab home because I really didn't feel like walking again. Went home, listened to a little music, went to sleep for work the next day.
I prefer acid, honestly. Things make more sense then. But watching a bush "breathe" was kinda neat, not a bad time overall. Next time, though, I'm doing it during the day.

Xanax, what can I expect?

How much? and what's your plan?

Ive thought about micro dosing lsd appearently it enhances productivity

Meh. Bit of an energy boost kind of I guess. Not really worth it for the break days when you will be very mentally drained.

got pept with noopept at a fest today

How old are you?

What's the tapentadol compare to? I've only tried it once, and had a heroin habit at the time.
I'm on kratom right now, myself.

Only weed today as i've got work today. Although Yesterday morning I smoked a point of DMT and did 150ugs of acid

This is what I'm smoking on today

Took maybe like 110ug of LSD yesterday afternoon. Smoked weed. I have weed but I can't really smoke it

similar to tramadol feeling, but the pain relieving is way better than tram.

What's the kraton like?


Just smoked a joint of some random weed I bought from a buddy. Gonna play some vidya. Although last weed I had some 4 milligram dilaudids popped a few and snorted a few. Was nodding hard I see why people enjoy it

morroccan hashish as always

Great for pain but recreation its... Ok, nowhere near as good as real opioid

Ive always hated hashish myself.. it feels dirty.
Prefer weed, is there anything you like about hash in particular