I just had jaw surgery, AMA

I just had jaw surgery, AMA

gigity gigity mutherfucker

Did they use bees?

did you have an extra one added ?

I fucking wish. Bees would've hurt less.

Kinda. I had a massive overbite and they broke my lower jaw and moved it forward

Bonus proof I'm not a lard fat

Where the brows at?

where are you eyebrows ?

I'm a trichfag (trichotillomania). I got hit with the shit genetics stick.

That's an OCD. What does it have to do with genetics?

I'm drawing a comic right now about a Mom needing to shit during her kids baseball game. Any ideas for a punchline?

what sort of surgery did you have?

Asking for a friend

should have asked for a double or triple dose of that anesthesia

She walks onto the field and takes a dump. Cause baseball is shit

Just sayin.

"The bases are loaded"?

What can I say... I got that good boi pucci

Daddy's batting clean up?

Family has a history of mental illness

Will your speech be impacted with the new XL jaw?

It shouldn't be once the swelling goes down, but I can barely talk right now
