Why do somalians consider themselves to be black? theyre obviously not the same as other niggers

why do somalians consider themselves to be black? theyre obviously not the same as other niggers.

>only now learnign not all black people look like Sup Forums wants you to think they look like

Lol, give over man. You're underestimating your audience. I know where we are but this is kinda low-effort

That's a nice samefag

looks more indian than black, would bang

we looove our somalis, we love our muslims, oh they're so good, oh they're so sweet

You're right, they are worse kind of niggers

youre looking at 50% , 25% nigger genes

somalians are alcoholics, doesn't like to shower & chew khat all the time.

the women are so desperate for white cock, they'll literally fuck anyone who buys them a drink.

somalians are the nigger of niggers and thus despised and looked down on by other niggers.

it's in africa stupidass what do you think?

using that logic egypt would also be black. retard.

i mean you'd have to study history to understand why what you just said is fucking retarded

they don't most somalis hate blacks where i live

they attack blacks

also somalis are horrible people most should be killed

Stop lying, faggot.

Stop talking about Africa and African genetics if you're uneducated on our features. Sup Forums literally doesn't know shit about blacks and it makes me pissed. Off yourself along with your inaccurate and dumbass view of what a black person is.

No? Indians aren't very attractive. She looks black and she is. You have jungle fever.

There are different ethnic groups in Africa you know.

Think about all the ethnic groups in East Asia, and how they get bundled together as 'Asians'.

It's a detail that is ignored when you look at different regions of the world that isn't the west. Such details don't really matter to us since we don't live there.

>Indians aren't very attractive

I mean, I guess the girls can be. But the boys aren't. Most cute boys are either black or white.

yes they are and also so glad trump put a travel ban on your stupid people.

the cutest men are hispanics with blacks second.

Yeah, I am willing to agree with you.

I hate when beta males put east African women on a pedestal. "They aren't really black because they lack significant prognathism, nigger hair and nasal structure etc". As if being black is only about bone structure. They are culturally backward, flat-headed racists. They think they are better than other blacks (jareers) yet can't even unify their own country because of extreme tribalism. Mental illness is significant in their communities due to cousin marriage and drug abuse. When they are not snorting coke and fucking kaffir men at uni, they are lecturing us on the beauty of modest in Islam.

Christ I nearly married a Somali woman. Luckily I grew out of my liberal phase. Fuck luugo baasto and their hypocritical sex-obsessed culture.

She's hot as fuck. Even straight up African girls can be attractive.

Who gives a shit

Kenya is the best!!