Hey, how do I do greentext?

Hey, how do I do greentext?

use one of these > at the start of each line, like this

me on the right

you faggot

What the fuck, spot the newfag

>getting hate for being nice

No, no it's not

>asking how to greentext >totalnewfag.png


> this is Sup Forums
> if cant greentext
> dont be on here

>>how do you bluetext?

>I like peepees

Tits or gtfo

>Hey, how do I do greentext?

left click/highlight the text you want to quote and hit reply.

easy peasy

> ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴▲
> ឴឴឴឴឴ ឴឴឴឴឴▲ ▲


Well that's a bit reductivist. Gotta start somewhere

>your mum


You need a paid account

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Right!? :D



>being nice on Sup Forums


>fuck you

i cant find that little arrow thingy on my keyboard where is it?