For the international Sup Forums audience

For the international Sup Forums audience.
This is what they are protesting. The police respond to a call. A violent black man assaults the police officer. The police officer kills the black man. They see it as racism for the police to defend themselves.

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nobody cares, you giant faggot

Did you hear that, guys? Police brutality doesn't exist in America! user on Sup Forums said so, therefore it must be true!

>Being this upset by people kneeling

Eat shit cunt, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>12%of population
>50%of murders
>why are police so violent

A strong hand is required when dealing with violent people.

Its not police brutality when you attack an officer and get he defends himself.

You forgot to mention that the dead black man's family then proceeds to sue the police department for "excessive force" then collects a nice big paycheck. As illustrated in pic related.

A very good friend of mine was gunned down by niggers in Oakland California so I'd have to strenuously disagree with you. If I'd have been out with him I'd be dead also. So FUCK ALL NIGGERS!

Trump says you're a liar. He says they're protesting the flag.

Anyway on one side we have multimillionaires who feel like they are oppressed. On the other side we have a guy who won the presidency and is crying that he can't get every single thing his way. And I don't give two shits about either side.

And what if the suspect is killed when there is no attack on the officer? Has that never happened?

So you're blaming an entire population for the actions of one person?

They are insulting the flag, our country, our active duty military, and every veteran with their protest.


Absolutely -- it takes a village to raise a SAVAGE.

They ARE protesting the flag. They are protesting the fact that the country is systematically racist against blacks. It's all bullshit but they love to think that whitey be keepin' dem down.

They're also disrespecting veterans who are getting pissed at this.

>how to garner attention for a dying sport, which was never any good ever
that's all this is, a faggot tier publicity stunt.

Holy fuck, so goddamned triggered by a peaceful protest. Grow up, faggot.

ITT we deny videos of unjustifiable police force

Sure thing radar -- everything is some grand Conspiracy crafted in the dark by evil villains.

>White people freed my ancestors
>I hate white people
>White people gave me the right to vote
>I hate white people
>White people gave me civil rights
>I hate white people
>White people removed all standards and requirements so I could succeed
>I hate white people
>White people gave me free things
>I hate white people

so? it's the USA, they are guaranteed the right to insult whoever and whatever they want.

Im sure it has.

But the vast bulk of what reetards consider "razzist po-lice attacks!" are cops responding to a call about a violent attacker. then when they show up said violent attacker turns on the cops and tries to attack them to get away.

i work with a handfull of black people and 1 nigger. the black people are fine to work with but no one wants to work with the nigger. hell even the other black people call him a dumb nigger.

he is the type that when he gets pulled over its not because he was doing 50 in a 30 and 2am. its because he is black. when he got told he was borderline getting fired its not because he was late 3 times a week its because he was black.

anything bad that ever happend to him in the history of ever was because da racist white man tryin ta keep him down!

That is a terrible stunt.

By that same logic, all white people are responsible for such mass murderers as Elliot Roger, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Martin Bryant, Anders Breivik, Robert Lewis Dear, Dylan Roof, and Andrew Engeldinger.

And what about the black people who say police brutality and discrimination are real? Are they lying?

their reasons for expressing free speech are stupid, but it's still free speech and part of what makes this country great.

most peoples opinions are stupid but we have to defend their right to say stupid things. THAT"S FREEDOM!

Nobody is saying they don't have the right. We're saying it's disrespectful and is causing a backlash against the NFL, which the NFL doesn't know how to handle yet.

But I hate niggers so whatever

Pretty much. If a cop does wrong then they get punished, that is why there are former cops in prison. Blacks do not take personal responsibility because there is always, I say always, an excuse as to why they can't.

For the international Sup Forums audience.
This is what they are protesting. The police respond to a call. A non violent at that moment black man do what the police men says. Police men can be back Latino Asian white . The police officer kills the black man. They see it as racism for the police to defend themselves

It's just another "bread and circuses" trick to distract you Americans from real issues.

What do you mean when you say blacks never take personal responsibility? Do you mean to say that there is something innate in their psyche that precludes them from doing so?

err, he's probably right actually.

I mean maybe the kneeling is real, but the NFL is CERTAINLY using publicists and media connections to hype it up as much as possible.

It's billion dollar industry of course they're going to manufacture interest in anything that will get them headlines. I mean they'd be retarded not to.

As a veteran I don’t give a shit about the kneeling shit at 6:30 am in the base I run for a building so I won’t be standing there looking at the flag for 3 minutes

Oh, ok. Now that it's explained to me by some fuckin' guy on a Balinese fortune telling board, I agree that they are being unreasonable and are, in fact, a bunch of whiny niggers who probably commit rape and murder regularly.

Thank you for opening my eyes, anonymous faggot!

grand conspiracy? For a media machine to push headlines to promote themselves? LOL....

HAHAHA 5/10 trolling

there actually are people that think this is a flag issue. pretty funny.

Bet op don’t even watch sports and finger his asshole to esports

he means they always blame white people or society for their problems.

God you Americans just get more and more pathetic as you become a satire of yourself.
You're about as entrenched in this kooky cult doctrine as Erdogan's Turks and shit are.

For the american Sup Forums audience. Please stop bothering the rest of us with your shit.

No, I mean what I say. Blacks cannot take responsibility and say this magical phrase; "I did the crime". I lived in the South my whole life, I work with blacks, I have eaten with blacks, I have daily interactions with them both good and bad. They cannot admit to wrongdoing no matter what.

Why do you idiots keep calling the pigs?
Do you never learn?

That's funny. I live in Texas and I also work with blacks on a daily basis. Some of them are responsible people, some aren't. Just like white people. Some of them are responsible, some aren't. Am I wrong? Is there some flaw in my observations?

so much this. if the national anthem is playing the streets on base empty so fast

Next thing it'll be they protest July 4th, Independence Day because their ancestors weren't independent, they were slaves.

Yes you are wrong. Look closer, look harder. Blacks do not change no matter what level they are at. I have seen black professional managers with degrees and accolades, and yet, no matter what, they still manage to hang out with the same ghetto trash and speak their silly little ebonics. Blacks do not change.

I think this is the actual point, the black men you work with also get treated as niggers by a lot of police.

>quotes statistics having nothing to do with topic at hand
>thinks he is smart

maybe in your experience. hasnt been mine

Closer? Harder? What do you mean? I look at them as I look at anyone else. They're the same flawed human beings as any other. What more do you want me to do?

It sounds like you just want me to accept your prejudices, even though I see evidence every day that they're simply not rational.

Listen, when a disproportionately small portion of the population commits a disproportionately large amount of the crime, you're gonna get racially profiled. Don't get mad at the cops for that, get mad at the niggers and the nigger culture causing it.

It's kind of like how security at airports will suspect a muslim over a little old grandmotherly white lady. Is it wrong? Fuck no, the muslims are the ones hijacking and shit.

>Is there some flaw in my observations?
You're not humoring this internet sleuth's web theories slash coping mechanisms for explaining his underwhelming personal life.

denying racism exists on Sup Forums is retarded

I'm not denying racism because NIGGERS are fucking racists.

Hush, the murricans are circlejerking about how the darkies are responsible for them being insolvent despite their halfhearted efforts at competing with third world markets with the aid of piles and piles of social monies.

Think of your so called "good black person"
Think of many of them
Go to your local black ghetto
I guarantee they will be there

Yeah sorry, that's not how it works.
If you treat all people of one colour as the same in intent then guess what you are going to get a shitty result.
Lets use your logic for police, so a disproportionate number commit crimes against civilians (given their job is to serve and protect)
Therefore when people kill or abuse police it is fine, as profiling is justified.

there they are

In gladiator rules the police officer was the inferior

Soros is going to make trillions off all of this once the economy collapses. Trump-Bush-Clinton-Obama are all paid for by the same people. Keep believing the stage show.

Okay, I just got back. They weren't there.

But a disproportionate number DONT commit crimes against civilians. So wtf you talking about?

weird, i didnt see them there. any other ideas user? maybe ill just see them again at work tomorrow

They should have all of those rights as citizens and should not have to be given them, you racist dumbass

There are plenty of good ones but these statistics aren't lying. Think about this: remove all black from the country, 12% of the population, and crime drops 50%.

I don't believe you guys really looked.

An officer standing by and doing nothing while other officers commit crimes is doing nothing wrong?

The US would be #1 in education again

All they really see is a sky-high mountain of white guilt that they can capitalize on.

A true liberal. How do I know you ask? It is simple. You have a reading comprehension problem as all liberals do.

>Ancestors fought for freedom from slavery
>White people tried to stop them
>Ancestors fought for my right to vote
>White people tried to stop them
>Ancestors fought for civil rights
>White people tried to stop them
>Ancestors removed all standards and requi- oh wait that's bullshit, moving on...
>Now I'm peacefully protesting while the national anthem plays
>White people: WHY DO YOU HATE US???!!

except i did. not every black person is ghetto trash, you need to take a fucking look

You need to stop pretending this isn't an ad hoc issue.
I saw the Castile footage. That was straight up murder no doubt about it. And the judge agreed too, but considered him reasonably afraid - not for cause, but just acknowledging that he was afraid. Which is mindblowing to any sane, non-murrican person from a functioning society.

Two things really stood out to me about that:

> The officer and Castile were friendly until the officer just went completely fucking ballistic out of the blue and started wildly blasting into the car
I've seen a lot of shit user. I've seen people under serious pressure. I've never seen panic like that. That guy was out of his mind on fear. So clearly he was unfit for the job, but also, wtf causes a reaction like that? Castile was visibly cooperative. This is a symptom.

> Castile's gf was the stable, deescalating factor. More than that, she was _submissive_
Right off the bat she starts going sir this, sir that. He *just* shot up the father of her child right next to her, and she's calm and servile to him, begging his mercy. I'm a white dude from a sane country. This is profoundly shocking. It takes a deep, pervasive culturally ingrained sense of subjugation for people to behave like that. Anybody else would've lost their minds. I've seen people - white people - lash out over way less shit, and then too that was justified. This shows a deep cultural problem, the one that the confederate flag waving retards staunchly keep superimposing their self-absorbed denial onto.

And you know what, that is probably what saved her life and that of her child. Because with the state of mind that officer was in, he would've kept shooting and killed the whole family if she did anything else.

Has to be a troll nobody can be this retarded

Well what the fuck do you expect? Do you want me to go down to every low-income neighborhood in my city? Knock on every door? Just to see if you're right or not?

Go fuck yourself, I work too hard every day to spend my evenings bending over backwards for your retarded bullshit.

OK. I just looked. They are all ghetto trash.

And a white Australian lady was also shot by a scared cop. So what? There are incompetent police out there. Why does it have to be about race?


Can confirm. I checked as well.

>Whitey tuk muh peoplez outta dey grass hutz n picked duh flies outta dey eyez, now he giv a mee millyunz a dollas fuh runnin around fuh a few hours once uh week
>Fuck whitey


It's literally their right to protest, it's in our amendments. This country was made off protests. What does being black have to do with anything?

Stop pretending like that's not a denial mechanism. You don't give a fuck about that Australian. You're just using shooting A to argue that people shouldn't think about shooting B because that would be inconvenient to your dogma.
Ultimately you're shoving both under the rug so shove those crocodile tears up your ass and come back to me when you've grown a pair and are ready to own up to what you really think, sissy.

i dont think youve ever met a black person

>types in greentext to appear smart
>winds up sounding retarded
Quit being a nigger

There are lots of things technically protected by the constitution that you can't do at your job.

You've got that backwards. The only white people who don't hate niggers are the ones who haven't met one.

Any cop at any time could be gunned down by a nigger. The police are fighting behind enemy lines for years at a time with no break. The war is never ending because NIGGERS ARE VIOLENT ANIMALS. Fix the nigger and you'll fix the police.

Don't try to logic with these autists it'll make your brain hurt

I'm not that user but I've met plenty of black people and plenty of them have been ghetto trash, so much so that property values around here are dropping because they're gradually moving in from the city to the suburbs here.

except thats wrong

Now you're all butthurt because I point out a high profile example of the police shooting a white woman out of unwarranted fear because it doesn't fit your narrative that all excessive force is race-driven.

Who cares about what the business thinks, they can just fire them

He seemed fine from multiple angles. Cop seems to have had a mental breakdown or some shit. Defense did not deny, ran with it. Stop with the fucking denial if you want to pretend you want to seriously broach this issue.

i work with several black people and all of them are hard workers and respectable men

Yep. They can.

It happens every single day.

No, it's not.

Wow you are full on retarded. You don't think the police are going to be on edge around a race that can't help but commit murder constantly?