Apples Vs. Pears

Apples Vs. Pears
Which is objectively superior?


Answers that

Apples. The window to eat a pear is so short.


I prefer pears. They taste better


I like to start my day with a nice glass of pear juice and finish it off with a nice slice of pear pie with vanilla icecream on the side.
See how stupid I sound? Apples win.

Hasn't science created a hybrid yet? I don't have time to eat both

I prefer apples because they tend to stay crunchy longer. Pears go soft so fast.
A good crunchy and juicy pear can beat the taste of an apple though.

Fuck you. Pear juice sucks ass.

you resemble orange and jews

That's called subjectivity son. We're looking for an objective answer

Hard to say. It's apples and pears, really.

Apples is good for snak


I like apples because i can kill myself with the cyanide from their seeds

it all depends on the type of apple or pear

Pear is less acidy, more sweet, dont fuck up your teeth, if it ripe. Apple is solid, harder, but have multiple taste.

Try Pyrus pyrifolia aka Japanese pear.
It's pretty much in between a pear and an apple.

Were can i buy

My side chick like pears as a butt plug. So, pears?

What kind of apple vs what kind of pear ? It depends the type of the fruit.

My fave is the rascalpear

Genius argument.

Apples obviously. Pears have a weird unpleasant texture


you are cringe gays