How do you stop being depressed?

How do you stop being depressed?

following for interested


Keep busy, eat decent food, cut out sugar... it's pretty much a matter of choice. Unless you're married with children, in which case you're damned.

I don't. But I can distract myself from it through various activities like books, gaming, watching movies, getting completely shitfaced on booze and making horrible descisions which leads to more regrets, but for that time the self loathing is kept in check.


you go numb and don't care anymore

stay off Sup Forums

Like clinically depressed or just "I'm a teenager"-depressed?

You must be me.
I've written that and instantly forgot about it, so I can reply to me with this post.

Run for hours every night , running helps clear your brain , some chemical balance creation thing. Then detach yourself from earthly emotions. Good luck

How to fix clinical depression? Can't get right meds because I abused them in my past. S/o xanax.


>Change the things you don't like 1 thing at a time. Slowly if need be.
>Eat better
>Exercise, not seriously, Exercise!

you are neglected by the matrix, the higher mind will keep you depressed for sometime, sorry kiddo.

Avoid weed or any other drug, avoid videogames, have human contact, eat healthy, excercise, listen to music and make love

But how can he do it if he is the mind and the mind will foresee him to neglection?

>by not blaming your missfortune by some ridiculous higher power for a start.

it is not blaming it is simply accepting and it "is" the "is" cannot be changed until it changes.

>by not blaming your missfortune by some ridiculous higher (repeat until done)

Depression is just a state of mind peple who want to get out of it actually do overcome it

Some nice people here. Thank you.

works for me too dont give a fuck about it anymore since i realised that its not so bad when i just ignore and accept it
cons are you will give a fuck about everything quickly
but thats also positive when you are a soldier like me


Microdose shrooms and


If you keep doing the same shit while depressed, even if you feel better for a bit you'll go back into your retarded shit.

>Started to microdose 150-180mg shrooms daily
>Little better every day, first month was a bit of a roller coaster
>After 2 months I don't want to die for the first time in 12 years
>Generally happy, colors are brighter
>Can actually enjoy nature once again
>Stop exercising and everything due to annoying and repeating leg injury
>Slowly fall back into my rut
>A good 60% better than before on my shit days
>Starting to watch diet again as it heals

Need to set apart time to read or go outside at least, media just fries your brain day in and day out. Also, if you microdose you need to take some time off as well

>Usual way is 300mg every other day
>Mine is as stated 150-180mg daily
>After about 3-4 weeks the happy/content-center I've had starts to edge off
>Take 3-4 days off of dosing, personally I'm more irritable and revert about 20% back to shit
>Get positive effects again

Before it took me about more than a week after my first "break" to reach equilibrium again, but I think I stopped for about 6 days that time. (old friends, lots of drinking and shit) But this time it seemed to snap back in after a day..

>Double dose after the break
>Get super mild trip effects (body feels a bit clammy, stomach doing little somersaults, that shroom uptake feeling)
>But no hallucinations, just in your head visuals for about an hour

exercise !! Start running, start slowley but run for 1h and do it 3-4times/week,

It helps, i promes you!