How dangerous are secret services like the NSA?

How dangerous are secret services like the NSA?

Define dangerous

DHS is worse, but the NSA doesn't do much unless they can prove you're a credible threat, or you know too much.

Think about all the faggots in every government agency.

Yep, that's right.
Those fuckers aren't any smarter than you.
They pull the same shit you do at work.
And they have unlimited power to do it.

The only danger is an overreach of power. Secret courts etc make branches of government like the NSA unaccountable to the US people. And when you don't have accountability, you have abuse.

I used to be paranoid about them monitoring my shit but in the end what I have to hide doesn't mean shit to them.

Any money-hungry government department can be dangerous. Even the FDA and the WHO have approved foods simply because they were paid to in 1970(when they approved the early sweetener which literally killed people) which for some reason is not against national or international law.
So in other words: as long as government departments can gain profit or power from the poorly set judicial system; they are hugely dangerous.

Not dangerous unless you're a blithering idiot.


It's fun

alright, fuck it.

Anything that limits liberty in the name of security is a slippery slope to fascism. FISA courts are an abomination to democracy. Secret courts are what one would imagine in Stalin's USSR, not in the USA. Fear mongering about terroiats to suppress our individual liberties must be critiqued and resisted if we are to have any semblance left of a free democracy.

They monitor communications and look for patterns, this will eventually lead to profiling, that is when it’ll get bad.

user looks at naked teens
Nsa decides user is potential pedo
user continues to look at nude teens
Nsa decides user potential rapist
user arrested and put on sex offender registry, life over.

Minority report without all the “psychic” bullshit.

you're a data set and considering it's driven by humans, algorithms and AI to interpret what that pretty much means you're fucked at the slightest notion of being/interpreted as a, 'threat.' (make no mistake this is just one element to a technologically advanced society, in other words you have no privacy and are most definitely a product. also, this sort of interpretation has been a constant throughout history as it relates to class, religion, states, etc. the only difference is how it may drastically alter our ability to evolve as a species and that in itself is 'dangerous' because it affects ours and other earthlings fate)

tl;dr no one wins or loses and the fear construct is our inability to accept the future, which continues whether we like it or not

why don't you read a book


spaghetti everywhere

that's the gayest thing ive ever heard

is this real life?

Are you now, or ever were, considered a threat to national security?

Yes? They can be dangerous.

No?...Well they can still be dangerous but less likely to do something to you.

fuck this

You are 100% more likely to get killed By nigs walking in your neighborhood than bothered By Feds who aren't the FBI, ATF or IRS. These dudes do nothing, know nothing and sit in meetings when they're not wasting time in the office. All the data they collect might as well be thrown away for how worthless it is. Unless you're a real life foreign agent or sending signed checks to ISIS, ypu have nothing to worry about.



But, bored fuckers will monitor shit just to do it.

Make no mistake on that.

So if you are looking at porn make sure it's quality shit because you are being judged.