What we need is another 9/11...

what we need is another 9/11. something so big and tragic that even the secular media and public will be shocked and inspired to start supporting and cooperating with the government again. admittedly, it'll be sad to see people having to be killed for it, but i think it would be good for the nation as a whole.

Anything that kills a bunch of americans is a win in my book

Are you retarded?

Spotted the islamic

there is another 9/11 every year.

There was the Ariana grande concert, does that count? Also nice dubs


Why the fuck do you think "cooperating with the government" is the solution?

Go finish up on your world history, child, you'll find why this is dumb.

>something so big and tragic that even the secular media and public will be shocked and inspired to start supporting and cooperating with the government again

incredible bait

no i mean another attack on american soil by an ambiguous foreign threat. it would inspire solidarity in the country again and get people to stop whining about shit like feminism and pronouns and safe spaces and trying to censor people's freedom of speech. look how much it helped bush. before 9/11 nobody, not even fellow republicans were in support of him. after that though, nobody dared talk shit about him or america. not even libtards tolerated muslims anymore. imagine what the Trump administration could do with that kind of unified backing, it would be incredible.


no unfortunatley because it was still too small and only targeted a specific demographic. it needs to be huge. something that impacts everybody of every political/ethnic/religious/age demographic.

9/11 was an inside job anyway, just do it again if it makes you happy. See how many countries will support you and your bullshit this time. Good luck.

because this endless debate isnt even debate. its just the courts flexing their muscle, dragging their heels, and libtards using it as a means to push their socialist ideals even further onto everybody else.

lol, like we need or ever had the support of other countries. we just need to make sure people here in america stop being so fucking snotty and disrespectful to the government because they didn't get their way.

9/11 is what's led to the shitstorm we've got now.

>Anything that kills a bunch of americans is a win in my book

oh? it wasnt allowing an illegal immigrant to kneecap our military, then pull it out of a war it was almost done winning? it wasn't a decades worth of liberal hedonism, democratic socialism and gender-politics making our youth into entitled, worthless navel gazing brats? it was big ol mean bush huh?

be a leader and show us how to do it by jumping out of a skyscraper.

no, it's been a generation raised afraid of the muslim boogeyman


so the pulse nightclub shooting was a false flag? same with the boston marathon? and so many rapes and murders theyve just stopped counting?

like the trump presidency being over

Let's burn the Reichstag!!!!! Let's sink the USS Maine!!!

lol, you wish. its disrespectful faggots like you that need to be put back in line. enjoy your antifa circlejerks while they're still technically legal

I think there needs to be a nationally unifying event, however I don't think a 9/11 esque event will be the final solution. Sure for a time 9/11 unified the nation but look now 16 years later and the country is more politically divided than any point in the last 100 years. Another 9/11 event will be a cause that the government will use to take more freedoms from the people. What will calm the political climate down is forcing people out of their echochamber online communities and actually sit down and discussing their views with others who disagree in a calm, thoughtful way. Our human tendency toward tribalism is what built society but now it's shooting us in the foot. We need to have non-toxic political discourse, we can't continue to call people names beyond their own.

There will always be extremists but most people are rational and fairly moderate, by taking them out of echo chambers we can then unify together because you realize that we aren't all racists, niggers, fags, homophobic, misogynistic, jews, or cucks. We are all people we aren't all that different when it comes down to it, but in giving groups of people these labels its easy to say that they're evil and "ruining america" solely because they are somehow different from us.

You see evidence of this through radical feminists spending time around men and realizing they aren't evil and end up leaving the feminist movement, and with kkk members beign befriended by a black man then leaving the klan. Political tribalism is a disease whose only cure is exposure.

no it wasnt any of those things, it was the bullshit that spawned from 9/11 like the iraq war

we could have built the Walker Bush Spacedock and gone to mars for about half the money for crying out loud... used the other half to pull people out of poverty and into the productive middle class.

America had everything set up to relive the 50s, but instead we stumbled for the same reasons it stumbled after that American golden age

Dude you could use you're trolling skills so much better than this. If you are being serious read your history. Those periods are always the worst in American times. They look great because domestic production is up but moral goes way down.

you have to break a couple eggs if you want to make an omlette. it doesn't even have to be anywhere good, it could just be a dirty-bomb detonated in las vegas or washington state. as long as a large number of people are killed (1,000+) then it would work.

it's just the way the world is. what about the school shooting in washington this month? What about James Holmes and Dylan Roof? How many multiple casualty shootings has the US had since that time when one of your own did it? Shit happens.

Haha okay ozymandias. Dr. Manhattan is gonna blow my brains out anyway.

Hardly. The country was more united in the following weeks and months than it's been at any point this century. Congress and the president had historic approval ratings. Seems like you're the one missing information here.

you mean neighbors spying on neighbors, civil liberties lost, police state, constitutional violation by law enforcement ignored by the courts.

yeah fuck you cunt.

the problem with extremists is that they encourage echo chambers to the point of violent resistance. they need to be done away with and they won't fade away peacefully. the ones who act like theyre unifying are just pretending to and operating as sleeper cells. the extremism has gotten so far out of hand that they can't be trrusted and need to face punishment for it. I don't like to use the term 're-education' camp, but i cant think of a better term. the country is falling apart because of these maniacs and it needs to stop. something big needs to happen to force the hand of everyone else to make them go away

You're missing the point.

it wouldn't have to be that way if there we didn't allow for a culture that protected and even encouraged political dissent to turn into political enemies.

you dont even know what life was like before 9/11, you're fucking moronic

the small ones dont count. it needs to be something that has a massive loss of life. something that stops the news on every station and makes this whole country stop for months while it figures out whos to blame

And then we entered into Iraq and created a power vacuum that helped give rise to the islamic state. But by god, we were all waving our flags for a couple of months.


ITT agent provocateurs actually suggesting another 9/11 would be a good thing like it's not a well-known phenomenon for governments to attack their own people

you actual fucking idiots

inb4 tin foil hat

you people are seriously fucking dumb and there's no saving you from your own stupidity

Maybe in the short term, but long term where did it leave us? Patriot act, NSA gaining more funding, and people losing freedoms. I think your view is a little short sighted. The US was truly reunified for a bit but once the dust settled and the US was in two nationally controversial wars spending money we didn't have, you really want to say that the US was more unified in the years after 9/11?

i know exactly what it was like. clinton selling our working class off to china, castrating our military, creating the illusion of prosperity by throwing us into a debt of unimaginable numbers.

as pissed as i am about everybody sperging out about trump, im still so relieved we didn't get clinton 2 electric boogaloo

OP is 15

hi CIA

clinton didnt sell off working class to china, fucking retard.

that was wallstreet.

god you are moronic.

thats because the bush administration was also short sighted. imagine if trump had the opprotunity that bush did. we'd never have to worry about libtards throwing fits anymore, or democrats throwing the whitehouse into gridlock every time someone hurt their feelings. there wouldnt be any need for endless fake negotiations. shit could actually get done. decisions could be made and laws could be put into place that stick and stay there for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

>stay there for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
come on, you've got to make it less obvious

and who do you think signed the free trade agreemend that did that? clinton. the democratic party is becoming a terrorist organization. theyve supported it for generations but now they're straight up part of it.

All worth it to end Islam, actual cancer

No no no no.

If another 9/11 happens then every one will see it as a fails flag. Too soon

you mean we bailed on iraq leaving the job unfinished, leaving the government unstable and free to be corrupted and conqured by a bunch of thugs.

>creating the illusion of prosperity by throwing us into a debt of unimaginable numbers.

you mean the Iraq war right? that lead to the collapse in 08, while a republtard was in office.
you realize you dumber than a box of bent hammers right?

children laugh at stupid people like you.

looks like bush and trump are in such a big rush to bring back shitty industrial manufacturing jobs that nobody wants.

butt hurt faggot, suck more retarded dick.

this guy gets it. sometimes a government has to get firm in order to solve a big problem. we have some big problems right now that everyone's too afraid to get messy and solve, but it needs to be solved.

And how do you stabilize a country that is rife with tribal and religious conflicts?

you cant end islam by erasing the premise of freedom for Americans, thats just power hungry dip shits trying to oppress the citizens to retain power.

you dont even know how to tie your own shoes kid.

the collapse of 08 was the leftover fallout from the shit that the clinton administration left bush with. thats how democrats work. they patch up holes with garbage for the time theyre in office, then let it crumble apart when Republicans take office so they can point their fingers at them. Its childish, predictable, and ruining our country. If Trump could be president for more than two terms and finally get to do the things he's been planning, you'll see exactly what i mean.

put a leader in place that works with us and we work with them so that they can effectively keep the tribes from fucking with eachother. a government that's democratic, by force if need-be.

you couldnt punch your way out of a wet paper bag.

08 had nothing to do with bill clinton.

you really should just stop trying to pretend you have any semblance of intelligence

so OP is planning to make america great again the same way Hitler planned to make Germany great again. Sure, it would probably work very well for about 5 or 6 years, until our military gets thrown away by trying to conquer other countries and then we have to be held responsible for being immeasurably terrible assholes.

you are a looney

So a perpetual military presence? Because you realize the schizm between the sunni and shia is religious ideology, right? It's not about governance. It's about which goatfucker is the one true goatfucker.

neocons (aka sayanim goyim) did 9/11 exactly for that purpose.

just ask PNAC and Jews to do it again.
USrael has quite experience about falseflags

Are you talking about a one world government? A New World Order perhaps? That gear has already been turning ever SINCE 9/11.

Now there is no need for another 9/11, hardly any need for any terrorist attack at all. There is already so much turmoil within the country, we forget the shit going on overseas. We are distracted and disgruntled and at some point, peace will be something the people will desperately crave.

A terrorist attack will only bring more terror. It's the unity behind the idea of 'piece' that will cause us to be blinded by our own desires as we offer our well-being to the government for the sake of all humanity. Then, once everyone is on board, we become systematically governed by a false promise, giving this One World Government you mention it's rightful place in the world.

>tl;dr it doesn't matter how many 9/11's happen, we will be given false hope for peace and in turn surrender ourselves to the NWO.

But in throwing people in camps for their political ideologies does that make us better than the Nazis or Soviets? I think it is a valid idea but will never occur in the US, because who decided who is an extremist? The government? Politicians will dig their greedy claws into that and use it to crush opposition. It will be McCarthy all over again. We need public forums, and debate, strictly moderated to promote debate not whatever Trump did.

As for online extremists, it should be up to the social media websites to ban the extremists on either group making them go to fringe websites for their echo chambers. There recruiting new members will be difficult since they no longer have a main stream platform to spread their ideas. They will fizzle out without new followers.

In addition we need to fundamentally change how the media is run, focus on journalism and factual evidence rather than the News being political entertainment, or infortanment.

i wouldnt mind a one world government if it was run the way trump wants things to work. people should be proud to be involved in the betterment of mankind, free to grow their business, no longer threatened by the petty or indolent. if we stop running our government like a charity case, accept that some people are truly better than others and allow the strong to succeed and the weak to weed themselves out, we could do absolutely amazing things.

As long as it's americans

that would make a great excuse in order to fuck up Korea.

Trump has more of an opportunity than Bush did, he has a republican majority congress and the Republican party still hasn't done jack shit in 9 months in power.

Democracy is supposed to be inefficient it's a part of the checks and balances to ensure that the will of the people is put into law, not the whims of a cheeto. Shit getting done worries be because many poor decisions are made in haste.

if people want to have different political ideologies they should have them somewhere other than america. that's whats kept us in gridlock for ages now. we've been allowing everything to be questioned so long that we don't even bother to care about getting anything done. its like watching someone trying to replace a car tire and all the passengers complaining about anything they can. the jack not being hydraulic, the lugs being dirty, the scratches on the hubcap, the spare being unproven. meanwhile we're on the side of the road not getting anything done or going anywhere.

maybe im just tired of watching endless, pointless debates. we have a problem with illegal immigration, we have a problem with terrorism, we have a problem with china and india taking our jobs, we have a problem with people doing nothing and asking uncle sam for free handouts. we can solve these problems if debate was held aside for 5 minutes and we acted on solutions, even if they aren't perfect ones or are dificult choices to make.

I don't know about but I enjoy democracy and it's inefficiencies so long they guarantee my personal liberty. and in order for there to be democracy differing political ideologies MUST exist. I want to choose what I believe its what I want for the world not because the government tells me to.

I will not sacrifice freedom for a totalitarian state where differing opinions cannot exist.

But what if the chosen political ideology tried to change the tire by stealing someone else's, or patching it with a patch that is not fit for modern tires, or by putting the spare on and driving to the mechanic and getting a new tire. the point is that differing ideologies are better for solving different problems we face as a society and abandoning ideologies could severely hamper our ability to address problems appropriately because that ideology is just not capable of doing so because of their core beliefs.

Why can't we start a new ideology with the best parts of all of them?

So, a cult.

I think there is a necessary time for discussion and there is a time for action. as an engineer whenever I'm trying to solve a problem, I gather my team and we discuss whats wrong, whats we know, what we have, and what we need to do. We do it in a very calm manner and when multiple potential solutions are suggested we discuss their merits, costs, and contribution to solving the problem at hand in a very objective manner. and we start our work collaborating and discussing the whole way through, I could dominate discussion and as team leader dictate what everyone does and decide how we're going to solve these problems.

If we jumped in and tried to solve the problem without discussion and purely went off action we wouldn't get anything done because we would be constantly going back to our designs and reassessing them and adjusitng them in reaction to each other. We would be spending much more time troubleshooting and fixing resulting problems than if we had discussed, debated, and coordinated our ideas and solutions.

Sure pure action is appealing at first because it seems like it will be the most efficient way to go about thing when in reality it isn't.

>start supporting and cooperating with the government again
>cooperating with the government
ha fuckwit no
gtfo of USA

You're speaking way over most people's heads. The majority of people don't think or act in this way, especially as a massive group.

Who decides what the best parts are? what about good parts about different ideologies that are mutually exclusive like the freedom from capitalism and the unity of a centralized communist state?

You don't really have much of a choice.

People have different opinions on what the best parts would be. There's no such thing as a perfect ideology. Unity is contradictory to human nature.

No, but a government can and should act like this. and we need to dispel the idea that an outsider will solve problems they know nothing about. Sure an outsider can propose a solution every now and then but 9/10 its the experts who know best. Advisors should be selected out of merit because they are experts in the field they advise on, not because they're an outsider who will reform or deregulate or is best friends or a son in law with the powers at be


yeap ur that fuckwit
i have many choices here there and everywhere
learn to earn and save capital

What this entire world needs is a good extinction. Humans have failed.

I agree. It's unfortunate that both extremes of the spectrum that dominate American political discourse completely oppose meritocracy. The left wants "equality" and the right prefers "morality".


Ozymandias was right user. You know it.

how? all this'll do is make people remember what 9/11 caused
-the current insurmountable debt
-over a MILLION civilian deaths in the longest wars ever fought by america
-a war started over falsified information
-the revocation of every americans privacy and right to a fair trial without discourse (torture)
-a far less safe country with far more frequent terror attacks and constant threats of terror attacks

literally the only reason people hate the current government (aside from corruption) is because of the governments actions caused by 9/11
whole system should be torn down and rebuilt at this point, no one will ever trust the americuck government.
honestly surprised it even made it this far, after reagan and his bullshit war on drugs it's unfathomable to believe americucks would just lay back complacently while their freedoms are stripped, their country sold to cartels, and their politicians enslave the population via imprisonment and threat of imprisonment, over something as mundane as what drugs you want to decide enter your body and when.

tl;dr gut the whole fucking system and rebuild it, focus on states ability to dictate their own laws/rights while completely removing federal laws while still heavily enforcing the constitution. (but allow extradition from each state obviously)

Nah it wouldn't be anything to join. You either follow the ideology or not. No big deal

You're describing every ideology.

Those aren't conflicting ideologies. :P
Both want you to put your agency into a power greater than yourself. Capitalism ends in monopolies communism starts there. As for who picks the best... if the ideology itself was to take the best ideologies out of all the available ideologies than we could all practice it and agree we have the best ideology.

09-29-2017 at lunch be there

If it was contrary to human nature we wouldn't build societies ^-^ just because you feel trapped in your isolation doesn't mean we feel trapped in our unity.

That couldn't have been what I was going for all along. Fuck.

>-a far less safe country with far more frequent terror attacks and constant threats of terror attacks
forgot to add, they also made doing something as simple as boarding an airplane now hell and borderline rape.

It would have to be something that makes the TSA look so bad congress has no choice but to disband them and return to the days of sanity in airports.