

floof and stuff!


Stop masturbating to cartoon depictions of anthropomorphic animals.

you first, bub






Avaunt you wicked split tongue devil!


not a devil
just a witch


Heed my words devil!





this face and scenario interests me...

Why are you always flying your helicopter here Chris Thoman?










more mares!


a fan of horse butt?




What? No animal gore? I thought that's what happened in these threads?

She's cute

I am not into these things. Never have been. But this picture. This picture I am into. Something about her face changed my opinion today. Maybe I like these.

nah, these threads are for floof and floof accessories




That's liable to happen sometimes
Furries are really good at making exaggerated facial expressions
Have more dragons from that same artist

This one is less interesting to me.

Very well.

Looking to get back at ASPCA for all the junkmail. Any recommendations for where to find animal gore?







I wouldn't know, sorry









This one is correct





I wanna snuggle with this floofy lady



















>mammalian vagina

that's a paddlin.



I totally misread that as 'that's a paladin'


floof is better in any case

I have saved more of these fortuna pics than I care to admit. Am I a furry now







yeah, maybe a little furry
it's not a bad thing, a lot of the art is great, and the less crazy half of the community tend to be good, friendly people

