Since men burden women with pregnancy and child birth...

Since men burden women with pregnancy and child birth, aren't women owed extra compensation in daily life to make up for this inequality imposed on them by men? Before you say men aren't at fault, remember who it is that gets women pregnant. They don't do it to themselves, men do it to them.

>getting pregnant just happens to a woman

please just stop

My burden is that when there's war, I will be drafted and killed while women are watching TV and eating a sandwich.

Thats why they are supposed to just hang out around the house do some easy shit like cooking and watching some shit on tv.

>it's men's fault that women are biologically female

>he doesnt live in America where both genders get to die for jews

point and laugh

Women as passive, men are active. Men chase, women are caught. It's basic biology.

>Single Mother cuntposting detected

Not our fault a woman wants to keep the fetus and let it develop. Women have far more opportunities to stop it, men don't.

What kind of a shit argument is that?

So everything just "happens" to a woman?

Last I checked women are the gatekeepers of sex, and up until they created the welfare state in the west in the 1930s they were very careful about whom they married.

Now big daddy government will pay everything for them if their husband fails. How can you support feminism, an ideology that at its core postulated women to be responsible enough to vote and be economically active, is now trying to deny and and all agency to women?

What is your stance about women aborting when the father wants to keep the child?

Stop complaining and make me a sammich!

I thought what feminists fought for was the abolishment of positive discrimination as well as negative.
Guess women like their gibmedats too.

>men burden women with pregnancy
Tell that to the whores down the road

>gatekeepers of sex
Women are weaker than men. Choice for them is an illusion. Their illusion of choice is created by men. Without men enforcing this illusion, it would not exist.

Feminism only exists because men allow it to exist. Feminism is the fault of men.

Women are sex objects, sex objects shouldn't have rights

If the choice really was an illusion, why did 80% of women have sex with 20% of men 10,000 years ago?

Also good job avoiding 90% of my arguments.

Being a woman is what they are. It's not a fucking job assigned to them by lord patriachy.
Stop this shit.

They only have rights because men gave them to women. Men are at fault for the actions of women because men allow those actions. This is why traditional cultures strictly regulate the actions of women and hold their husbands or fathers responsible for the consequences of female actions.


Such a baity post.

You're avoiding the biological fact that men are stronger than women. They don't choose except in the artificial constructs of society backed by the threat of male violence. Violence is the ultimate winning argument.

Why are you so confused anons?

I'll happily allow non-discrimination to people that have earned it, be they man or woman.
Women in military? Yeah sure if they don't mind the labour and marches, no respect for the whiner who wants into the military because her brother did, all the while expecting to be treated like a princess.

I don't like manhaters and soft tyrants because they unreasonably expect handouts for the mere fact of being a woman or minority ethnicity.

I hate everything about this post

Gender war when?

Sometimes taking the bait leads to greater discussion, also i'm bored and i want to give my views some air.

That freaking nose.

True, in the Quran it is written that women are not as smart as men and therefore her husband or father should make decision for them, it is also written that women are manipulative and cannot be trusted, which I totally agree with. And the example is out there, muslim women respect and love their husband, are extremely loyal and cannot even think about cheating, a women is like a child, if it's not controlled and disciplined then it will become out of control and crazy.

Manhaters only exist because men allow them to exist. Nothing you hate about women's rights exist except through the consent of men.

A Man
>Be funny
>Have a good career whit high wage
>Be educated
>Be rich
>Aquire high social status
>Be decisive all the time and take risks
>Don't get walked over
>Might get conscripted for war and get shot
>If a boat sinks i have to let the women and children board first

Where is my compensation?
Oh that's right i need to man up kek.

>women are too stupid to make thwir own choices and need men to do everything for them.

Thats what you just said you want.
Fine we can go back to the 60's put the laws there too.

What can i do about that if i'm not willing to tyrannize the other men if they reject my reasoning?

Women are not required to sign up for the draft. And contrary to what Jewlywood films show you, your soldier women hardly ever make it to the front line.

Need to go back further than the 1960s to the 1860s. That's when the men of Wyoming made the choice to allow women to vote. Women should never have been burdened by men with the tyranny of choice. Women having 'choice' is an artificial creation of men. Stop burdening them with this male created obligation that is beyond their ability to manage.

Spread the word of male stupidity in creating the social constructs that give women the illusion of choice.

Why are you promoting Jewish bolshevism?
Didn't you bother to see who wrote that piece of shit?

Selective Service likely will start requiring women to sign up but in reality if there ever is a draft, women will end up being excluded. Men are biologically programmed to protect women and will vote to exclude them from war just as women also will vote to exclude themselves.


i wouldnt even touch a roastie with gloves at this point, id rather fuck a trap.

im rather gay than having some parasite destroy my life.

Men want to have sex. We have to woo, court, flirt.

Women choose to have sex. They just have to say "alright." to any man

Therefore, sex, and all of its potential consequences, are only and ever the woman's responsibility.

She chose to fuck without a condom.
She chose to skip Plan B.
She chose to keep the baby.

Her body.
Her choice.
Her problem.

OP I'm pregnant and nothing is owed to me for compensation. The child is my compensation and I'm very happy with this. Stop acting like women need to be catered to like we are special snowflakes that can't do anything without blaming men.

Women can refuse sex only because men allow them to refuse.

Without men you wouldn't even be able to post here. Women are weak and inferior to men.

Correct. There should be no child support, ever. Women have children because they want to have children. No one forces them. In addition, women will have a lifetime of loyalty, love, and companionship from their children. They should pay the financial costs for these benefits themselves.

>Women are not responsible for their own bodies.

except when they want to make their own life decisions, get an abortion, etc.

Incorrect. Women ultimately only have the choices men allow them to have. Men are strong, women are weak. Freedom for women is an illusion created by men.

>Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms

Women are also BISEXUAL WHORES and EATIN AINT CHEATIN ;3 so they can dyke-out if they want sexual pleasure.

>men do it to them.
If they're forcibly raped, then sure. Otherwise, it's with their consent.

This is why being a slut is universally considered a bad thing.

The weak can't truly consent to the demands of the strong.

>You're avoiding the biological fact that men are stronger than women.

>boiling down European society to "but men can always beat up women"

You realize that if I'm impotent and beat the shit out of a girl for not getting pregnant that she still won't get pregnant, right?

Or does the count of punches have to do with causing immaculate conception, as you said that "Violence is the ultimate winning argument."?

Nature made the choice for you to shoot blanks. Women did not do this to you, biology did. So it's still not the woman who made the choice of being or not being pregnant.

Justify to me why women have no agency.

Surely if women shouldn't be responsible for anything, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote, own property, be economically active, have a drivers license, etc.

When a woman crashes into a man by running a red light, is she still to blame?

When two women crash into eachother with their cars, are the car manufacturers to blame because somewhere up that rabbithole is a male design engineer who included a "privilege meter" on the dashboard?

>Woman uses the help of a sperm bank to get pregnant.