You were here from the beginning, now you're the only thing I have Sup Forums

You were here from the beginning, now you're the only thing I have Sup Forums

Can you provide me any comfort. I'm drunk as fuck.

Have some Gina Gershon, user.

Here ya go.

I'm not sure what that is, but thanks user for replying. I know our rule is to lurk, but sometimes the pain is deep enough that we must post.

As sick as that is, it still helps. Keep it coming user.



This makes me feel like I'm home. Keep going user. You're putting a smile on my face after so long.

What's wrong with you faggot? Hurry up too I need to go to bed

Coming here asking for compassion. You must really be in the most aids infested shit you've ever been in you short, sad life.

that's all I had like that, sorry.

Not really the saddest point in my life, I'm just in a down spot user. We've all been the niggers of jokes, we've all been fucked over at some point but every now and then we frequenters of the shit-end of the web (Or the best-end?) seek a little compassion, we don't wander far because this is where we've built our legacy. What will we leave behind? We'll leave this, for generations they'll talk about the pile of fuck known as Sup Forums.

wha'ts ur deal

I'm sad user. That's what's up. Did that need an apostrophe I don't fuckin know my grammar is fuckin shit nigga

>doesn't give any information
>pile of fuck
Abandon. Sage

Shit gets shitty but it'll get better. Fuck at least you're alive and kicking.

My whole life has felt like a sham, everything I've done has been to impress other people. I know that doesn't sound much different from many other people but fuck, we all end up similar at some point or another.

Yeah I feel like a pile of fucking moldy tits, I don't expect your sympathy you fucking nigger but I'm here for a reason. And the reason I'm here is because this is the only place I've ever felt like I was 'home'. You may be a bunch of fucking autists who jerk off to whatever but you're my friends. You're the closest thing to family I've ever had.



At least there's that user, at least there's that.

I ain't got no queers as friends so you ain't no friend of mine, boy

Wait, is your name Mike?

>Can you provide me any comfort.
we neither could nor would, an oldfag would know this.

Well now you do ya fuckin douche. I don't know any of you fuckers but I'd die for any of you.

If the wall fell and we got rushed by the north koreans I'd defend ya'll nignogs with my last breath because you're what makes people great. You're what makes people people.

Yes. Don't doxx plz

Why you sad dude. From one drunk to another

Fine we are friends whatever goodnight fuckhead

I'm like 0.2% nigger I ain't no mike

Shit yeah my nigger eat my cock

I've given up.

what a predictable faggot


Given up on wha?


It's a pain in the ass but finding something you can really be passionate about is a fuck ton more important than worrying what other fucks think of you. That is why half of us are here, the rest are preteen shit-for-brains. Do you at least got a passion?

Be real and write sentences

I don't give a fuck what other's think about me though user, I think everyone is a preteen shit-for-brains.

I had a passion but it's gone now, taken over by the shit-for-brains.

The will to live is a good start, haven't exactly pinned down the emotion considering I'm fucking obliterated to the point I can barely feel anything.

If only there was a drug that made you feel this fuck-less all the time.

Music is your passion? Guessing from the dethklok pic.

Close but no cigar. I'd love to be into music but video games are my thing. But it was stolen, like I said, from shit-for-brains.

Like playing or programming? I tried getting into programming in college and I failed so bad. I love games but I'm such a fucking casual I can't stand to play PvP games half the time.

Keep being brutal and listen to more metal.

IDK man. You're never too old for a new hobby. Just jump into it if you think you'd like it. If you end up hating it, fuck it then. But it's worth exploring at least

Both. I loved playing video games as a kid, and as a young adult. I've since discovered the entire industry is controlled by individuals who want nothing but games promoting their own agenda.

Producing games that are fun or entertaining is a thing of the past, all of the games today are aimed purely and soul-lessly at money. Companies will take half your profits to publish on their 'DRM platform', punishing you for creating something that people actually enjoy.

It's called heroin.
Avoid it Sup Forumsro.

Also, don't want to sound like a meme but you seem like the perfect person to be helped by psychedelics. They're not magic but they are a unique experience in the least and at best they can provide the tools to fix problems that are too deeply engrained for you to see.

Maybe that's why Indie games made by one or at least a few people are taking off nowadays. Most of the fuckers making high end or even games based on existing IPs are too busy worrying about money to make anything decent.

Congrats, you hate capitalism. The most popular items of an industry will aways agree with the zeitgeist. The beauty of an art (if Sup Forums is art) is that it is timeless. Meaning you can enjoy a game of the past for its essence and don't need to be part of the problem (those who enable the capitalism of games)

What kind of problems user. Where can I pick up such a substance. I'm young, a mere 23 years old. I have no friends.

Where can I acquire this.

"ps I'm not the FBI"

I don't hate capitalism, I hate monopolization. Even individuals creating industry changing ideas can't get ahead because established companies already have a choke-hold on the industry.

Like this fag said, games are heroin. Avoid them if you can. TV and shit that is catered for constant mass consumption as well. You'll learn what you really enjoy and can focus on that and dig deep into it

Some people accept it and some fight back and beat it. It's a fuck ton harder to do the latter for the exact reasons you said but it's only the people that rebel from the norm that make history. Did the game you were working on get cancelled or something?

The oligarchs control most things that make money. Your goal should be to find a hobby that is not consumption. Rather, find a hobby to create. /diy/ that shit. Whether it's reading books to learn about something, building something, designing something, creation will always be more fulfilling than consuming. Unless you are a programmer, video games will always be consuming

Just crushed by a company claiming that they're the 'Industry standard". Capitalism is the only way the world works, but sometimes corporations develop such a mania that nothing can topple them.

That's the truly wonderful thing about psychedelics. They're literally everywhere, there are trace amounts of DMT in many plants, even minute amounts in your own body.

In practice though your best bets are
-research chems (analogues of illegal drugs that are different enough molecularly to not be considered the same chemical) these can be bought online and many are legal (unless you're in the uk)
-deepweb vendors (all you need is an address, some bitcoin and the internet)

-same as above

but also

-shrooms grow out in the wild pretty commonly this time of year just learn where they grow and how to identify them
-mescaline containing cacti such as peruvian torch, peyote and san pedro can be bought online, at garden stores, grown or even found outside if you live in arizone e.g. they are legal to own but only illegal to preparre for consumption
-ayahyasca is easy to obtain, still legal even technically in the uk.
-avoid LSA it's a pretty shit trip

I think the only reason other corporations don't get toppled is because someone with a stronger hunger to succeed doesn't kick their ass. Just look at steam and elon musk. Just fucking started small and fucking exploded up the ranks and no one can stop them. But I guess you're right in a lot of ways, personally I just don't give a fuck about anything so if I could start a business and sell it for a couple million I would just so I could do what I want without a debt for the rest of my life.

I was addicted to research chems/spice/legal alternatives (and I'm aware there's not just one and shit theyre usually so concentrated that it hooks you regardless or you have the worst trip of your life). Natural sources are the way to go, amanita muscaria mushrooms grow in a lot of places (mario mushrooms) and they legally sell them online. No need for nasty ass chemicals fucking you up.

I've tried salvia (Was mixed with some pot I got) but it felt like I was high for days. I might try some mescaline. I'm in Washington State atm.

How is a diphenhydramine trip? I've heard some real horror stories about spiders under the skin and shit but I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Yeah spice and other synthetic cannabinoids are fucking nasty. Glad to hear you managed to quit. Just wanted to provide some variety of options for op but yeah, I agree with you. With shrooms you know what you're getting (assuming you know what you're picking).

not worth it, don't do it. Not necessarily horrible but it messes with vision and perception so that dark objects (black like spiders) are misinterpreted and causes paranoia but a lot of people are stupid and pound 30 pills because it's the only thing in their medicine cabinet.

You can get peruvian torch cactus if you don't live where peyote is.

Remember that through suffering, you can grow to be the strongest individual you'll ever know.

Good luck user. Know that you have a bro that's drinking too.

It was the hardest thing in my life to quit. We had a head shop that was pushing the shit and they ended up getting "smokables" up to the level of heroin before they got shut down and it took me months to stop searching the internet for more. I had to replace it with smoking to get me out of the habit and I've even quit that now.

What about people void of paranoia and fear? I've pretty much crushed any possible fears, since a young age I've made myself numb to fear though the use of over-the-top horror movies and video games. Would you still discourage usage of Di-Mine?

DPH. Honestly it's shit imo, I know some people somehow enjoy the fucked upness of it but considering the potential neurotoxicity, the length and the effects, no way, not worth it. First of all, assumingf you're not having a bad trip, classical psychedelics are actually enjoyable, you can get a nice, natural euphoria, pleasant bodily sensations etc. Secondly I have never heard of anyone gaining anything that could be considered insight from a DPH trip. Also the hallucinations are just completely different, with proper psychs, unless you're fried on a heroic doe, you can tell the difference between reality and the hallucinations.

Salvia shares some of the shitty qualities of LSA and others too. It's just really dysphoric if not unpleasant if you ask me. Psychedelic if used responsible are capable of being sublime.
Psychs are much easier to find if you try and know what to look for. I've given you all you should need.

Ayahuasca, cacti and even grow kits for shrooms can all be bought on the clearnet.

if you are devoid of fear than you get the honor of seeing spiders and very mild hallucinations without being afraid of them. No mind or body high. You'd be better off with an offbrand bottle of robotussin without acemetaphene

*easier to find than you think

robos kind of an aquired taste

Thanks user. I'll try out psychs and see how they work for me. I think I can get some peyote at my local home depot, if not I have a few IOTA that I can sell and get some.

Is the high really that awesome? How long does it feel like? I hate being high and feeling like I've been high for an absurdly long time. When I tried the Salvia + Pot shit I felt like I was in space for god damn days, couldn't focus on shit forever and actually made my situation worse.

ayahuasca, mescalin, and mushrooms are great.

The best experimental mix I've even accomplished was kava kava, baby blue woodrose seeds (LSA) extract, and amanita muscaria. They don't interfere too harshly with eachother but the kava kava creates a careless feeling, the LSA causes enhancements on visual perception (brighter colors), and the amanita concreted the feelings down with a peaceful shaman style out of body experience/higher mind feeling. All legal and natural.

My kitty has a friend

Fuck that LSD rules

Agreed unfortunately 80% of LSD is just experimental chemicals that imitate a majority of the experience not the real thing.

Too bad it's friend is boring as death.

Huh...I'm Mike from SC. No alcohol so i'm just angry instead of sad. You sound like I do. I guess we all visit this shit hole every once in a while. It may be full of people who are almost as bad as I am, but at least there's a general unspoken understanding. Well, I guess we're speaking about it now.

Don't kill yourself man. Drink some fucking water and take an over the counter pain killer before you hit the bed. Wake up and do something you've never done before.

Easier said than done. Physical tasks are the easiest. Then move on to shit that requires cognition. Or be a gym rat, which will force you to find a will to live. Never underestimate endorphin's. They will stabilize the shit out of your mood.

i feel you nigga


Ya fall asleep ya drunk fuck?

He said he feels the nigga, not feels the ultra mega giganigga

For me:
Ayahyuasca 4 hours of full effects then two of mild psychedelia

Shrooms: 6 jours of full then anything from 2-3 of milder psychedelia

Mescaline-depends on cacti, same as shrooms pretty much tho

The high really depends on the set and setting you're in. Unlike coke or codeine or whatever it really depends on how you feel. You have to just let go, And make sure you're in a good place to trip (I know I already said set and setting) make sure you won't be disturbed by anyone, that you measured out the right dose so you don't mistake the come up for you dying (psychs have a pretty hard to reach toxic thresholfd anyway). YYes, in the wrong setting it can be uncomfortable and it really depends on which psych you have.

For me shrooms just makes me feels really heavy, mescaline is energetic, like electricity and ayahuasca is like being in a rocket blasting off in the comeup like you feel G-force and really strong euphoria (I reccomend taking psychs in bed or wrapped in a blanket on the floor because of this). If you do go with it yeah, you get nive euphoria (I think what makes it nice is that it's not forced like other classes of drugs) as well as music sounding amazing, having increased empath as well as a general experience of everything makin 'sense' like you can understand really abstract psilosophical concepts like something a kid made out of lego.

Honestly the best way of explaining what your first proper psychedelic trip can feel like (afterwards mostly. In the trip you'll probably spend it thinking about something or just like wide eyed dilated pupilled going "whoa" is like you've spent your entire life at ground level, not seening the layout of the roads and the land and shit and then you go up a tall building a helicopter, plane or something and you just have this perspective that makes your perception of the world beforehand seem flat.

Also apologies for my poor grammar anfd language, I'm not an acid caualty; just lazy and tired.


Southern Mike here again, shrooms led to some of the most incredible experiences in my life. Far more visceral than LSD, imo, which brings on a very thought driven anxiety. Shrooms just give you butterflies in the first 20 minutes or so, and then you become a part of your surroundings. Literally 2 of the best moments of my life. Experiencing a totally different state of consciousness in your adulthood is a bit of a wake up call. It's also very pretty, lol


I've wanted to try kava for ages. Need to experiment with AM too.
Unfortunately I've only ever had weird dysphoric experiences with HBW seeds. They just put me in a really dingy introspective mindset (after the peak trip to be fair).

Maybe when I get the money and time I'll try that or at least perform some 'experiments'

Definetly a wake up call. probably the best way to describe it. Also very pretty. I get the people who hear this and say "surely you can experience this without using drugs" but I can't think of anything as consistently humbling, personal and beautiful.

I've copied and pasted everything you've said so I can look over it when I'm sober. Thanks drug user, I'll be sure to retain your advice.

Thank you.

Still here user, internet sucks ass. But still here.

Really it changes your life for the better in a lot of ways as long as you don't freak out or are forced to do it. Shamans knew what they were doing and they still practice with mushrooms, DMT, and ayahuasca

It's just like Sup Forums for your thread to become an alt high thread lol

Hey man it's an escape. I may be sad, but if someone offers me a sounding and reasoning way out better bet your ass I'm taking it.

Sup Forums is the only family I've got, raised as a Jehovah whit-tard I've only got you guys.

Never look to religion, hasn't helped me for shit in my 23 years of being on this earth. Drugs might be your only temporary escape from this hell.

Totally understand, I've actually been part of the conversation lol I spent years finding alternative highs before pulling my life together after dropping out of college.

Southern Mike here again, upstate SC. Do I actually know any of you fuckers or are we just experiencing the whole "oh right everyone born in the 90's was named Michael" thing?

Hey I was born in the 90's too.

94 here, you?

My pleasure. To be honest user, a year and a half ago I was in a pretty similar situation to you. The thing is I don't think I even realised I;d kind of just given up on everything. I've had to deal with chronic depression since I was 12 but at that point I also had a real situation that was made me depressed, the term learned helplessness comes to mind. Anyway I was fucking around with the ingredients for Ayahuasca that I had bought online and was trying to get high from it (I was a dumbass and didn't weigh out the right/enough of a dosage) it was night and I was lying on my bed waiting for something to happen, wondering if it's going to do anything and then you feel it, genuinely like being layunched in a rocket.
It's uncanny, what happened immediately (I'd taken a pretty big dose) as I came up was I remembered crushing the seeds before, kind of bored and depressed but I viewed it as a comletely seperate person.

The best way I can describe it is that night, pretty much immediately on the come up, the trip, the drug, me or whatever killed that 'learned helplessness part of me' I know that sounds bad or weird or whatever but it wasn't an intrinsic part of me, it was something that I'd aquired from my hopeless pit of despair. No it didn't kill my depression but it made me realise that I can't be so docile and if I'm depressed noone is going to help me, it;s not their job, it's mine. I've been depressed since but I know now that I have to TRY if I want it to end because that's the difference between being a victim or not.

Anyway I'm glad I could help user. Best of luck. I sincerely hope that what I've said helps you find what you need.

Bout the same time. Too paranoid to give a specific year. Probably all those drugs I took in a very short amount of time. Jokes aside, it was definitely the binge drinking.


For me, drugs can be like a vacation. They don't pay your mortgage but they show you somewhere better and give you the will to live to carry on.

born and raised in backwoods TN.
never fit in with the idiots around me.
drinking life away knowing full well whats wrong and what needs to be done to fix it.

sometimes i do wonder what life could be like if i just went. just go with the fucking wind. grab a backpack with water and peanut butter and fuck all else and just go.
maybe everyone needs a good adventure/suicide mission in their life to really grasp the beauty of it.
maybe im just wasted.
probably the latter

the mike thing was about my friend from wisconsin named mike K. lol it's probably just because of the 90s micheal BS. I'm a 92 John

No one is wasted, but no one is here for a reason. You need to make a reason why you're here. I may just be a drunk depressed Sup Forumstard but even I know that there's something out there for everyone, no it's not your 'destiny' but it's something.

You could waste your life away or kill yourself but then you'd be bored as shit for all eternity or however long it is before something else comes along

Why not blow life away on something pointless even if it seems stupid, and quite uniformly meaningless to do?

As one user once said, the world is your oyster. I'm wallowing because I can't do anything better, but you could. Go fuck a whore or something, do hard drugs and experience the euphoria that follows. Just off yourself before the cops get to you, at least experience something.;

there is no destiny. everything in this universe is a chaotic sparodic unorganized chain of events.
>fun fact: thats how you and i are here
as for throwing caution to the wind thats what i mean by taking off. being homeless. or a wanderer. perspective there i suppose.

also you talked about death. i never mentioned wanting to die because my beliefs are what can be proven or at least logically deduced. and non-existence is the only actual outcome of death.
although in times like these. i often wonder if literal non-existence would really be that much worse than my life as ive come to know it.

Shit, might as well go all in and try to do what you love in life instead of kill youself. You have 60+ years of life (realistically) to do what you want and you might as well do everything in your power to try.

nigger realistically we may all die tomorrow of a nuke.
or fuck politics we may each individually die spontaneously of a brain aneurysm. fact is life is chaos and unpredictable.
although your thought process there isnt wrong in the least

None of those are realistic if the odds are less than 1%. We could get nuked but it's unlikely. We could have an aneurysm but it's unlikely unless you have a preexisting medical condition. But you're right, it's a crazy how easily shit could end. Gotta at least try to live life to make yourself happy and if you don't accomplish it before the bombs drop than fuck it, at least you tried and the trip to your dream was probably better than your end goal anyways.

Depression over capitalism, alternative highs, and a black guy fucking a mini santa. Just a regular day at Sup Forums

