GOP BTFO by Jon Stewart

>Jon Stewart took an hour from his "retirement" to remind us all just how bad the GOP has become!

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Thanks for posting here, Jon. Enjoy your retirement!


That fucking nose sweet jesus.
Jon Stewartstein is the giga kike.


Thanks john! You fucking bitch!!

They really can't come up with new strategies can they. They probably paid him a lot to do this.

Well, he's actually right about that. That's essentially Trump's platform.

But wait, Trump is a racist sexist egomaniac so he doesn't count :^)

Talk all the shit you want Sup Forums, he is right.

Pretty much. The new late night talk show hosts failed, so they brought him back. Disingenuous as always though.

>implying Trump crashing this party with no survivors was a bad thing

>Still perpetuating the myth that Obama hasn't gotten virtually everything he's wanted under this pathetic Republican congress.

Go back to cucktopia, Jon. Keep on saying that women do nothing wrong.

He was invited to speak at the college.
He in all likelihood wasn't paid at all.

What are you talking about? They have shot down anything they could since they got back their majority.


He's right.


"The problem is that there is only one political party in america" well he got that part right.

He wouldn't have made it if he hadn't retired and had to spend a whole year covering trumps campaign

Thanks. I needed a slimy Jew to tell me what's what.

>The opposition is meant to acquiesce and let the president have everything he wants!!!
>What do you mean Obama should've negotiated? He won the election!
>Fucking rethuglicans not letting us get out way

A fucking comedian.

da fuk you smoking that is how hillary and bill have made millions, they pay alot for these appearances and it cones out of the students pocketd

i am now a #CruzMissile


What is objective reality in your opinion?

You might want to stop talking like a 12 year old if you want to be taken seriously in life.
Hillary and Bill are not John Stewart, why do you think that because others do something that all must do it?
Besides this guy ran one of the most influential and commercially successful shows TV history. He doesn't need the money.

>the political party that wants less government involvement is stopping the liberal boot from choking their necks

Oh my.

Speakers usually get payed. At universities too... And Jon Stewart is listed as a speaker you can hire here. Seems 1+1 to me. Not that that is a bad thing necessarily, and I don't think his opinion is for sale, but whenever he's somewhere as a speaker, you can safely assume he got payed. If only for expenses.



>He doesn't need the money.

Then why is he listed as a speaker for hire? >

Forgot the link because apparantly I'm retarded.

And then comes election day on which this Anointed One and all his fellow travelers get exactly one vote per person, just like all the unenlightened plebs they so love to look down upon.
And then they will lose. And then they will wonder how the fuck that happened. And they will blame education and the media despite controlling both for decades.


Maybe he just likes speaking? Seems likely for someone with his background.
Look, as much as I hate to stoop to Sup Forums's level of stereotyping, hes Jewish and successful. I highly doubt he needs it.
Also this is his first appearance since he left the Daily Show. Most likely has been running lines through his head for the past year, must have finally came to a head.

slimy propagandist with a Messiah complex.
Unquestioned assertions from the prophet.
I used to watch his shit until i realized "Liberals" are what they call others. I had never looked at the boogymen others and what they had to say/ what they were fighting for. It's 1984 tier bullshit.


Can you say
>executive order

People don't tend to stop working just because they don't need any more money..
>Also this is his first appearance since he left the Daily Show.

Doesn't mean he did it for free though..

>Now instead of being spoonfed by liberal i am being spoonfed by conservatives!

thank god this jewish comedian let us know how bad the gop is

Yes, I forgot that executive orders were invented when Obama took office.
Besides, that isn't what we were talking about, the premise of this conversation was about the Republicans laying down and giving him what he wanted, which is not what happened, at all.

Liberals seriously believe their ideology is the one and true way.

>People don't tend to stop working just because they don't need any more money..
Celebrities, yes. People, absolutely not.
I'll cede you that he may (or may not have, I don't know his finances) have taken money for it, but my point, is that its very unlikely he needs it.

>look how dumb the GOP is
>what a bunch of dummies, amirite?
>p-please look away from the violence at our party conventions, guys!

And conservatives don't?

So why did the DEMOCRAT budget plan for 2016 have more REPUBLICAN votes than democrat

>Also this is his first appearance since he left the Daily Show
im pretty sure he's done this more than once since he left
his replacement was an abysmal failure

We live in a society where social equity is the law of the land. Liberals have won on every front except in two areas. Guns and over the last few decades, taxes.

We are still getting 300,000 refugees this year. Even after governors, senators and congressmen said no. Still getting them. No repeal to obamacare. No impeachment proceedings. Just executive order and bypass the other branches.


Cultural refinement is the source of moral 'objectivity', as such is necessarily a construct.

Like what? They've caved on the budget every single time

>Solomon Islands

oy vey nationalism was sooo 1940 now its time for open borders and globalism! (but not israel remember holocaust and evil nazis)

>Stewart's family emigrated to the U.S. from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus (thus also making him a Litvak Jew)

Well, he's wrong. To whatever degree some in the GOP try to lower the impact of government, they (the GOP) are doing plenty of things utilizing federal power. The difference is that the GOP tries restraining the expansion of federal government. But in reality, they end up being hogs at the table. The sad truth is that there isn't a party that stands firmly behind exploring all alternatives before throwing federal expansion at problems.

>Objective morality

I almost threw up

>implying violence cannot solve conflicts

are you stupid or something?

>when the left does it it's fine

>when the right does it it must be fascism

So what, you just pull things out of your ass and call it fact?

>implying morality is not objective


No, he hasn't, I've looked.
Google it.

I am sure i care what a Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz thinks no seriously goy i care

>guy who would never vote republican and hates anything associated with "conservationism" and also deliberately obfuscates and misunderstands points they make, proceeds to "advise" them how to solve their problems

As defined by liberals? Fuck no

Conservatives are a huge tent that are all united in opposition to liberalism. Conservatives vary widely and Republicans vary even more widely. I wouldn't even call conservationism an ideology. It's political pragmatics combined with social traditions.

quads of antisemitism

Wait, so now Trump represents the GOP?

Wasn't he an outsider like, 2 days ago?

God damn liberals just can't make up their minds.

Zero consistency.

Eh, too be honest, real life liberals rarely care about guns, I own 7 and plan to vote Bernie. Politicians bring it up when a shooting happens to score points. Its politics.
I think the people who were opposed to taxes have become more fervent, that pledge they did is a good indicator, from what I've seen though, people who aren't latched on to one or the other have come around to the idea of higher taxes on top earners. Certainly on large corporations.

Fuck, he looks like a jew straight out of the Old Testament

>want to watch it for some of his "jokes"
>don't want to (You) the video
Is there a way to take back your (You) from a video?

If thats the case why is he bitching about the GOP then? Oy vey!

I like how your link actually says nothing about who voted for it. Oh but it does say it will pass even with a Republican majority.

Here's where I differ on taxes. I don't think the government needs more revenue. It needs less revenue. The government already collects too much money and has too much spending. The only benefits I get from government are law and order, military and infrastructure. The government has expanded far beyond those basic functions. If the government collects more revenue from me it isn't going to spend that revenue in my interest. Nor do I trust the government to act in my interest in fact I trust it to do the exact opposite and act toward my detriment. I'm not going to give aid to an institution that advocates my harm.

If we didn't we'd lose respect (and much more importantly influence) from the allies across the pond. Congress knows that they have to appease the hardcore liberals that run the EU. And, plainly speaking they are the best shield we have against the middle east right now. 300,000 is nothing divided into 300 million anyway.
What would they replace it with?
For everything the GOP hates about Obamacare, its still better now than it was. And I haven't heard anything better coming out of the Senate.

It was either that or take another hit for causing a government shutdown. Didn't work out well for them last time. Besides their salaries depend on it passing.
Both parties are hugely more complex than the other makes them out to be. They are made of millions of people. The mean average isn't really representative at that level.

I never found out the Jewish pecking order kek.
Boston jews> Russian Jews > Isreal jews?

>It was either that or take another hit for causing a government shutdown. Didn't work out well for them last time. Besides their salaries depend on it passing.

What does that have to do with anything? They were given back both houses of congress solely because people wanted real opposition to Obama's shit and they refuse to provide any. With all the scandals Obama has been tied to, an impeachment would be very doable if they actually gave a fuck.

The bill, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, passed the House with a vote of 266–167, with just over two-thirds of Republicans voting against the bill, and all Democrats and the remaining Republicans voting for passage, with one not voting.[21] The bill passed the Senate with a vote of 64–35, with 35 Republicans voting against.[22] It was signed by the President on November 2, 2015.[23] The Treasury had estimated that extraordinary measures used to fund the government beyond October 1 would likely be exhausted no later than November 3.[24]


two parties is one too many



Fuck, sorry to yell at you, I'm just pissed at people like that faggot who blames the Republicans for all their problems. I have no loyalty to that shitty party, either. I'm just talking like it is.

>Another liberal elite calls all republicans and everyone that doesn't serve his ideals terrible human beings

>I don't think the government needs more revenue. It needs less revenue.
I think it need both more revenue and less expenditure. I'm not an economist, so this is really kind of out of my purview, but I know if I spend less on shit I don't need, and earn more than I previously did, My budget seems to get fixed and my debts paid.
Like I said, Economics is one of those things so I've heard, even the professors can't use it to predict things accurately.

>law and order, military and infrastructure.
Certainly the most important I agree. I think the government can do more though, in a way that does not also make people dependent.

But you are right it really just comes down to whether the government is spending the taxes in a way you agree with. I a grew up poor, really really fucking poor, without some of the programs people love to hate here, I wouldn't have had an education, medical assistance or food for that matter. I grew up and made something of myself and got out of that hole partly because I was educated, fed, and healthy.

I like this conversation, its nice to have a real one on this website, breaks the monotony.

Sigh... no one is fucking saying all of our problems are due to shit puke invading mexicans and muslims give me a break.

I DESPISE this fucking kike. He has the audacity to brow beat conservatives for the war in Iraq when the truth is it was his blood thirsty tribe in Israel and America that pushed for it. What a typical projecting Jewish rat

>What does that have to do with anything?
In Washington? Everything. The one unavoidable aspect of humanity is that they will always do what is in their best interest.

>solely because people wanted real opposition to Obama's shit
Highly, highly, debatable.
Congressional elections are hugely different from presidential ones, and are also much more manipulable as well. For fucks sake we elected the terminator, just because he was the terminator.

>With all the scandals Obama has been tied to, an impeachment would be very doable if they actually gave a fuck.
Name one fully evidenced, and reliably provable illegal thing he has done.

>people voted and got a few people elected to block the piece of shit nigger president from doing more nigger things
>nig still nigs
>"wahwahwah. We didnt get everything we wanted and thats why this system is broken"

Holy fuck. Are people this fucking brainwashed that they dont understand how our government (should but doesnt anymore over all) works?

John stewart thinks hes a lot smarter than he really is

They came to the table, 2 years before when the law that the republicans were leveraging for the shutdown passed.
Obamacare was a not starter, they knew that, they knew the Dems wouldn't give up Obama's signature law even facing a shutdown.

It would be like the south stalling a budget in congress to re-enact slavery after the civil war. You don't throw away a past victory for a new one.

And conservatives don't?
Have you ever been here before?

Don't you mean Jon Leibowitz?


Half of the threads on this board are just that man.

yet another jew who changed his name to hide his jewishness from the goyim

>Jon Stewart opposed the war in Iraq from the very beginning
>Actually he didn't because other Jews supported it

Hands down the worst argument I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

When he was tending bar I would make a point of avoiding him because his hands and forearms were mutantly hairy....a tiny ugly fucking creep.

>In Washington? Everything. The one unavoidable aspect of humanity is that they will always do what is in their best interest.

Yes, but them failing to represent the people who voted for them is the problem. Not that they're somehow being unfair to Obama

>Highly, highly, debatable.

Don't give me that shit Obama's been losing congressional seats like crazy since the day he took office

>Congressional elections are hugely different from presidential ones, and are also much more manipulable as well. For fucks sake we elected the terminator, just because he was the terminator.

That was California. Don't give me that we shit.

>Name one fully evidenced, and reliably provable illegal thing he has done.

You don't have to get a conviction to at least begin the process. Even without a fire there's more than enough smoke to get the ball rolling between Fast and Furious, the NSA, Benghazi, and lying to force through the Iran deal. Show the people that you care about the blatant corruption.

Why do you think all Jewish people know and coordinate with all other Jewish people?
The Jewish community has more infighting than Muslims, they just don't kill each other as often. Have you ever been to a jewish reunion? I worked at hotel that hosted one every year, all they did was just snidely talk shit on each others families and children. Funny stuff really.


I will not listen to a single word about how this president should be charge with a crime while we had Bush Jr for 8 years.

The Democrats are openly trying to normalize pedophilia, some displaced criminals is at the bottom of my priorities. Zionist.

>Jon "Stewart"
>David Axelrod

Kikes are the cancer of humanity