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mods are asleep, post sinks

That guy does not look 5'8









Holy fuck that's hot

Tbh I would rather have the one on the right, shit looks tasty

are you fucking retarded? she was a young girl in a fucking hot facial abuse video and anons found her. pretty straightforward

so what was funny about it?

Also wanting to know? Is your humor that shit?

Who cares? Your humor is shit and you should feel bad

she sucks dicks lol

Just feel like sharing this story so here you go
>be 18 yo me
>in long distance relationship
>get on facebook live (facetime or whatever it was called back when i was 18, im 23 now)
>talk for hours it gets steamy
>before long were both naked, doing stuff
>i "finish" and she starts dressing
>glance at the text chat in the room just by chance
>realize it was an open chat a dude i went to highschool with was in there the whole time
>never face this man again

Fake but not gay

Wait what

Dude, I'm like 5'7". I'm considered a manlet, but not a fucking dwarf. They probably meant 4'8".

Did he like it?

that's really sad man

>They probably meant 4'8".
Dwarf's are under 4'. A tall dwarf would be in the 3'8" range.


Seeing as he stayed, probably


Multiple people can watch you without seeing each other? I'm confused

School shooting I guess?

He's posted this story in lots of threads. Faglord

this happen in mexico, its funny how after 3 days nobody remenber it.... even troght pictures of the dead kids and the techer was leak, the mexican goverment was saying that they still alive in the hospital.... also this is the first school shoting in mexico made by a kid...

Some mexican kid from mexican Sup Forums shot up his mexican school and an heroed for no real reason. Just wanted to.

Killed a couple kids and the teacher I believe. Gun was legally owned by his father. In the longer video you can see him as he appears to tell a friend to leave the room before shooting, indicating the friend was in on the plan somewhat.

There's pictures of the aftermath online somewhere.

looks like a beta asian shot a few of the people in the room then killed himself. kid sitting in middle left against the wall pulls out gun and shoots kid across from him with glasses at :19 seconds. looks like he shoots a few more people then kills himself, but i think the other people that got shot were able to get up and run away after he killed himself

Reportedly, after he first tries to shoot himself but misses and jams the gun, he then told everyone they could leave. That's when he reloads and btfo's the roof of his mouth with a bullet.

I thought that said 'Jiayi Wang In Kart'.


, youtube.com/watch?v=bph7GQ2IDJE


please stop existing

put Linux

That had to be a misprint dwarfs aren't 5'8" that's too tall.

Also how is 6 ft tall and average woman? What kind of retard wrote that article.

welcome newfriends


Sad human
